Archived Orphan Servants

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I like to draw. Can I has drawing?
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
Ya muuum! ...Nah, just kidding. My mum.
As there are a lot of orphans running around in the streets, I believe they could be put to use. Homeless orphans would be identified with their name and description put in a book, then branded with a special symbol on their palm to show they are an orphan. People looking for children, or just plain servants, would be able to go through the book and pick out an orphan to buy, which would then be hunted down by either guards or a special 'team' of people to be brought to the buyer. The buyer's family name or symbol would then be branded on the orphan's wrist, and the orphan would then belong to that person or family. A person could legally own 4 orphans, with the exception of nobles.
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Not sure if branding people is strictly legal or if families would want a kid with a branding on them. Unless you are meaning this as a slave trade... Also forcing a child to live in your house would probably result in theft of all your valuables and said child running away again.
Not sure if branding people is strictly legal or if families would want a kid with a branding on them. Unless you are meaning this as a slave trade... Also forcing a child to live in your house would probably result in theft of all your valuables and said child running away again.

You can always put them on a leash....or a chain.... in a cellar...or just a cell... with no light..... and no bed.
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