Preserved Sheet Osonia Keysys

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Fazai / Cisva
Aug 11, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Osonia Keysys
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Agender (prefers female)
  • Race: Yanar, Lampar seedling
  • Main Ambition: Osonia's main ambition is to help the people of the world, she only wishes to learn to be a medic, and help the injured.
  • Special Permission: N/A

Visual Information (Required)
  • Hair Color: Auburn Leaves with occasional pink flowers.
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Style: careless/short/scruffy leaves
  • Skin Color: Dark oak Bark
  • Clothing: covers waist and part of legs with leaves, and the shirt only covers the front (both leafy)
  • Height: 2 FT.
  • Body Build: skinny
  • Weapon of Choice: N/A

Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • First Paragraph:
    In other's eyes, Osonia has a strong morality, and is curious. Often, when met for the first time, she may seem odd, or just plain idiotic. After a little bit, most would begin to find her confident, yet curious nature. If anyone were to hear about Osonia, it would be due to her asking about medical careers around the apothecary or clinics around the city.
  • Second Paragraph:
    Inside she feels that she cannot trust those who she was brought into the world by, the lampar. Osonia is confident in her questions and will not turn back after asking anything, and will likely drive the person being questioned insane. She sees herself as a friendly person only trying to help others, often annoying people into letting her help without meaning to. Only when she is speaking of medical procedures, she is uncertain, anything else, she'll look you in the eyes and say, "Well, why dont you prove me otherwise?" She doesn't have any anxieties other than simply being turned down due to her race.
  • Third Paragraph:
    Osonia around friends/owners will act a little more strange, or more normal than usual, either sitting on a bush, or on the chair. Around people she loves, she would tend to sit with/on them, likely asking them to pet her head, likely to feel happy at that point and release a nice scent within the area. Often, when seen from strangers in those situations, she would be seen as an idiot, or a mannered lady.
  • Fourth Paragraph:
    Her morality is often geared and fixated towards helping the people, even if at the harm of her self. She only wishes to do good at any cost. Osonia's moral code is "if it hurts to help, continue to help." which goes with her morality due to her only wanting to help. if she sees another person doing something evil or against the law, she will sneak her way off to report it, or just act like she never saw anything to avoid trouble to continue helping the people of regalia. Osonia will NOT take no for an answer when it comes to helping others.
  • Bullet out character's Talents with at least three sentences expanding on each.
  • Talent #1 - Osonia has a method to tame most animals, not too many predators though.
    Osonia's method tends to calm down most animals, she'll either rub their nose, give them a snack, or just spend time with them like most would.
    She will often use these animals to get around, or to sell to other people.
    Osonia can likely be found in fields of sheep or wild (prey) animals if she isn't at the clinic, at the apothecary, or tavern.
  • Talent #2 - Osonia can easily pick out common herbs.
    She is able to notice a difference in most common Herbs, even if it is a slight color difference most wouldn't notice.
    She is also able to analyze the herb from around 5 FT. away, often leading to her being useful in the wild.
    Osonia will likely notice if it is a herb that the clinics want and take it with her, if she has it written down.
  • Osonia tends to get distracted by the rain and run out to play in it, it makes her feel free, energized, and refreshed. She loves the rain because of the noise it makes, and often the smell that comes with it. The heavier the rain the better.
  • Another thing she likes to do which makes her seem like an idiot, would be her sitting on bushes, or speaking with them. For some reason, this calms her down. She may also be speaking to the bush asking if she can sleep in it for the night, which would make her feel safer than anywhere else. Osonia feels that she is related to the plants and must talk to them.
  • The final thing she likes is to help, since you read the previous areas, you know how she tends to help. helping with anything makes her feel accomplished due to her race's acceptance rate. Helping others also calms her down and makes her happy, resulting in a fresh smelling place the next day.
  • Osonia generally doesnt like lampars, although she'd like to ignore them, she will converse with them if she isn't the one starting the conversation. When she is around lampars, she tends to be a little more tense and not open to the people around her. The lampars also tend to just make her sad, and
    remember herself when she was a child, in which she was abandoned by their kind.
  • She Doesnt like to be around rude people, as she wants to help people, and not be dragged down by the people. These people often make her feel more confident, not wanting to believe them and stride on-wards towards her goal.
  • Osonia does not like any items that go with another religion besides her own. These items often make her question people in unkind ways. The items may also make her a little angry people worship other icons than Estel. She understands that other religions exist, but does not wish to see the items.

  • Life Story (Required)

    (0-5 years of age)
    When Osonia was born, she lived with a poor lampar family, who planned to use her to bring them out of poverty. The lampar tried to get her into something other than plants, and failed miserably. Osonia was later thrown out when they thought she should be able to survive on her own. She would only begin to starve and cry for help wandering through the streets of regalia until she was taken by some person to an ailor family, in which she'd learn basic manners and common language.
    (6-10 years of age)
    Osonia was now six, in care of the ailor family, with her 7 other siblings who thought nothing of her, ignoring her, but still being polite to her, or to face punishment. Osonia started to develop her interest in helping others at this time, and being independent. Those two developments contributed to her working at a young age.
    (11-23 years of age)
    Osonia would now be volunteering at many locations, often not stopping her work hours until midnight, sleeping until about 3 AM. This schedule would begin to worry her owners before they did a bit of research, and began to barely support her, with a small amount of around 5 regals a day to get her self some food, since she wasn't paid by many businesses to help. you would often find her wandering around the streets, walking into different business buildings to help them, for or not for pay. Also, around the age of 17, she'd begin to collect medical herbs in bulk. She would then begin to search for medical training to be able to help the people around her.
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@Rochelle_ i forgot to add the life story,i have added it onto the application, i hope you dont mind.
Review time! @Jute_Len
  • First off, there are some descriptions that I'd like you to remove. Such as:
    Bullet out character's Talents with at least three sentences expanding on each.
  • Her first talent isn't really considered a talent, please replace it.
  • I also wouldn't consider having a mounter animal as a weapon, while this could be considered a talent (hint, hint) I would either change it or having no weapon is also fine.
  • Her likes and dislikes should be in a spoiler.
  • Why would Ailor (who view Lampar as pests) ever take one in as a child? Either change this or specify that she is a pet.
  • Lampar have incredibly short attention spans and It's very unlikely they could memorize plants and herbs as well as a normal ailor. Their scatterbrained nature wouldn't allow any sort of memorization, I would keep that in mind during the edits.
Make the edits in a different color and tag me once finished!
@Rochelle_ i have fixed up the information, i have made all new text Green, thank you for helping me fix it.