Preserved Sheet O'rourke Ulster- The Bastard

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Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
the good in this world that's worth fighting for
Roleplay Guilds
House Reinard Guard, Arcanum Member
Basic Information
  • Full Name: O'Rourke Iona Ulster
  • Age: 36
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Orc
  • Main Ambition: To become a skilled warrior and seek out his father, who may or may not know he even exists.
  • Special Permission: Bloodcast Champion
  • Basic Information (Expansion)
    • Being a Resident of 6 years inside Regalia O'Rourke had managed to graduate from a school of combat while still having the financial status of a commoner. Though he wants to find his father and subconsciously desires to not only get answers as to why they had abandoned him before birth but prove himself to them.
    • Born and mostly raised in Daendroc O'Rourke had no siblings close by, sometimes it seemed like he didn't even have a mother either, but off elsewhere he had an entire clan of his kind, the Ulsters. Eventually he would travel to Regalia in search of one of them, his father.
      • Though O'Rourke seems the type to love a fight he secretly aspires to be a great cook and bartender someday. Perhaps after retirement?
Skill Information
  • School: School of Bloodcast
  • Level: Champion.
  • Source: Attended the School of Bloodcast.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Gold with a black sclera
  • Hair Color: Jet-Black
  • Hair Style: Short, thick Dreadhawk.
  • Skin Color: Olive-Green.
  • Clothing: A black and gold sleeveless doublet with a white, also sleeveless undershirt. For his bottom half he has simple black pants and leather shoes. A maroon cape accompanies his getup as a sign of his graduation in the school of bloodcast.
  • Height: 6'8 ft.
  • Body Build: Muscular.
  • Weapon of Choice: BasketHilt Sword (With Shield.)
  • Visual Information (Expansion)
    • O'Rourke has an angular face with Prominent eyes and thin lips that touch the small tusks at the sides of his strong jaw thanks to his orc blood. His ears are relatively normal, both being slightly larger than average with a rounded edge. He always carries a content expression with a blemish-free complexion though bears a scar beside his left eye where a blade caught him in a dispute with his mother. His hair color is a deep black fashioned into a short Dreadhawk that flows just below the back of his skull.
    • O'Rourke is 6 feet and 8 inches tall with larger muscles that pull at his Olive-Green skin to create a well-defined muscular build. Of course, under the clothing the man is a forest of hair as he was never truly concerned with shaving unless it was his face that was losing the fur.
    • O'Rourke wears a black and gold doublet that sports a simple silver-threaded flower design flowing around the torso elegantly. Accompanying this is his white, fairly light short sleeved undershirt he wears to continue to classify himself as "Decent" in the eyes of the public as wearing a sleeveless doublet with nothing under it seems to be frowned upon. He also wears a rather small gold necklace with a blade that has wings sprouting from it's guard at its end. His pants are simple and black, accompanied by leather shoes that go up to his mid-shin.
    • With a naturally uplifting tone of speech O'Rourke's voice is low and gruff. He had a Daendroque accent though years in Regalia had worn it down and even influenced his speech with their own common mannerisms. Being raised in Daendroc for most of his life the male had learned Daendroque to which proves itself useful here and there.
Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: O'Rourke is a rough, straightforward guy. His personality isn't hard to perceive when you first meet him as he's usually open to shake your hand and give you his life story at the drop of a hat. You could call the guy a social butterfly but he'd most likely clock you in the jaw if you associated anything he is/or did with such small, insignificant creature. Most people he's met usually left either pissed or joyful as he was simply honest and more than willing to call it as he sees it. There are certain occasions where his temper gets the better of him thanks to not only his orc blood but the natural pride of his heritage.
  • Second Paragraph: O'Rourke feels pride in what he does no matter what it is. As long as it fits his moral code the man sticks to it with all purpose and momentum. He's confident in his strength and determined to show others the reason why. Although he worries about the safety of others he considers himself close to quite often and it leads to desperate measures, though rarely. His appearance often plagues his mind as usually his mother dressed him nicely, beat him for the "wrong" etiquette, and starved him as an attempt to pull him from his father's likeness as much as she could.
  • Third Paragraph: O'Rourke holds his allies in the highest regard. As long as they've earned his respect. A respected friend to the half-orc Avanthar is much more than any family he could perceive at this point in time. Though it isn't impossible for family to get under his skin as it is destined to in the near future with his ambition to find his father. Seeing as the only connection he's had for the most part of his life so far was the nameless mother, besides a friend of his named Soligfaire,
  • Fourth Paragraph: O'Rourke responds to hardship in a way that a chaotic good would. Seeing any situation where he defends something that benefits the weak or "Less fortunate" more viable than one that doesn't. His abusive childhood had taught him there had been no mercy for the weak. Though in the school of Bloodcast he had been taught that there was always something they could do to help the ones "below" you. How this was achieved was never pondered on by O'Rourke as anything was necessary to defend those who could not defend themselves. So these ideals clashed and created a man who would switch from side to side as long as he saw the "greater good" and understood it.
  • (Fith Paragraph N/A)
  • Cooking- Despite his rough & tough lifestyle O'Rourke had learned to cook on his own. Being able to cook rather lavish meals if given the right ingredients and time. This being developed through his countless times left to starve by his mother.
  • Adaptability- O'Rourke is quite capable of adapting to a large multitude of situations. This developed from his training in the school of bloodcast and travel to Regalia, being forced to adapt to different climates, people, ect. Quick adaptions aren't as easy but he has been known to switch his style of fighting at the snap of a finger and even in social interactions, his behavior.
  • Archery- The male had crafted a crummy bow at a young age. With this he had set up multiple miniature secret target ranges to which he'd practiced his skills for years. Though this talent had been dormant for a good while, O'Rourke isn't afraid to pick up the the stick 'n' string once again.
  • Thick-Skinned- O'Rourke's Orc blood contributed to give him a neat blessing. This trait makes him tougher, and more resistant to blows though he hasn't become medieval superman. A blade may be slowed against his hide but it would never fail to pierce it with ease. Not to mention the mental side of this talent. The male's mindset had become a shield in itself over the years and though he may be too invested in himself at times, he stays within the realm of sanity.
  • School of Bloodcast Champion- O'Rourke had spent 5 years inside the school and graduated as a Warrior. With this he's spent another ten years honing his skill and dabbling in exploration to grant himself the level of champion. His prowess shone mostly with a sword and large shield combo. Though if he happens to be disarmed the male had been trained thoroughly in hand to hand combat. Learning to utilize his body as well as weapons to gain the advantage.
  • Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)
    • Egotist- Though normally he would put those weaker before himself O'Rourke will never allow his imaginary honor to be disrespected. For the acts he commits he "Knows" he is righteous part of the time and will even acknowledge it with quick remarks such as "Told ya so" or "You owe m'one". At times his pride in himself can make him as blunt as a maul, yet ten stone heavier. So thanks to this, he can even be overthrown in combat due to confidence.
    • Large Target- O'Rourke is big, and lumbering. Looming and vast, while his agility in straight paths and master of physique remains, his frame is large cumbersome and poorly fit in small spaces, his frame somewhat hard to move with agility.
  • Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
    • Claustrophobia- O'Rourke had developed the fear of being within small, confined spaces when he was a small child. Like lots of fears it struck him hard at his young age, being shoved in closets and forced to stay inside as the imagination had been running rampant at the time. Though this fear, unlike others, stuck around into his adulthood. So in the middle of a crowd, a tight room, or even a narrow staircase will cause an instinctual panic with this one.
  • Likes
    • Cooking- O'Rourke reminisces about cooking when he was young. It was simply for survival, but he couldn't help but feel at peace whenever he picked up a pot and made a steaming stew. The importance of this skill had been thrust into his conscience and so he forever revered it.
    • Combat/Wrestling- O'Rourke developed this one while in training to become a bloodcast knight. Normally he would calm himself from fits of rage by either cooking or hitting the nearest object, but now he has a productive, and competitive form of settling the beast inside without destroying another pantry.
    • Bananas!- The moment he had a single taste of this fruit his mind went ablaze in delight. O'Rourke almost adores bananas for their signature flavor and energized feeling they gave him whenever he had one. At times it could even be considered a quirk of his as the sight of them normally beckon the man no matter what he had before encounter.
    • Dishonesty- O'Rourke despises the act of lying to another. He's known to put down the liars and thieves he comes across as any of those misdeeds are equivalent to the other. He sees it as betraying what you are as a citizen and person in general, something utterly unacceptable. Though there are times when lying for something he considers the greater good was viable.
    • The smell of oranges.- This orc can't stand that citrus scent. He developed this irrational hatred of the fruit from the time he's been force fed it, enduring the flavor he already didn't like. So the smell of one instantly brings him the memory of those horrific times inside that house.
    • Unionists- They go against his ideals and for that he dislikes them. Something he will go on to be taught by his father is that Unionism is something weak, and useless. Though when he needs to be, O'Rourke is praying to the one god almighty above for the glory of Unionism!
Life Story
Born: 279 a.c.

  • Born on October 1st 279 a.c. to a nameless mother and Rerik Ulster inside the land of Daendroc.
Childhood- 1-10
  • Raised primarily by his mother as his father's disappearance before his birth, this leaving the woman angry most of the time.
  • Shy and unable to get friends due to his "deformities" thanks to the orcish blood.
  • Eventually he gained a friend that rarely took the child's appearance into account when they played. Their name was Soligfaire. Outgoing and courageous.
  • Around the age of 9 years old his mother began to brutally beat the child and stuff him in small, dark places when he made mistakes such as back-talk or he was unable to do near impossible tasks like lift her to her chair when she was took drunk to stand. This would continue until his eventual escape.
Teen Years- 11-17
  • Soligfaire often begins to sneak O'Rourke out at night to hangout and play, these become moments of joy to the boy that affect the rest of his life.
  • Around the age of 15 O'Rourke has developed a resistant personality toward his mother, the beatings become worse and often he is forced into closet for hours at a time. His friend continues to stick around and talk to O'Rourke more about his mother.
  • One year later, O'Rourke had been practicing his bow skills with a makeshift target range. He makes quick progress as his ability to adapt to things becomes more apparent.
  • Within the same year the boy is caught sneaking out and not only is forbidden to see Soligfaire, but he is barred from food entirely. Left to starve for several days.
  • O'Rourke had a system of sneaking food, surviving the harsh punishment. Though as the year came to an end the boy had finally stood up to his mother, ending it a brutal fight that nearly cut his eye open. Escaped the home with a cut that would leave a permanent scar just beside his eye.
Adult years. 18-26
  • At 18 years he's been hiding away in Soligfaire's home as local officials have been searching for the runaway. Fed and nurtured by his friend's family while being taught a valuable lesson in life. There are always ways to help others, even if its difficult.
  • One year later he decides it was time to leave. Curiosity had struck him suddenly and he had to act upon it. Saying goodbye to his dearest friend and promising he'll be back.
  • Another year passes on his voyage to Regalia, a place he's heard of and sees a chance to find his father. Facing a multitude of conditions and other encounters that shaped his ability to adapt, such as stormy weather and the threat of being thrown overboard the ship.
  • Now 20 years old, he found a home in this city. Although before he could search for his father, O'Rourke had found a place that could assist him. Multiple combat schools, he's tried out for and they simply denied him by his budget. Until he hit a school that brought him in despite his earnings. The School of Bloodcast. They saw a chance in him to be a great knight and took it as well as the currency he could give. Sacrificing the money that would have gotten him food.
  • A lot of time has passed, O'Rourke hasn't made any new friends that were quite like Soligfaire, but that was alright with him. Now 25 years of age he is about to graduate as a Bloodcast knight.
  • Now that he's reached the level he oh-so desired to be since he'd been a child yet craves more, O'Rourke donned the red cape and set out once more inside the city to now search for the father that had left him, increase his capabilities, and show them what a mistake he's made.
Ten years later, present day. 36
  • Having participated in his fair share of war, and travelled for ten years to see sights that could make most men appreciate the simplicity of a boring city life while helping the citizens of foreign lands reclaim their lives O'Rourke developed his Bloodcast fighting style to one parrallel of that of a champion, therefore becoming one himself.
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It should be noted that an Orc father and Avanthar mother would not be able to conceive a child, so I'm going to ask you to change either their parents, or their race before I continue with the review.
If you would like, you also have the option to request a rejection to start this application over again and give you more time to think.
It should be noted that an Orc father and Avanthar mother would not be able to conceive a child, so I'm going to ask you to change either their parents, or their race before I continue with the review.
If you would like, you also have the option to request a rejection to start this application over again and give you more time to think.
Hello! Thanks for taking the time to review this. I believe I've made some adjustments to fix the Avanthar-Orc issue we've experienced here. So feel free to continue! @Rochelle_
Review time!
  • There are a few typos throughout the life story, maybe take a look at that again? (That was a great read, by the way.)
  • The likes and dislikes sections should be inside of a spoiler
  • School of Bloodcast must be listed as a talent.
  • The majority of his talents are combat related, as such I'm going to ask if you could throw in a combat-related weakness for balance
  • Orcs cannot have sky-blue eyes, only gold with a black sclera, change this accordingly
  • In the clothing section, does he wear his red cape?
Make all edits in a new color and tag me once done!
Review time!
  • There are a few typos throughout the life story, maybe take a look at that again? (That was a great read, by the way.)
  • The likes and dislikes sections should be inside of a spoiler
  • School of Bloodcast must be listed as a talent.
  • The majority of his talents are combat related, as such I'm going to ask if you could throw in a combat-related weakness for balance
  • Orcs cannot have sky-blue eyes, only gold with a black sclera, change this accordingly
  • In the clothing section, does he wear his red cape?
Make all edits in a new color and tag me once done!
Alright! I believe I've made the right corrections though with the misspelling I couldn't exactly find what you were looking for, apologies! Perhaps be a little more specific?@Rochelle_
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