Preserved Sheet Ophelia Deceres

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eater of nuggies
Mar 20, 2020
Reaction score
a place of love
• ———–——– ٠ basic information ٠ ————–—– •
《✤》full name: Ophelia Millicent Deceres
《✤》age: 30
╎╎《✤》birthday: January 7, 278
╎╎《✤》zodiac: capricorn
《✤》gender: female
《✤》race: Avanthar
《✤》preferred weapon: longsword

▸ – – – – ▪︎ inventory ▪︎ – – – – ◂
《✤》1 coinpurse containing about 50 regals
《✤》5 rings of various materials, all silver in color
《✤》2-3 bags of assorted nuts
《✤》1 pocket-sized roll of bandage
《✤》1 pouch of anti-ward powder

• —————–– ٠ skill information ٠ ————–—– •
《✤》total points: 50 base╎10 hobby

▸ – – – – ▪︎ core investments ▪︎ – – – – ◂
《✤》sword combat: 12╎12 invested
《✤》shielding combat: 12╎12 invested
《✤》medical science: 5╎5 invested

▸ – – – – ▪︎ hobby investments ▪︎ – – – – ◂
《✤》construction art: 5╎5 invested
《✤》pathfinding art: 15╎10 invested╎5 racial
《✤》husbandry art: 10╎10 hobby

▸ – – – – ▪︎ point-buy investments ▪︎ – – – – ◂
《✤》arcanology: 3╎3 invested
╎╎《✤》ward knowledge
《✤》roguery: 3╎3 invested
╎╎《✤》wall climb iii

▸ – – – – ▪︎ body shape ▪︎ – – – – ◂
《✤》physical stat: 32
╎╎《✤》calculation: 7.5╎pathfinding art + 12╎sword combat + 12╎shield combat
╎╎《✤》cap: 35
《✤》body shape: ripped
《✤》body fat: average

▸ – – – – ▪︎ languages ▪︎ – – – – ◂
《✤》Plains Altalar╎maternal

• —————–– ٠ almanac ٠ ————–—– •
▸ – – – – ▪︎ racials ▪︎ – – – – ◂
《✤》genos master i╎mythic shift
《✤》mutation manifest i╎toggle passive
《✤》mind wall i╎toggle passive
《✤》skin purge i╎toggle passive
《✤》body morph i╎toggle passive
《✤》great force i╎constant passive
《✤》keen mind ii╎trigger passive

▸ – – – – ▪︎ proficiency ▪︎ – – – – ◂
《✤》*counter to 4, 8, & 12 ranged combat╎shielding
《✤》*small deployable╎construction
《✤》wall climb iii╎roguery
[*this is not an official ability / has no official name. I just want to remember that it's something my character can do]

▸ – – – – ▪︎ familiars ▪︎ – – – – ◂
《✤》Black Feather╎husbandry
╎╎《✤》name: Echo
《✤》Nerrin Alaan╎husbandry
╎╎《✤》name: Iris

▸ – – – – ▪︎ mutations ▪︎ – – – – ◂
《✤》exist carry╎mutation manifest i
╎╎《✤》scent: cedar wood
《✤》genos vision╎mutation manifest i
《✤》genos luminous╎mutation manifest i
╎╎《✤》location: a patch around the collarbone that trails into a pointed shape down the spine
╎╎《✤》glow color: faint grey
《✤》genos spur╎mutation manifest i
╎╎《✤》color: fade from a wine red base to smokey grey tips

• —————–– ٠ visual information ٠ ————–—– •
《✤》eye color: royal blue
《✤》hair color: dark cocoa
《✤》hair style: long, thick ponytail
《✤》skin color: almond
《✤》clothing: Imperial-style╎heavy use of red and black
《✤》height: 6'4"╎193 cm

• —————–– ٠ personality ٠ ————–—– •
《✤》alignment: lawful good
《✤》personality type: intj╎the architect
《✤》religion: Dragon Worship╎5/10
╎╎《✤》preferred deity: Asaph, the Violet Creation

• —————–– ٠ life story ٠ ————–—– •
On a chilling and grey evening under the awnings of Inne-Hart, a province in Anglia, Madeleine Amalao and Nathan Deceres bore their third bastard child. Ophelia was strong in body and spirit, just like her 5-years-older siblings Lyonel and Araidith.

Ophelia's mother and uncle were tasked with most of her upbringing, as Ophelia's father was heavily involved in the military. He was often away for months at a time, fighting valiantly for a cause Ophelia was never quite sure about. What she was sure of, though, was that she wanted to be just like him: brave, strong, and always telling the most marvelous stories.

Ophelia began a squireship under a Bloodcast Knight named Emelia Avons at the age of seven. For the first few years, she and her mentor remained within the city. When she was about fourteen, Ophelia started to accompany Emelia on her combat missions. For the most part, they hunted bands of criminals plaguing small towns around Anglia. It was exciting and rewarding work for Ophelia, and she took on each task with a determined strength.

Ophelia fought with Emelia in Anglia for seven years. She maintained loose communications with her family throughout this time, really only sending letters a few times a year for holidays and birthdays. Under Emelia's patient hand, she grew into a skilled combatant. When she at last turned twenty-one, Ophelia traveled with her mentor to Blücherwald Castle. There, she was made a full Bloodcast Knight.

Soon after, Ophelia returned home. There, her mother convinced her to meet the maternal side of her family, a tribe of Avanthar and Qússrakon that roamed the Anglian countryside. It was an awkward time for Ophelia at first. She struggled to connect with the other Avanthar, as they had grown up in an entirely different culture than she. Nevertheless, she grew to understand their customs and their language.

Among her mother's tribe, Ophelia trained relentlessly. She learned all they would teach her in animal care and horseback riding. Living off the land came easily to her, and she gladly helped with the more mundane chores. After about a year, she decided it was time to return to more knightly pursuits. Madeleine provided her daughter a Nerrin Alaan as a parting gift, and Ophelia went off to enlist her services as a soldier.
Venturing into the Regalian Archipelago, Ophelia found no shortage of conflicts to assist with. For the most part, she was able to pick and choose which causes were worthy enough for her to fight for. Her riding and pathfinding skills acquired from the Avanth proved extremely valuable in battles on rough terrain. She was a good soldier well on her way to becoming a great one.

When she could, Ophelia returned to the fields of Anglia to visit her mother and kin. These trips were often short, but the companionship and advice she received more than made up for the expenses.

In May 306, Ophelia received word that her older sister, Araidith, was being executed. The two had never been close, but it still caused Ophelia significant distress. She left the archipelago and spent the next three years doling vigilante justice in the cities of Anglia, much like she had with Emelia.

Then came the news that Lyonel had been legitimized and had taken leadership of the family. Hoping for the same treatment, Ophelia set off for the city of Regalia.
Claimed for review.​
@_e_money_ I deeply apologize for how long you've been waiting for a review.
