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On The Percival / Jared Honour Duel

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To Jared Kade, and the Imperial Family

Since my departure, and imprisonment within Fort Tond within Rie, there has been an unnatural amount of strife between Ravenstad and Kade. A short year ago, it would be something you'd never predict would happen. The fight between myself and Jared Kade, will accomplish nothing to remedy this. Dueling each other would only serve to embolden the lost party to strike back harder. Both Jared and I know each other far too well to assume we are not so willful to not follow that measure. That is why, on my own merit, I will be stopping it before it begins. I'm officially dropping myself from the honour duel, a duel spurred out of my hotheadedness, for my own personal betterment. Cooler heads and rationality will mend the tear between myself and Jared, and will allow us to become the good friends we once were. Furthermore, I'll apologize for my actions in response to his following the joust last weekend. It is not my place as a Viridian Paladin to respond to another's actions the way I did.

In response to all of this, I admit to breaking the following:
Self Denial and Sense of Duty for State (Code of Charlemois)
Ehre ist die Seele (Hohe Ehre)
Tapferkeit ohne Wehleidigkeit (Hohe Ehre)
Zurückhaltung (Hohe Ehre)

For breaking these four tenants of both the old and new, I will be punishing my own actions by method used by Viridians, self-flogging. This experience has led me to restudy my own actions, and change my course from today, onward. I intend to follow the Code as I once did, as a Paladin should always do.
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