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Played Character Orinteus Thalorën

This character is actively played.


Tech Rat
Staff member
Dec 23, 2017
Reaction score
Name: Orinteus Anant Vinayak Thalorën
Race: Vadyalocaï Suvial
Age: 23
Gender: Male {He/Him}
Occult: Void & Exist Mage

Core Concept:
Orinteus Thalorën is a compassionate and inquisitive mage, driven by a thirst for knowledge and a dedication to aiding others on their journeys, serving as a steadfast ally in times of need.
He is an Estelley worshipper, devoted mostly to Avinla, goddess of life.
He is a member of the Scribe Guild, occasionally contributing his knowledge and research to support the guild's mission of preserving and disseminating information.
He is a member of the Vanyastra Mercenary Company, acting more as an infiltrant than fighter.

Orinteus Thalorën is a dark skinned Suvial, standing at 6ft. He has black hair that has been shaved on the sides and long blonde dreads decorated with gold bands and tied up into a ponytail. Currently he has changed his eye color to fuchsia.


Technique Parry (Suvial)

Rage Counter (Suvial)

Faith: 6
Divine Savior
Divine Smite
Divine Rescue
Divine Revive
Divine Antimagi
Sacred Circle

Magic: 8
Magic Resist
Magic Isolate
Magic Snare
Magic Barrier
Magic Shove
Magic Revive
Shapeshift Pack
Safeguard Pack

Hobbies and Talents
Athletic Hobby
Magical Talent
Cleric Talent

Common, Agasi, Altalar, Nātl

Life Story
Orinteus Thalorën was born on October 20, 288 AC into a prestigious mage lineage. Orinteus faced intense parental pressure from a young age, his family demanding excellence in his studies.
Enduring a childhood marked by relentless expectations, Orinteus excelled in his education, achieving top honours but at the cost of strained familial relationships and a sense of personal identity.
At the age of 19, Orinteus, driven by an innate desire for happiness, left to explore the rest of what the world had to offer and to discover his own path, seeking solace beyond the shadows of his demanding family.
In his travels, Orinteus encountered diverse cultures and philosophies, gradually finding contentment in simple joys and the beauty of magic untainted by stringent expectations.
Drawn to the bustling city of Regalia by tales of magical diversity and acceptance, Orinteus settled there, embracing a life focused on helping others and fostering connections.
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Kept On Person

☀︎ Golden Staff {From Wisteria}
☀︎ x2 Personal Journals
☀︎ Gold plated pocket watch with Thalorën engraved on the back of it.
☀︎ Silver compass with a chain

The staff though gold fashioned was not solely of the precious metal. The staff core, a sturdy bamboo, was wrapped in rattan, providing both strength and flexibility. Over this humble foundation, a concoction of molten Mocra and gold coating the surface with a lustrous layer that shimmered with a delicate peach hue when kissed by the light. The body of the staff was plain, simple in comparison to its crown. Rising from its peak like tendrils, sets of golden pipes intertwined in intricate patterns, forming delicate clover-like motifs. Encircling the base of these golden tendrils, a myriad of bangles, each linked with the next, emitted a soft, melodic chime with every movement. In the center of the enclosure of golden pipes, a polished sphere of Rhodonite gleamed, its rosy hues casting a warm glow if magic were to be conducted through. @TeaRoses
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