Ottoman Serdar

Discussion in 'WIP Character Sheets' started by shalfort201, Mar 31, 2020.

  1. shalfort201


    Mar 31, 2015
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    The Character Sheet Template is mandatory for all Character Sheets and must be adhered to strictly for a review to take place. You may add upon the Template, but you may not take anything out. Your Sheet will be rejected if you do not meet the minimum requirements. The following Sheet is up to date since 2016/03/27. The Sheet Template is split between Mandatory items and Optional items. Mandatory items need to be inside the Application, players may decide to leave out the Optional parts or add them. They will not be reviewed and are not necessary to become Approved. All Optional sections are marked in Blue.


    Basic Information (Required)
    The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list.Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
    • Full Name: (Ottoman Serdar)
    • Age: (32)
    • Gender: (Male)
    • Race: (Ailor)
    • Sexuality: (heterosexual)
    • Preferred Weapon: (sword)
    Skill Information (Required)
    Total Points:
    38 professional points,
    10 hobby points
    -5 Shielding Combat Skill
    -5 Pole Combat Skill -15 Blades Combat Skill
    -11 Perception Training
    -2 athletics Training
    -10 Musical Arts (hobby)
    Body Shape
    Physical stat : 26 Athletic body type
    Low body fat
    Languages Common Genevaud (first tongue)
    Visual Information (Required)
    The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
    • Eye Color: (green)
    • Hair Color: (brown)
    • Hair Style: (curly)
    • Skin Color: (white)
    • Clothing: (tunic)
    • Height: (180cm)
    Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)
    The following is required when filling out your character application. In order to explain the character’s personality, you may choose between two optional sets of questions. The Question List is meant to make you think out of the box, which is something useful for people who are more comfortable thinking further on their character design, or you may choose The Core List, which sets out the basic relevant data, though requiring a bit more reading on the part of the app maker. Choose one of the following two options for your required Personality section, and ignore the other.

    Option Two: The Core List
    • Choose your Character Alignment
      • Neutral
    • Choose your Character Personality Type
      • Medioter
    • Choose your Character's Religion
      • Unionist
    • I like walking in the nature because the fresh air
    • I like relaxing in a chair and think about life
    • I like to socialise
    • I dislikes smelly places
    • i dislike annoying people because they annoying
    • I dislike alchoholic drinks

    Life Story (Required)
    Ottoman Serdar was born to the Hadrav'yan people in Northern Farah'deen, in a wealthy village called Osmaniyye. His mothers name was Emine Graven, while his father was named Osford. Ottoman was born to a quite poor family, and his family often had to sell crops in order to make money. However, because his village was rather poor, the people made fun of his family for even existing. At age six, Ottoman was expelled into the streets of his village to work in the markets. Ottoman was very sad about this and worked his hardest to make money.(edited)


    At age ten, Ottoman made enough money for his family to move into a more cozy cottage. However, mercenaries from the far west were paid to burn down the Serdar household. This made Ottoman and his family homeless. At age fourteen, Ottoman was street smart, but his parents were elderly. Thieves on the road killed both Emine and Osford, leaving Ottoman to be an orphan. Ottoman decided to learn to fight, so he decided to start. He decided to learn how to fight with a sword, and became quite proficient at it.


    At age eighteen, Ottoman got his own home, and began to make good money. Ottoman soon got married and had children, and they became rather spoiled. However, soon, at the age of twenty, Ottoman lost all of his money to betting, and thus sweared to never do it again. Ottoman's children became undernourished, and both gained clinical Anxiety. Ottoman didn't want his children this affected, so he decided to move to a nearby land, leaving his children with wealthy farmerws who longed children.

    At age twenty five, Ottoman moved back home, but his children were abandoned. He found them homeless just as he was. Depressed, he finds a new family and leaves again. At age thirty, Ottoman decided to continue to learn fighting and perhaps become a thief.
    [10:57 PM]

    At the age of thirty, Ottoman decided to return home and check on his children, who were doing quite alright. Ottoman gave them some money. At the age of thirty two, Ottoman took a trip to Regalia to join a mercenary group, to make money to support his undernourished teenagers.
  2. Dudonka2

    Dudonka2 I'm actually very tired

    Dec 6, 2017
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