Shelved Character Ori Regalyai

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


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Jan 24, 2016
Reaction score
~{T}~ The Great Tyberian Empire ~{T}~



Full Name | Ori bat Aviv mimishpachat haRegalyai
Race | Narim
Culture | Derech HaLcham
Age | 23
Gender / Pronouns | Female, she/her
Eye Color | Honey Gold
Occult | Unionist God Magic/Exist Mage

Ori approaches her chosen path of the Warrior, Derech HaLcham, through the heavy hit of her Hashem faith-infused staff. She has great reverence for her culture and tries to make the most of her days, offering the same kindness towards others. One could easily mistake her demeanor to mean she follows that of the Derech Hasofer, as she often seeks ways around conflict.

Mutations | Ori's blood may appear clear- with a tinge of yellow. She always smells faintly of sunwarmed grass regardless of cleanliness.

Appearance | Ori appears most like a bipedal honeybee, standing around 5'4. She has a small secondary set of arms often utilized for her hobbies, and a slim, athletic form. Soft orangish and brown fur covers her- just like a honeybee- and she has proportional wings and antennas to go along with it. The biggest difference from the insect itself besides size and humanoid shape and musculature is a set of human-like golden-brown eyes. The wings are utilized for hovering and gliding outside of duress.

Altered Self | Ori's altered self is hardly used as a disguise- it's simply a way to appear more 'friendly' to the community she grew up around. The Altered self looks like a mix of herself and a Maquixtl, a half-Narim. Her hair is a buzzed orangey-blond, with soft bee accents incorporated into humanoid features and a similar build to her normal self.

6 Strength
  • [Free] Climber Pack
  • Duelist Pack
  • Frenzy Pack
  • Bruiser Slam Pack
  • Bruiser Flurry Pack
  • Bruiser Ruin Pack
  • Metabolism Pack
1 Constitution
  • Counterplay Pack
4 Wisdom
  • [Free] Affliction Wisdom Pack
  • Dimenthist Wisdom Pack
Artificer [Theotech]
  • Medical Pack [Medical Patent | Common Patent]
  • Communicator Pack [Servo-golem Patent | Biotic Patent]
  • Tussling Pack [Hacking Patent | Mindslave Patent]
1 Dexterity
  • Parkour Pack
1 Magic | God and Exist | Covenant Magic II
  • Disruption
0 Charisma
1 Faith

  • Gear Blessings Pack

  • Safah [Native]
  • Common [Native]

  • Ori was born to a very large and old family 'hive' deep in the sewers, estimated to be somewhere among the 20th of her siblings among quintuplets. Thus, she did not grow up with pressing expectations of achievement. The Narim was primarily raised by older brothers, of whom inspired her to train and reach out to a mentor and veteran member of the Queensguard, Yehoshua.
Early Adolescence
  • It was quickly discovered that brute endurance was simply not for Ori. Instead of ceasing the mentorship, Yehoshua took their training in a different direction- towards harnessing her magic and faith to help others and bolster her strength. Boldness was not something that came naturally to the Narim outside the heat of battle, but compassion certainly was. She took a secondary interest in the ways of healing and botany during her free time.
Late Adolescence
  • Upon coming of age and after throwing an absolutely massive bat mitzvah celebration with her fellow quintuplets and cousins, Ori graduated her mentorship and went to study under a prominent Rabbi to learn the finishing guided touches of her discipline.
Early Adulthood
  • Now in her twenties, Ori has returned to the city of Regalia from which she was named, to conduct independent study and put her skills to use in defending the city from Leviathan. She hopes to contribute to others sharing in Olam Haba (Paradise) and take the role of Rabbi herself one day. The Narim, while comfortable in the depths of the sewers, has taken a liking to the sun, and will often be seen in the city.

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