Archived Orphanage In Regalia!

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Jun 28, 2013
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I was looking around, you know, and saw a bunch of new rp kids in Regalia, official char or not, I talked to one and it said specifically "My mommy and daddy?" -Tears appear in eyes- "I don't have them, mommy died soon after birth and daddy abandoned me, I wish I had a family" Now I didn't know if it was aloud after looking through the rules if I could open one, all I saw was "No shops held in houses" and things like that, (sounds strange to sell children though even if that counted as a shop or not) So I came here to see, one if I could be the owner of a orphanage in regalia, second if it is even a good idea. Don't worry anyone though, I'll organize the whole thing alone getting tips along the way (If its even aloud) But I think this would be a good idea with the new player models.

Hope you all like the idea <3

( P.S I've never seen an orphanage in regalia yet so I hope this is original)

Alright before everyone makes a large production on how hard it is to control people, that's not what I'm planning, I'm planning a place where rp kids from age 0-16 can meet and interact such as the tavern is for adults, this doesn't mean I am locking them up in houses and wait for others to adopt, the person who wants to adopt can come, look at names, then ask to get a review on the kid, after a while of seeing how there parenting is they must report back and say "yes" and or "no" on keeping that kid as there own, if they say yes then I would ask for donations and continue getting and sending off kids with there new family
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I've seen a few try and do this, a few have failed, but others have opened a "daycare" like Darknesscrusher and celticwitch but I'm not sure how they are doing.
Perhaps you can try it, but it's up to more of lore staff and stuff to decide if it would be more "allowed" in game.
Just be careful of who winds up there, because as-is Seransic is still considered a child, and is mentally insane and extremely rude.
It would more of "endanger" some of the other kids, not all of them are pretty little girls in lollipop dresses.
I've seen a few try and do this, a few have failed, but others have opened a "daycare" like Darknesscrusher and celticwitch but I'm not sure how they are doing.
Perhaps you can try it, but it's up to more of lore staff and stuff to decide if it would be more "allowed" in game.
Just be careful of who winds up there, because as-is Seransic is still considered a child, and is mentally insane and extremely rude.
It would more of "endanger" some of the other kids, not all of them are pretty little girls in lollipop dresses.
I will try my best to keep this thing to have more of a sign up type of thing that doesn't require a char so those people that get lazy can still join, thanks for the advice tis noted and ill try my best to keep it with rp and things as such, but keep advice flowing, this will be my first big thing <3
Also, yes I would hate for someone else to steal my ideas, but I've seen no other orphanages be approved in the actual game, maybe a daycare, but not a approved orphanage.
And sorry for this next thing but I know mega IRL and suggested him to start the idea, so if I get him to pass it to me approving it was my idea at first will you allow?
I really don't care about it considering I can't do anything about it; I just wanted to inform the others reading it of the other thread for it.
I really don't care about it considering I can't do anything about it; I just wanted to inform the others reading it of the other thread for it.
Alright thanks, ill get mega to pass it on to me AS SOON AS HE GETS ON SKYPE lol, but he got addicted to rift and I can't get him to answer me :P
I've seen a few try and do this, a few have failed, but others have opened a "daycare" like Darknesscrusher and celticwitch but I'm not sure how they are doing.
Perhaps you can try it, but it's up to more of lore staff and stuff to decide if it would be more "allowed" in game.
Just be careful of who winds up there, because as-is Seransic is still considered a child, and is mentally insane and extremely rude.
It would more of "endanger" some of the other kids, not all of them are pretty little girls in lollipop dresses.
Perfectly fine mind you, haven't been on to RP for a while since school has come by for me. Elena knows it all, I am just a helper.. :P
Perfectly fine mind you, haven't been on to RP for a while since school has come by for me. Elena knows it all, I am just a helper.. :P
Hope you guys know I'm open for ideas to help my situation, also I can separate the girls and boys, considering that most girls in rp are more fit to rp than boys. ( No offense guys, but there are also fewer girls that rp...) Besides that, most people who want to rp as a child are decent at rp, so yeah...
If this worked out, it might be good for roleplay. But something like this would be somewhat hard to actually do, as I don't think roleplayers are particularly found of the idea of sitting in some building in Regalia all day with nothing to do. In my mind it'd be far more interesting for someone to roleplay as some beggar kid trying to survive on the streets of Regalia.
If this worked out, it might be good for roleplay. But something like this would be somewhat hard to actually do, as I don't think roleplayers are particularly found of the idea of sitting in some building in Regalia all day with nothing to do. In my mind it'd be far more interesting for someone to roleplay as some beggar kid trying to survive on the streets of Regalia.
Point being, most people looked down on kids without parents/a home. Usually no one liked the kids and treated them badly.

So it could be the complete opposite of nice/safe.
Point being, most people looked down on kids without parents/a home. Usually no one liked the kids and treated them badly.

So it could be the complete opposite of nice/safe.

Yeah, this is true, but it's not really what I'm getting at. What I mean is, orphanages are places that kids stay and are almost never allowed to leave to, say, go run around in the woods or something. They basically can't leave unless supervised. Not only would it be really hard to keep track of the "kids", but it would get a little dull to have to stay in a building and basically never leave.
Yeah, this is true, but it's not really what I'm getting at. What I mean is, orphanages are places that kids stay and are almost never allowed to leave to, say, go run around in the woods or something. They basically can't leave unless supervised. Not only would it be really hard to keep track of the "kids", but it would get a little dull to have to stay in a building and basically never leave.

Yet the people who ran the orphanage wouldn't give a damn about the kids, really all they do is sleep, eat and go somewhere while the owner doesn't care a smidge.

Though what you say is true.
If this worked out, it might be good for roleplay. But something like this would be somewhat hard to actually do, as I don't think roleplayers are particularly found of the idea of sitting in some building in Regalia all day with nothing to do. In my mind it'd be far more interesting for someone to roleplay as some beggar kid trying to survive on the streets of Regalia.
Mmhmm yes indeed that's why it's not mandatory and adoption is an option, I will try my best to attend to anyone that gets bored, with activities and such, remember I love all of your opinions and ideas so keep them coming, another thing is that I do happen to plan having multiple active adult workers at the orphanage. Besides that, my main goal of this idea is to get the kids a family, which means the kid could roam the street since this is not mandatory, and a guy might ask "Where are you from" and the kid may respond with a "I am from the -unknown name- orphanage and need a family" the guy may consider adoption and so on, so forth

Yet the people who ran the orphanage wouldn't give a damn about the kids, really all they do is sleep, eat and go somewhere while the owner doesn't care a smidge.

Though what you say is true.

Hm, yeah you're right about that. But maybe his roleplay character is supposed to be like the nicest guy on planet earth. I wouldn't know, seeing as I'm pretty sure I've never heard of the guy until I saw this thread.
Yeah, this is true, but it's not really what I'm getting at. What I mean is, orphanages are places that kids stay and are almost never allowed to leave to, say, go run around in the woods or something. They basically can't leave unless supervised. Not only would it be really hard to keep track of the "kids", but it would get a little dull to have to stay in a building and basically never leave.
Remember this is not based on real life conflict, none of you probably know what it would be like on the planet regalia is on
Yeah, this is true, but it's not really what I'm getting at. What I mean is, orphanages are places that kids stay and are almost never allowed to leave to, say, go run around in the woods or something. They basically can't leave unless supervised. Not only would it be really hard to keep track of the "kids", but it would get a little dull to have to stay in a building and basically never leave.
... my rainbow rating thingy... that was a fail.. on my phone...)) Not unless people come along and adopt them. I know my past character; Ebony Tezari had three adopted daughters... (not the best examples because the daughters were vampires- but still. We get the point.)) Adopting children is a great way to make more interesting roleplay for everyone. ♡
... my rainbow rating thingy... that was a fail.. on my phone...)) Not unless people come along and adopt them. I know my past character; Ebony Tezari had three adopted daughters... (not the best examples because the daughters were vampires- but still. We get the point.)) Adopting children is a great way to make more interesting roleplay for everyone. ♡

I'm not saying this is a bad idea or anything, I mean, it'd honestly be cool, but what I'm trying to say is that something like this is hard to pull off. But if it DID work, sweet.
Hm, yeah you're right about that. But maybe his roleplay character is supposed to be like the nicest guy on planet earth. I wouldn't know, seeing as I'm pretty sure I've never heard of the guy until I saw this thread.
You may not know me from here, I am not a big rp guy, that's why I like advise. I am only big outside of regalia on occasion. I'm the guy who pops up nations for revenge and then slacks off again
Alright before everyone makes a large production on how hard it is to control people, that's not what I'm planning, I'm planning a place where rp kids from age 0-16 can meet and interact such as the tavern is for adults, this doesn't mean I am locking them up in houses and wait for others to adopt, the person who wants to adopt can come, look at names, then ask to get a review on the kid, after a while of seeing how there parenting is they must report back and say "yes" and or "no" on keeping that kid as there own, if they say yes then I would ask for donations and continue getting and sending off kids with there new family
My dear citizen,

I applaud your interest in Regalian civil life and your thoughts of care for our fair city's orphans. The problem of Regalian orphans has already been solved. All stray orphans are eventually rounded up and sent to Dr. Fong's forced labor fun camps in New Ceardia. They are all taught valuable life lessons. Such as:

Making the most of their terrible situations
Unquestioning obedience to authority
mining, logging and "wheel of pain" experience

I assure you that they are well-fed and even given simple clothes
to wear. Additional details are on file at Regalian archives building 16. If you would like to help with the fun camps please send me a message by Regalian pigeon post (or a private conversation).
My dear citizen,

I applaud your interest in Regalian civil life and your thoughts of care for our fair city's orphans. The problem of Regalian orphans has already been solved. All stray orphans are eventually rounded up and sent to Dr. Fong's forced labor fun camps in New Ceardia. They are all taught valuable life lessons. Such as:

Making the most of their terrible situations
Unquestioning obedience to authority
mining, logging and "wheel of pain" experience

I assure you that they are well-fed and even given simple clothes
to wear. Additional details are on file at Regalian archives building 16. If you would like to help with the fun camps please send me a message by Regalian pigeon post (or a private conversation).
Oh silly humans you, I'm planning on being a Tigran, and I'm not hoarding kids I'm finding them families, you can take them and teach them, but my jobs after there edumacated or if they choose that path in life, this means even if there a part of the orphanage it won't interfere with there regalian life, so I'm happy to assure you this is a REGALIAN child tavern sort of thing.

Also I hope you didn't just make that idea to steal the rp from me because I've never previously heard of it
Also Fong, if the regalian academy of education opens your camp may be a fluke
Stole your idea? Sonny please! I own the orphan business in Regalia. I offer you a piece and you call me a thief? Bad form sir.. I'll remember this rudeness.

Regalian Senator Dr. Fong - Red Faction
Stole your idea? Sonny please! I own the orphan business in Regalia. I offer you a piece and you call me a thief? Bad form sir.. I'll remember this rudeness.

Regalian Senator Dr. Fong - Red Faction
Wow... Just wow, I was a orphan Tigran for the past 3 weeks now, and I was looking for a family for the past 3 weeks now, and I never even heard of this....
Oh Senator Fong, you bastard you! You're not the only old goat exploiting the uses of little orphaned gremlins!

Any orphans who are disinterested in harsh labor are welcome to serve me, Celine Anahera as little spi-- I mean, couriers, yes, couriers...

~Senator Celine of the House Anahera
Oh Celine! I'm sure we can work something out. Let me sort the more useful ones out for you. It will save you so much time and ensure your couriers come to you with some useful skills. Let me know how you would like them trained. Mr. Clown can setup a training program that fits your specific needs.
Oh Celine! I'm sure we can work something out. Let me sort the more useful ones out for you. It will save you so much time and ensure your couriers come to you with some useful skills. Let me know how you would like them trained. Mr. Clown can setup a training program that fits your specific needs.
Oh Celine! I'm sure we can work something out. Let me sort the more useful ones out for you. It will save you so much time and ensure your couriers come to you with some useful skills. Let me know how you would like them trained. Mr. Clown can setup a training program that fits your specific needs.

Fabulous, fabulous!
I'm still getting undemesticated kids with me either way, I believe children shouldn't be treated as slaves :I
My dear citizen,

I applaud your interest in Regalian civil life and your thoughts of care for our fair city's orphans. The problem of Regalian orphans has already been solved. All stray orphans are eventually rounded up and sent to Dr. Fong's forced labor fun camps in New Ceardia. They are all taught valuable life lessons. Such as:

Making the most of their terrible situations
Unquestioning obedience to authority
mining, logging and "wheel of pain" experience

I assure you that they are well-fed and even given simple clothes
to wear. Additional details are on file at Regalian archives building 16. If you would like to help with the fun camps please send me a message by Regalian pigeon post (or a private conversation).

"Fun" my [Redacted]! Dr. Fong's a frigging madman! Your posts ALWAYS make my day Fongypoo. Luv you bro <3
Oh Senator Fong, you bastard you! You're not the only old goat exploiting the uses of little orphaned gremlins!

Any orphans who are disinterested in harsh labor are welcome to serve me, Celine Anahera as little spi-- I mean, couriers, yes, couriers...

~Senator Celine of the House Anahera
[I would advise any uninformed children that sign off with this program to stay well away from the Sangiovese mansion. Children spies do not mix well with Valentino...]
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