• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
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Oct 22, 2015
Reaction score
In the late hours of the night, posters in the slums could be seen. They read:
We can see, yet we're blinded.
We can move, yet we're chained.

We can speak, yet we're silenced.
We can hear, yet we're deaf.

We smile, yet we're sad.
We follow the crowd, yet we want to break free.

The Red Dawn
A letter would be pinned underneath one, stating only a simply question:

Your point being?
-Icarus Albatross

Rather hypocritical considering the poet's own pamphlets.
Jack pinned a note beneath it.
'Go into more detail, then I shall lend you my eyes. Your vague descriptions do not show much about you, you could be anyone.'
View attachment 133640
A letter would be pinned underneath one, stating only a simply question:

Your point being?
-Icarus Albatross

Rather hypocritical considering the poet's own pamphlets.
View attachment 133641
Jack pinned a note beneath it.
'Go into more detail, then I shall lend you my eyes. Your vague descriptions do not show much about you, you could be anyone.'
Another letter would be seen, pinned beneath the other two:
-Leotholdus Nash

Asshole characters unite
Another note would be added in the late hours of the night:

We can see, yet we're blinded.
We see a lot of things, however, the things we see is what the authorities want us to see. Therefore we cannot see the truth.

We can move, yet we're chained.
We're walking down the streets, but we know there are invisible chains that are keeping us in control. There's no real freedom.

We can speak, yet we're silenced.

We're talking, however, we're not allowed to give our deep, most honest opinions. Why not? Because they're opinions that they don't want us to share. They would be considered 'heretical', while they're telling the truth.

We can hear, yet we're deaf.
We hear a lot of things, but that's what they want us to hear. Therefore we cannot hear the truth.

We smile, yet we're sad.
We know our evil actions, but we're wiping them away with a smile, simply to hide the truth of what our actions represent.

We follow the crowd, yet we want to break free.
We just follow the others because it has been told that it is the best thing to do, but deep down we know that this isn't right. We know we need to break free from others in order to discover and show the truth to them.
And the truth is: there's something terribly wrong with this city and Empire.

The Red Dawn

Posted under the last and bolded sentence, was a small line:

Oh finally
Someone else with a brain
Beneath the other notes, was pinned another in the handwriting of a familiar poet.
You elaborated. I'm slightly impressed, and slightly exasperated it took you this long. But I'll rest with being proud. Its a good way to look at things. Though may I note, when I smile I am not crying inside. I'm smiling.
-Leotholdus Nash
Pinned underneath the waterfall of underpinned messages, a simple response with a sub-note:

Are you free?
What truth have you seen?
Do these truths give you coin?
Do these truths make you bread?
The world does not live off truths.
It lives off coin.
The only truth in the world /is/ coin.
What makes your truth deserving of being heard, when compared to coin?

I wonder.

- Signed, the Imperial Silk Trader -​

The pen is only mightier than the sword when more when half the populus can read. Perhaps your efforts could be saved for something more effective.
@ A A Beggar Sigil.png

(no hate OOC love the poet stuff lol)
"These poets are all trying to one-up each other for the bore of the populace." comments a passing citizen.

At the very bottom of the mass of posters a new piece would be set in green ink​


Friends, Heretics, Jacobins!

I puff my chest out with pride whenever I walk by this magnificent post, covered in the wisdom of so many of my brethren and I pray that you do the same. In light of recent events, I should like to make a suggestion to the lot of you. The Viridian have branded with the most vile of words: rebels. It would seem that these men believe us to be violent instigators and vicious monsters. This cannot be allowed to happen. As such I should like to make a proposal to you all: stand together. Should our words instigate violence, we must ALL denounce such actions with a single voice. If our brethren are verbally or physically attacked, we must all stand together to denounce the men who do so. As such, I should like to take this opportunity to offer my signiture as the first of the Freeman's Coalitian, as agreement to stand by the above pledges.

I am and forever shall be,
J. T. Appleton

[A large space would be open at the bottom for more signatures]

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Fathiyaa read the line of notes letting out a huff as she finished. "These will be removed in no time at all..." She moved off shaking her head.​