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On The Importance Of Domestic Treatment To Foreign Relationships


Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
where the elf things are
A short letter is pinned up against the Golden Willow noticeboard, written in a practiced hand.

As a young boy, my father tutored me in the ways of statesmanship. Leading groups and communities was always amongst the skills he wished to teach me, and those I wished to learn. A significant portion of that tutorship revolved around the principle of mutual benefit and reward; of respecting the ally in return for their respect. After all, good things are gained from holding one another in esteem.

Corsair Lord Frisque, despite his title as a Lord, has seemingly ignored this principle. Rather than respect the alliance of the Regalian Empire and the Altalar Principalities, Frisque has stripped the basest legal allowances of one of the Regalian Empire's most prominent racial population groups and foreign allies, while the likes of the Isldar, some of whose most prominent figures in Regalia have been among the terrorist Isldar Refuge, are allowed Protected Race status.

These so-called First Acts of Heritage have done little but light a fire beneath those who claim actual heritage of the Allorn Empire. This Corsair 'Lord', apparent Secretary, has engaged in his First Act, certainly, and his first steps have begun a dark path for the Regalian Empire. After all, while this Corsair Lord acts in his own interests, seeking to denigrate and shame the Altalar people, he loses sight of the war in the West.

What is clearly apparent to myself, and to those who share a like-minded disbelief at the unending selfishness of this Varran, is that Corsair Lord Frisque would prefer to achieve his wants and desires at the cost of the Regalian Empire's alliance with the Principalities valiantly holding back the Kathar from breaking through into Regalian territories. The events at Merkar'sarh were a significant misstep to be sure, a mistake on foreign land that drew the ire of the Principalities' generals and leadership. Thankfully, there were no diplomatic casualties of this mistake. However, one can only guess at the direr consequences of a deliberate abuse on the Altalar people, especially within the borders of the Regalian Empire.

We Altalar are a people of rich culture and deep history. Our story is one from which all can learn, and our people are examples of which all can follow. Conflicts with the Regalian Empire have long since passed, and a greater threat looms over the Western front. We of the Altalaan Conclave, a group that has enacted no ill will towards the Regalian people, that have committed no crimes against Regalian law, ask that Regalian authorities rectify this misgiving before the foreign consequences become too large to handle. We also demand that the Corsair Lord justify his decision, and provide us with a reasonable answer as to why he would strip Regalia's closest and best current allies of their citizenship, beyond brazen self-interest and apathy for the allies of the Regalian Empire.

On behalf of the Altalaan Conclave and the Altalar of Regalia,
Aeralaanys Rhylovhas,
Representative of the Altalaan Conclave,
Protector of the Altalar People
"You tell it how it is, Aeralaanys," spoke an Altalar.
The Corsair Lord stumbled upon the post eventually as there was no notice for himself, "Aha, even still they remain as arrogant as ever. Talk of betraying an alliance is amusing as not but a year ago the knife-ears warred with Regalia and the alliance was made out of necessity. They pull out and they will face the Kathar just as we will." The Varran chuckled and made his way back towards the Claw Court to begin preparations for the audience tomorrow.
"This man's words are a prime example of intelligence. It's a shame that common sense thing is also a rarity in this empire. If anyone here had any of the smarts this man has, then they wouldn't've stripped themselves of a most powerful ally- no thanks to that overgrown feline in charge."
Gwenyth brushed the tip of her thumb against the edge of the notice sent to her. She remarked aloud: "Well, I should've guessed he wouldn't take this sitting down." @Scribbe


Griffen MacElroy, acting president of the Buck & Bramble Bottling Co. and the Assistant to the Lord Chancellor, attaches a neatly-scripted reply to the posted letter.

It reads:

It would be in the best interests to the population of Altalar within our great and venerated city to know that the currently-acting Secretary of Heritage's recent declaration has yet to be canonized and officiated by the Empire as approved and functional legislature.
In the unlikely and disastrous event that the proposed changes to the current Civil Status of the Empire do end up being implemented, then further action will be taken.

I have the honor to be our venerated Empire's most obedient and faithful servant,

Constanze du BrierĆ¼st
Lord Chancellor of the Regalian Empire
Countess of Maraisburke
Vicereine of Silberive


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"Here I thought I would finally be considered a person," remarked a rather sad and recently freed slave. She glanced up towards her company. "Your kin will fix this, right?"

With a long intake of breath, Laverne looked over the notice with some disbelief and some sort of expectance. This was coming, she just figured it would not be so soon. "Someone tell me who the fuck had the idea to put a slave in charge of foreign policy?" She asked her closest family member.
"So quick to jump to conclusions. And yet the die has yet to be cast. They should be grateful that they weren't stripped entirely of their citizen rank!" Came the murmured words of a particular Sarran. Her deep crimson eyes rolled heavenwards as she sauntered back into Claw Court.