Oskar Sundgynson Sorenvik

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Ynzy, Aug 27, 2020.

  1. Ynzy

    Ynzy It's not that I wasn't listening. I just forgot...

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Basic Information

    • Full Name: Oskar Sundgynson Sudlillen av Sorenvik
    • Age: 41
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Velheim, Ailor - Drahl (Throatcapswald War Owl)
    • Sexuality: Heterosexual
    • Preferred Weapon:Greataxe
    Skill Information

    Total Points: 46 Age points + 10 Hobby points + 10 Talent points
    Leftover Points: 0

    Core Group

    • +15 Gretaxe Combat (+ 15 Age points)
    • +5 Dagger Combat (+5 Age points)
    • +10 Strength Training (+10 Age points)
    Talent Group
    • +10 Frontline Command (+5 Talent points +5 Age points)
    • +10 General Command (+5 Talent points +5 Culture boost)
    • +5 Perception Training (+5 Culture skill)
    • +10 Siege Command (+10 Age points)
    Hobby Group
    • +5 Fortification Art ( +5 Hobby points)
    • +5 Husbandry Art (+5 Hobby points)
    Body Shape
    • Physical Stat: 30 (+20 Melee Combat Skills, +10 Strength Training)
    • Body Shape: Muscular
    • Body Fat: Average Body Fat
    • Common
    • Skodje
    Visual Information

    • Eye Color: Sky Blue
    • Hair Color: Blonde with some Greying
    • Hair Style: Long and braided back into a half bun.
    • Skin Color: Beige/Pink
    • Clothing: Northern Furs
    • Height: 6’4”

    • Alignment
      • Neutral Good
    • Personality Type
      • The Executive
    • Religion
      • Old Gods (10/10)
    Life Story


    • Oskar was born into a cousin family of the Sorenviks in the year 267 A.C. in the town of Lillenstrand. At the time he was an only child, his mother being the one to care for him mainly. His father was a busy man, if not busy with a war or some local squabble he would be off working the fields. This caused Oskar to have a much stronger tie to his mother, often seen helping her with simple tasks that he deemed were of the utmost importance, no matter how trivial they actually were.
    • When Oskar was a young child he had a knack for naturally making friends, other children seemed to flock to him and wished to be around him. One of these children was a young boy named Olvar. This boy quickly became Oskar’s closest friend and the two were only apart when their mothers told them they had to be. However, after four years of a strong friendship an accident would occur while the two were playing in the woods. Costing Olvar his life and Oskar to be left with a large scar on his back spanning from his shoulder to his hip bone. Oskar would go on to this day blaming his own weakness for the cause of the accident.
    • Shortly after Oskar’s accident and still during his recovery he came across a baby Drixagh War Owl that had seemingly fallen from its nest and broken a wing. Oskar decided to help the bird and helped nurse it back to health. However, when time came for the bird to be released both Oskar and the bird had grown extremely close to one another, having become completely inseparable. Wherever Oskar went the bird would follow, and as such he decided to let the bird stay with him. Even going so far as to give the bird a name similar to his old friend, Ultvar.
    • At around the age of eleven Oskar would be presented with something that scared him to his very core, a baby sister. Still having the feeling of Olvar’s blood fresh on his face he feared that the very same would happen to the little girl that his mother smiled so happily at. It was because of this fear that he made the mental choice to become the best soldier in the North, so that he may protect the ones he loves the most.
    Teens-Young Adult
    • Immediately after he came of age he jumped into the School of Skagger and trained under the Björntass Discipline. While there he became very proficient in both the hooked axe as well as the greataxe, pushing himself everyday to be the very strongest of his other classmates.
    • As a remembrance to the accident that took place in his childhood Oskar commissioned a special axe that he would use for everything combat related. This axe would be rather simple in nature save for the wolf’s head that would be carved off the back of it. Despite being an aesthetic feature mostly, he would also use it as a way to cave in plate armor or knock the wind out of lighter armored opponents. Using it simply as a way to deal out non-lethal damage.
    • After finishing school Oskar did what only seemed natural, he went on to join the ranks of the Tvangruppe. It was here that he would begin to truly hone his skills as not only a soldier but also a commander, learning rather quickly how to build morale within his friends and the other soldiers around him. He did this with simply the way he spoke, carried himself and how he fought. With this seemingly natural talent to inspire he would drive his allies to push harder and farther than others, motivating the ones around him to show their very best even in the face of an overwhelming foe.
    • After many years of training and proving himself a capable leader, Oskar would be granted a small force to lead personally while now serving under his cousin Dagmar. He would soon give his troops the nickname “The Ranks of Bashtur”, something he saw as endearing to the god of war that he worshiped greatly.
    • In recent years Oskar has taken to woodworking as a small hobby to pass the time between training or during long voyages across the seas. Though it would be nothing too complicated, etching drawings into the handle of his axe or carving out simple figures from small chunks of log. After which he would sometimes randomly give out to the troops he was with.
    • After long discussion with family and commanding officers, Oskar chose to leave his troops in the care of Dagmar for the time being and traveled to Regalia to help protect his siblings that were now starting to gather within the holy capital. Despite leaving however, he continued to keep in touch with both Dagmar as well as the lead officers that he appointed before leaving to make sure things continued to run smoothly in his absence.
    • Winner Winner x 3
    #1 Ynzy, Aug 27, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2020
  2. BillyTheScruffy

    BillyTheScruffy Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast

    Sep 21, 2013
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  3. Ynzy

    Ynzy It's not that I wasn't listening. I just forgot...

    Jul 2, 2014
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    @BillyTheScruffy Sorry to tag you, just wanted to let you know in case you already looked over the section. But I originally had him using a Hooked Greataxe. This was a silly idea I was playing with in rough draft that I forgot to edit out. I just fixed it now.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. BillyTheScruffy

    BillyTheScruffy Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast

    Sep 21, 2013
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    @Ynzy Can't find any glaring flaw here so Approved!
  5. Ynzy

    Ynzy It's not that I wasn't listening. I just forgot...

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Sweeeet!! Thanks a bunch Billy. Real fast question though before I go jumping into anything. How does the command tactic skill work exactly? Do I have to be given those troops in rp or am I allowed to say that the ones mentioned in his backstory are already included?
  6. Ynzy

    Ynzy It's not that I wasn't listening. I just forgot...

    Jul 2, 2014
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  7. BillyTheScruffy

    BillyTheScruffy Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast

    Sep 21, 2013
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    @Ynzy You just assume they are already in existence. You dont have to seek them out ic
  8. Ynzy

    Ynzy It's not that I wasn't listening. I just forgot...

    Jul 2, 2014
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    @BillyTheScruffy Changes made to be in accordance with the new Proficiency system. I do enjoy this addition of Talent points alongside hobby points. It adds a nice ability to have some more flavor points on the app without feeling like you need to devote everything into them. Also I added a section for leftover points purely for myself and to help account for where my missing points are when adding them up for review.
  9. BillyTheScruffy

    BillyTheScruffy Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast

    Sep 21, 2013
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  10. Ynzy

    Ynzy It's not that I wasn't listening. I just forgot...

    Jul 2, 2014
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    @BillyTheScruffy Hey, I made a couple edits to the app. All the edits I did were made in Blurple
  11. Ynzy

    Ynzy It's not that I wasn't listening. I just forgot...

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Little bumpity bump
  12. Messtro

    Messtro Flower Goblin

    May 23, 2016
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    You can only choose 1 to culture boost please fix this.
  13. Ynzy

    Ynzy It's not that I wasn't listening. I just forgot...

    Jul 2, 2014
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  14. Messtro

    Messtro Flower Goblin

    May 23, 2016
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