Preserved Sheet Otto Horst

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Jul 24, 2018
Reaction score
The Senate
The Empire
Roleplay Guilds
The Shadow Masters
Basic Information:

  • Full Name: Otto Horst

  • Age: 42

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Ailor, New-Regalian
Skill Information:

Total Points: 42 - From Age; 10 - From Race Boost;

  • +10 Shielding Combat Skill (+10 from Points)

  • +10 Marshal knowledge (from Race Boost)

  • +20 Blunt Combat skill (+20 from Points)

  • +6 Frontline Combat Skill (+6 from Points)
  • +6 Linguistic Knowledge (+6 from Points)
Body Shape:

  • Physical Stat: 20 Blunt Combat + 10 Shielding Combat +12 Frontline Combat Skill = 42 Physical Stat.

  • Body Shape: Muscular Body.

  • Body fat: Average body fat.

  • Common (Fluent)

  • Alt-Regalian (Native)
  • Ithanian (Fluent, learned from his sellsword buddies)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations:

  • None.

Visual Information:

  • Eye Color: Dark Brown.

  • Hair Color: Brown.

  • Hair Style: Short length hair, receding hairline.

  • Skin Color: White.

  • Clothing: He wears a chainmail suit without the headpiece and has a leather scale tunic above it.

  • Height: 182 cm, 5'9

Personality and Abilities:

  • First Paragraph: Otto would be percieved as attentive on any task he might be doing, as a mercenary actively working he tends to block out any distractions and focus on whatever he's paid to accomplish. If not working, he's enjoying himself in a tavern or some slums brothel, but he rarely overindulges. He'd be often viewed by his employers as a workaholic since he loves what he does as a sellsword. He'd also seem detached when first meeting people, this subconsciously works as a mechanism to not get close to people he doesn't spend time with.

  • Second Paragraph: Otto feels the pursuit of monetary gain is survival, therefore greed and fear of eventually ending up in the gutter or disease ridden and begging on the streets of the slum drive him to practice what he's best at. When greed isn't present gluttony takes its place, by often spending copious amounts of coin on carnal pleasures and alcohol he practically wastes his earnings, this leads to the fear of losing everything he worked for to come back. He is unaware that he is stuck in a vicious circle.

  • Third Paragraph: His family having perished a long time ago, and with his friends also long gone he hasn't been making new ones since he's been working alone for the past three years. If someone were to get close to him, a task which would be quite hard (reserved) in its own right as he has developed a shield against forming close relations to people he thinks will hurt him by their imminent betrayal. He would prove to be a loyal friend, this fierce loyalty proving itself in the way he handles his contracts by not betraying his customers.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Otto's morality would be classified as lawful neutral, being raised by a shrewd merchant he developed a sense for the monetary and profit from an early age. But he knows right from wrong and wouldn't let himself be employed by someone truly evil again, having learned from his past.

Life Story:

Childhood (1-10): Hailing from the dangerous province of Dragenthal, Otto was born to a wood merchant father, and lowborn mother. He was brought up around the lumber mills and on the boat his father plied his trade on. By 8 he already had a good grip on what his future would be, to take on his father's trade and keep the lumber flowing down the Schon, to the other Regalian regions. But that changed soon enough, two years later, when his father's party got ambushed whilst traveling between two markets and killed, fortunately for him Otto wasn't with his father at the time, but tending to the household with his mother. Unfortunately, his father's business partners seized the family boat and with it, Otto's future as a woods-merchant.

Adolescence(11-18): He took his father's savings from the household and left with his mother for one of the bigger baronies out west where they were given lodgings and where Otto's mother worked as a maid for the town's tavern, in three years time she managed to work her way up to management of the local tavern, as it was under a chain of taverns that spanned Dragenthal. She bought her son training lessons with a local knight that served the baron. The knight saw a part of himself in the hard working and talented young Otto and took him under his wing, he learned both the basics of fighting and of cour life from him.

Adulthood(19-39): The years passed and the old knight died in battle, before Otto's training was complete. The boy was left to defend his mother's honor and the tavern from the common drunkard or the rare rabble of outlaws for a few months. Then a sudden pox stroke the barony and the surrounding lands, wiping out most of the cattle and peasants, taking Otto's mother as well. The now 20 year old adult didn't have anything left there, and so he packed the bare essentials and took for the southern lands where in a tavern he found a band of Ithanian mercenaries that he joined. They worked more than one hundred contracts over a span of nineteen years, they taught him their language and they travelled to many places. Until, yet again, misfortune struck when they fought a band of roving pirates near the coast of Nordskag, they fought for what seemed to be days and only Otto and two of his sellsword companions escaped alive, the company was shamed for failing this contract, and his remaining friends captured by the local guard. He managed to escape to a boat, and fortunately he found his way back to Regalia and to the Capital, where for the last three years, and many to come, he has been a practicing sellsword.
Last edited:
Peer review, up to you if you'd like to make these edits
You can declare each Proficiency on a new Bullet point as exampled below:
You can delete this bullet, unnecessary.
Total Points: 42 - From age.
Add your racial/cultural bonus and state it in parentheses here.
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations:

  • None.
You can also just delete this if you don't have anything to use for it, or put it in a spoiler for later use if you'd like.
First Paragraph: Otto would be percieved as attentive on any task he might be doing, as a mercenary actively working he tends to block out any distractions and focus on whatever he's played to accomplish. If not working, he's enjoying himself in a tavern or some slums brothel, but he rarely overindulges.
All personality paragraphs need at least four to five sentences.
Made some edits correcting some of the mistakes Goldifish mentioned.
Here is my review:

  • Skill Information
    • Your character can only know languages their parents spoke, as well as common. By this extension, your character being able to speak Ithanian is currently impossible without the investment of 6 points into linguistics.
  • Personality and Abilities
    • As Goldifish mentioned, the minimum is around 5 sentences per paragraph. What you have is well written and strong, but I'd like a bit more substance in the first paragraph. How do people view him? Does he act a certain way in order to make himself seem a certain way. Please expand on this.

Make these edits and I'll be happy to accept you!
Here is my review:

  • Skill Information
    • Your character can only know languages their parents spoke, as well as common. By this extension, your character being able to speak Ithanian is currently impossible without the investment of 6 points into linguistics.
  • Personality and Abilities
    • As Goldifish mentioned, the minimum is around 5 sentences per paragraph. What you have is well written and strong, but I'd like a bit more substance in the first paragraph. How do people view him? Does he act a certain way in order to make himself seem a certain way. Please expand on this.

Make these edits and I'll be happy to accept you!

Done, highlighted the edits in blue. @apath