Preserved Sheet Cro-orodor Arzillin

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Feb 2, 2019
Reaction score
Orodor Arzillin


Basic Information
Name:Cro-Orodor Arzillin
Preferred Weapon:His talons


"When lightning strikes it's all at once swift, precise, yet wild at the same time. I am the lightning."

Skill Information

Sixty Points to distribute from age.
Dragon Ritualism +8 from age.

Squad Tactic Knowledge +15 from age.
Unarmed Combat Skill +15 from age.
Hunting Knowledge +20 from age.
Musical Arts +12 from hobby.

Body Shape
Body shape:Unarmed 15 =15
Body Fat:Average

Zasta Fluent 9/10
Common Perfect 10/10

Special traits or mutations
Dragon Ritualism abilities

Visual Information
Feather Color:N/A
Feather Style:N/A
Eye Color: Yellow sclera with black pupils
Skin Color:Extreme Dark Grey, Almost black scales.


"I am the calm, before the storm."
Personality, and Abilities

How Does Your Character Respond To Experiencing Fear?
Orodor responds to fear with intense panic, the Allar's ideal solution to fear is to eliminate the cause of fear or the fear itself. When in a fearful situation Orodor desperately tries to show no emotion, but if asked anything they will crumble like a cookie, and speak in rapid slur like sentences explaining how mortally terrified they are.

How Does Your Character Respond To Experiencing Stress?
Orodor reacts to stress by way of attempting to not react, the Allar does however have a temper. On more than a number of occasions he has broken under pressure and gotten extremely mad. He often blames others for his own mistakes.

How would your character express feeling Happy?

Orodor expresses happiness by not exactly showing emotion. Orodor is at his happiness when he isn't showing anything. More than anything, the Allar simply has a not angered expression upon his face means he's happy..

How does your character view Law and Authorities?

Orodor respects laws and authorities and follows them indefinitely. He does however have specific circumstances under which laws should be ignored, however these are rare.

How does your character feel about Races other than their own?

Orodor doesn't care about race, in his eyes there are no evil races. Even the void derived Kathar whom he hates, he knows there are exceptions for their evilness.

How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and others?

Orodor cares deeply for his own religion, he believes in the Great Alchezech but prefers Dragon Worship to most other religions. Allowing for the integration of all religions with his belief in the Great Alchezech.

How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
Orodor finds much interest in the arcane world. From a very young age the raptor always thought its powers to be intriguing and often wondered if such power were applicable to him. Orodor is still intrigued by the magical world to this day, but is also weary of it.

How does your character feel towards their family?

Orodor would willingly lay down his life for just about any of his family. He cares about them greatly, and shows it through small ways such as simply showing interest in them. However he does enforce a sort of tough love to those in his family, in order to prepare them for the harsh world.

What is your character's biggest insecurity?

Orodor's biggest insecurity is Orodor is somewhat ashamed of his wild past self, and often avoids speaking about his life before his family or the Digmaan.

What is your character the most proud of about themselves?

His ability to have started a family, and his ability to protect them. Orodor prides himself on where he started and where he comes from, and plans to continue leading his family onward to a better life.

What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?

Orodor is motivated by many things, his willingness to improve himself, his want to protect his family, his seeking to bring power to allar. Orodor is driven by many things, but at the center of them he knows that all he can do is his best, and this in part helps motivate the allar.

What is your character's biggest fear?

Failing his family and children, allowing them to be hurt in any way shape or form would mentally destroy Orodor and he knows this, leading the raptor to at times be over protective of his children.


"Life is like an ocean during a storm, it's rough, dangerous, and terrifying. But at the center, is the eye, and the calm."
Life Story
Early Life:0-14
The raptor was born in southern Hadar to two Al-Allar parents, before being transported to two Mu-Allar parents in accordance to the caste system. Orodor absolutely despised his Mu-Allar parents, enduring much torture and favoritism from them, as they had a daughter of their own whom they favored over him greatly, essentially shunning him and treating him as if he were a slave. This lead Orodor to have horrible conceptions of family life, and vow to never have a family like this ever again. When he was roughly four years of age, his family was attacked by a pack of vampires, and left him as the only survivor of the attack. Orodor was now an orphan, and refused to return to the allar caste system, afraid of the possibility of being placed with more Mu such as his parents. A kind Sihndar woman who'd came across the Allar showed pity, taking him in for but a few years to allow him to develop. Though, the Allar was treated more like a pet than anything, a rabid exotic beast.

Early Adult Life:15-40

Orodor had taken his leave from his Sihndar 'family', turning to live by his lonesome. The Allar came across a tavern in a continent he cannot remember, but he remembers the tavern vividly. There was a fight pit, and gladiatorial underground fights were often waged for money. In order to get by in life, the allar began training in unarmed combat, and over the next few years becoming known as a ferocious animal who would devour parts of his opponents if allowed. But one day, Orodor's winning streak came to an end against a varram who was a master of the Unarmed, he'd completely and utterly demolished Orodor in the fight, but at the end, instead of spitting on Orodor or calling him a monster.. he simply extended a hand? This was a moment that turned Orodor's life around, this small gesture alone had opened a door. The Varran and Allar soon became close friends, brothers in arms. Rakir offered Orodor to travel with him after they'd known each other for a few months, Orodor graciously agreed, and the two traveled to Essalonia. There Orodor and Rakir came across a village that was being assaulted by a group of Kathar cultists, who they agreed to help protect the village against. Also there, was a Sa-Allar who trained in eastern blade styles known as Dylzimmin, Dylzimmin turned out to be Orodor's scale brother(Blood relative). The three together were able to ward off the enemies, and protect the village. They then went their separate ways, Orodor heading to regalia, and unaware of where the other two had gone.

Recent Adult Life:40-72

In his more recent years, Orodor, moved to reglalia and was introduced to the Qar-Digmaan. The Allar was taken into the Digmaan's family, and educated on how to act as a Allar. After years of serving the Qar-Digmaan and achieving the rank of Rhax, he'd decided to travel to Hadar in order to experience his home land. Along the way he met a group of Dragon Worshippers. They were kind enough to allow the Cro-Allar to stay with them, and Orodor took mild interest in their religion, the concept was intriguing, but the Allar barely accepted the great alchezech himself, he was practically an aethiest. Until one eve, when Orodor was sleeping he had a dream, a dream of a great blue dragon floating before him, and him staring back at it's majesty. No words spoken. When he awoke the next morning he spoke of it to the ritualists, and they thought nothing of it, but Orodor took it as a sign. The Allar took the great alchezech as truth, and began following draconic worship of the blue crown dragon as his belief, engaging in ritualism. After this, years later, Orodor returned to regalia, and began attempting to establish a family by his name. And now he seeks to establish his name and perhaps make new friends.

Orodor Arzillin

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To any reviewers who find this I am going to be offline for a little while so if I do not respond that is why apologies.
My review:

Template Formatting:
  • There are a few grammar errors. I recommend reading through the application through to catch them.
  • The paragraphs in the personality section are out of order. I recommend that you reformat the four paragraphs to be in the correct order.
Personality and Abilities:
  • In the second paragraph, I'd like you to expand on why Orodor's actions against Regalia terrifies him. Is there a reason why Orodor would feel uncertain about his actions against Regalia despite Allars being passionately defiant due to an attempt of mass genocide on their people? Does he have a soft spot for the citizens of Regalia beneath all of that rough-tough attitude? Please expand on this notion because currently the statement seems out of place in the paragraph.
  • I'd also like to see you rewrite his mortality paragraph. If his mortality is good then his conscience would prevent him from killing his enemies without a second thought. From my perspective, I would take him as neutral. Seeing as he adheres to the law while still killing on rare occasions I'd place him as lawful neutral, possibly leaning towards lawful chaotic.
Life Story:
  • I'd like you to also extend on the "Early Life" section, primarily where Orodor was born to clear up whether or not he grew up in Regalia.
Make the changes in purple and tag me after you are finished! @BlueEyesRaptor
@Katiesc how is this? i did the best i could to find the grammar errors.
@Katiesc how is this? i did the best i could to find the grammar errors.

My review:

Personality and Abilities:
  • You've almost got it! But I'd like you to take another shot at paragraph two and four.
    • In paragraph two Orodor is described as viewing himself as a horrible person for the crimes he's committed and that he is trying to be a good person and has tried throughout his life. But later on in paragraph four he is described as someone who wouldn't shy away from killing. However, if someone is trying to be a better person then he will shy away from killing, and it will not be his second nature to kill someone. Either remove that he is trying to be a better person / terrified of his actions or remove that he is easily open to the notion of killing someone.
Make the changes in purple and tag me after you are finished! @BlueEyesRaptor
My review:

Personality and Abilities:
  • You've almost got it! But I'd like you to take another shot at paragraph two and four.
    • In paragraph two Orodor is described as viewing himself as a horrible person for the crimes he's committed and that he is trying to be a good person and has tried throughout his life. But later on in paragraph four he is described as someone who wouldn't shy away from killing. However, if someone is trying to be a better person then he will shy away from killing, and it will not be his second nature to kill someone. Either remove that he is trying to be a better person / terrified of his actions or remove that he is easily open to the notion of killing someone.
Make the changes in purple and tag me after you are finished! @BlueEyesRaptor
@Katiesc I think I got it this time I removed the killing thing how is this?
Hey @Katiesc could I get a re-review please? I moved around a few of his points, and switched our blunt combat for unarmed.
Cool Text - Player Review 319687026600508.webp
Disclosure: In this player review I will be paying attention to the minute details of your character. Please keep in mind that this review is in no way shape or form a staff review. Anything I suggest is merely a player suggestion and not required or expected to be changed. Read at your own regard friend.
  • You have 6 points allocated into linguistics however you have two free languages. Both Common and Zasta are free to this character. I suggest either moving the points to a different proficiency, or adding a new language to their story.
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View attachment 159974
Disclosure: In this player review I will be paying attention to the minute details of your character. Please keep in mind that this review is in no way shape or form a staff review. Anything I suggest is merely a player suggestion and not required or expected to be changed. Read at your own regard friend.
  • You have 6 points allocated into linguistics however you have two free languages. Both Common and Zasta are free to this character. I suggest either moving the points to a different proficiency, or adding a new language to their story.
Thank you for telling me, I thought I needed the 6 for common.
So uh @Katiesc i know you are busy with other character apps, but could you give me a quick re review. I updated the format changed the proficiency points, and I updated the backstory, whenever you get the chance that would be great.
My review:

Personality and Abilities:
  • You've almost got it! But I'd like you to take another shot at paragraph two and four.
    • In paragraph two Orodor is described as viewing himself as a horrible person for the crimes he's committed and that he is trying to be a good person and has tried throughout his life. But later on in paragraph four he is described as someone who wouldn't shy away from killing. However, if someone is trying to be a better person then he will shy away from killing, and it will not be his second nature to kill someone. Either remove that he is trying to be a better person / terrified of his actions or remove that he is easily open to the notion of killing someone.
Make the changes in purple and tag me after you are finished! @BlueEyesRaptor

@Katiesc i've shifted orodor's proficiencies to have him be a blade wielder once more! A re review would be greatly appreciated.
@Katiesc I know you are probably quite busy with the proficiency re-work, but if you have the time I've re written Orodor to fit the new system, and to give the character a new direction to have some more fun with him. A Re-Review would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Please make the following edits:
  • Character has a total of 45 points, but your stat total adds up to 47 in the skill section. Either age up the character or redistribute the points
Tag me once you've made the following edits in a color of your choosing
Please make the following edits:
  • Character has a total of 45 points, but your stat total adds up to 47 in the skill section. Either age up the character or redistribute the points
Tag me once you've made the following edits in a color of your choosing
Edits were made in this color, I also switched from stealth to another tactical knowledge. Thank you for the review.
@PapidaCarrot Remember how I lied about taking a break from this character? That was hilarious. But on a more serious note, I have updated his app to fit the new allar update and given him a new look and updated his backstory to open new room for his development.
Approved, but as a reminder if your old reviewer is no longer staff then you need to change the tag to needs reviewer. @BlueEyesRaptor
Hi Caelamus, I know this is terribly informal as I redid this character a week ago, but me and a group of friends decided on creating an allar family, and my Allar was to be the head. I wanted to make the character a little more formal, and give them a little more of a niche, (weather), if you could grant me a re-review very quickly I'd appreciate it greatly, and this will not happen again! Also take your time, now have a nice day/night/evening/morning.
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