Archived On Preventing Abuse Of The One Month Faction Protection

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Some guy trying to make things work
Staff member
Tech 2
Jan 17, 2014
Reaction score
Now, I know that many of us are happy with being able to start up a faction without having to worry about a pvp giant declaring war on us, however, there are some people who do not seem to value this protection in the same way. Where the problem lies is when people abuse this protection to flame other factions and then hide from pvp retaliation either by logging out after a raid has been committed to, which results in a forced 1 week wait. To me, this seems like an obscene abuse of the young faction protection rule. The rule was designed to allow young factions to have time to develop before having wars declared, not to allow them to taunt other factions while hiding behind their faction's age.

Now, for my proposal to fix this exploitation of the rule.
I propose that if an attacking faction can provide proof of a young faction either egging them on to raid or otherwise flaming the faction outside of the kit pvp setting, the faction's age protection should be invalidated.

As usual, I love hearing discussion and possibly developing the proposal to a more refined state.
So, what are your thoughts on the proposal? And for that matter, on the initial issue that it addresses?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I propose that if an attacking faction can provide proof of a young faction either egging them on to raid or otherwise flaming the faction outside of the kit pvp setting, the faction's age protection should be invalidated.

While this is a decent idea, it isn't really needed. There is an ignore feature for this reason. If you really do want to raid/kill them,just wait until the protection is done. Not hard. Now, I dislike flamers and the likes as much as the next guy, but punishing a faction due to the actions of (potentially) one or two people is bad. Perhaps have the faction be given a warning, and be told to deal with the members causing trouble. If it really is the whole faction, then the faction should either have said protection revoked, or just be disbanded. No need for a warning if they really are just pricks. Its just an abuse of that protection if the entire faction is doing it.
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While this is a decent idea, it isn't really needed. There is an ignore feature for this reason. If you really do want to raid/kill them,just wait until the protection is done. Not hard. Now, I dislike flamers and the likes as much as the next guy, but punishing a faction due to the actions of (potentially) one or two people is bad. Perhaps have the faction be given a warning, and be told to deal with the members causing trouble. If it really is the whole faction, then the faction should either have said protection revoked, or just be disbanded. No need for a warning if they really are just pricks. Its just an abuse of that protection if the entire faction is doing it.
I am all for being able to have a thick skin, however, that does not mean that you should tolerate everything that is thrown at you. Now, in response to what you brought up about not punishing the whole faction due to just a few members, would it be reasonable to require the leader to be contacted for them to handle it first? If the leader fails to take effective action, that would constitute leader acceptance of their member's actions.
I am all for being able to have a thick skin, however, that does not mean that you should tolerate everything that is thrown at you. Now, in response to what you brought up about not punishing the whole faction due to just a few members, would it be reasonable to require the leader to be contacted for them to handle it first? If the leader fails to take effective action, that would constitute leader acceptance of their member's actions.

As I said, "Perhaps have the faction be given a warning, and be told to deal with the members causing trouble." 'Faction' and 'Leader' being interchangeable. If the leader is unable to deal with the problem, or refuses to, then it would be back to revocation of protection or disbanding the faction altogether. Its harsh, but I feel as though harsh can somehow get through the skulls of idiots.
As I said, "Perhaps have the faction be given a warning, and be told to deal with the members causing trouble." 'Faction' and 'Leader' being interchangeable. If the leader is unable to deal with the problem, or refuses to, then it would be back to revocation of protection or disbanding the faction altogether. Its harsh, but I feel as though harsh can somehow get through the skulls of idiots.
For the sake of minimizing required staff intervention, do you think that it would be reasonable for the faction leader to have to respond to an inquiry by the complaining party? Counting refusal to respond at the time to constitute a refusal to resolve the problem? If message is sent by in game mail, allowing no longer wait than 24 hours after the login where they would first have the opportunity to see the message? This way, leaders cannot avoid taking action or facing consequences by simply not responding.
Edit: I don't think that disbanding would be a good idea since it would just be a reason for them to reform the faction, then claim that they didn't disband then recreate to keep the one month protection (which ironically was already being abused in this case).
For the sake of minimizing required staff intervention, do you think that it would be reasonable for the faction leader to have to respond to an inquiry by the complaining party? Counting refusal to respond at the time to constitute a refusal to resolve the problem? If message is sent by in game mail, allowing no longer wait than 24 hours after the login where they would first have the opportunity to see the message? This way, leaders cannot avoid taking action or facing consequences by simply not responding.
Edit: I don't think that disbanding would be a good idea since it would just be a reason for them to reform the faction, then claim that they didn't disband then recreate to keep the one month protection (which ironically was already being abused in this case).

Fair point. But how would the offending party know it was completed. I would suggest more of a forum-using approach, similar to the way war requests are handled.
Fair point. But how would the offending party know it was completed. I would suggest more of a forum-using approach, similar to the way war requests are handled.
Good idea, although what do you think should happen if the responding leader doesn't have a forum account, thus leaving them unaware? Should it be treated like any other war where they simply do not have any notification? Or should there be a requirement to contact them in game?
I feel like its the leaders responsibility to know these sorts of things. If they really wanted to get a faction going, I would guess that they would set up a forum account just to know if war is coming. As for how to treat it if they don't, I don't think it would be too hard to notify them.
Ultimately, this brings in far too much complexity. If the flaming itself is bad, it may well be against the rules. Thus we do not need to use this complex punishment system, as we already have a mute/jail/ban syatem in place for dealing with these offences. The scenario is a little vague but the way I see it there are a few varying situations:
  • The new faction is being quite irritating in chat and inciting a faction and encouraging it to raid them. I don't see how this kind of thing warrants a revocation of protection as it can be interpreted as some old fashioned badinage or just idiocy. They could be ignored or engaged in verbal jousting. If you're really hot-headed, wait for the month to end.
  • They do something that would usually warrant a war such as theft, killing or something similar. In this case, I understand that revocation of protection would be good. However, in this case, raids or a postponed war will have to suffice. After all, it's so subjective that nobody can judge.
  • They actually break the rules by swearing, spamming, griefing etc. There are alternative punishments in place for this.
People who are in a war will make a new faction to avade the war. It is a terrible idea. Although it depends on the history of the person who owns it.
Ultimately, this brings in far too much complexity. If the flaming itself is bad, it may well be against the rules. Thus we do not need to use this complex punishment system, as we already have a mute/jail/ban syatem in place for dealing with these offences. The scenario is a little vague but the way I see it there are a few varying situations:
  • The new faction is being quite irritating in chat and inciting a faction and encouraging it to raid them. I don't see how this kind of thing warrants a revocation of protection as it can be interpreted as some old fashioned badinage or just idiocy. They could be ignored or engaged in verbal jousting. If you're really hot-headed, wait for the month to end.
  • They do something that would usually warrant a war such as theft, killing or something similar. In this case, I understand that revocation of protection would be good. However, in this case, raids or a postponed war will have to suffice. After all, it's so subjective that nobody can judge.
  • They actually break the rules by swearing, spamming, griefing etc. There are alternative punishments in place for this.
Clearly this would not be replacing existing punishment techniques as those are executed much more quickly than a war declaration response. This was intended mostly for those who are talking trash within the permitted constraints. The point of this is to address those who are taunting other factions while hiding behind the young faction protection, this point is irrelevant when it actually is against server rule since we already have defined actions which frankly are more severe. Furthermore, I don't think that we really have a problem with it being complicated when comparing it to many other aspects of the war, such as alliance wars, reporting changes, calculating surrender terms, etc.

Now, I would like to point out what I feel is missing from your points.

The new faction protection is not supposed to protect people from being dumb, it is supposed to allow them to develop their faction somewhat more peacefully before being exposed to the threat of war. When this function is no longer the primary use of the protection, aka the protection is being abused, it does not seem reasonable for them to keep that status as they are saying they are ready to take the backlash of making enemies. To me, it seems like walking up to a gang in an alley, spitting on one of them, then saying, "wait, I'm not ready to fight." Hopefully this analogy makes some sense.

In your second point, you say to just wait until the end of the month or stick to the weekly raids. I, and I'm sure many other people, dislike this solution. One of the reasons I dislike it is that it still seems like throwing the first punch then saying, "wait, I'm not ready." Furthermore, a month can be a long time, and when there is so much of a time gap, the message doesn't get through to them that it is a bad idea to pick fights before you can handle them. If they really were not capable of handling a war yet, they probably should have known not to egg on people who are ready. Furthermore, it still would be considered an abuse of the young faction protection.

Your third point was already addressed in the first paragraph of this post, but I'll reiterate over it. This is not supposed to replace existing rules, this may exist in parallel with them. If they have been banned, well, there is no point in the war, the only thing missing is their head as a trophy, which can't be obtained anyway. If it is a mute, I think that it could potentially be considered enough, assuming that they were not directly taunting another faction to raid them. As I said, this is not to replace the existing consequences, but simply to prevent abuse of the young faction protection.

However, it seems that I needed to be a bit more clear in my explanation of the proposal, and for bringing that to my attention, I thank you.
Ultimately, this brings in far too much complexity. If the flaming itself is bad, it may well be against the rules. Thus we do not need to use this complex punishment system, as we already have a mute/jail/ban syatem in place for dealing with these offences. The scenario is a little vague but the way I see it there are a few varying situations:
  • The new faction is being quite irritating in chat and inciting a faction and encouraging it to raid them. I don't see how this kind of thing warrants a revocation of protection as it can be interpreted as some old fashioned badinage or just idiocy. They could be ignored or engaged in verbal jousting. If you're really hot-headed, wait for the month to end.
  • They do something that would usually warrant a war such as theft, killing or something similar. In this case, I understand that revocation of protection would be good. However, in this case, raids or a postponed war will have to suffice. After all, it's so subjective that nobody can judge.
  • They actually break the rules by swearing, spamming, griefing etc. There are alternative punishments in place for this.

I have always been one for taking matters into my own hands (or axe rather). No need to get the staff involved when you can name your axe attitude adjustment and bring the Raid Hammer down.

Also on the topic of the subject. If a leader is knowingly belligerent. This should be grounds for a war. There is no sense in allowing a faction a one month grace period. If they are going to squander it away with belligerence. Any raids from a faction that have a one month grace period should revoke the grace period.
Assuming we went along with "if they flame, we get to raid them anyways", what is flame defined as? Many could abuse this by twisting around the players words and claiming they were flaming, while they really weren't. So, a player could say something such as "go away from my faction or I will report you for harassment" and get raided for 'raging and making threats', when really they were just trying to say that if the other player kept harassing them, they would be reported- which is a totally non- flame statement, it is simply informative.
Assuming we went along with "if they flame, we get to raid them anyways", what is flame defined as? Many could abuse this by twisting around the players words and claiming they were flaming, while they really weren't. So, a player could say something such as "go away from my faction or I will report you for harassment" and get raided for 'raging and making threats', when really they were just trying to say that if the other player kept harassing them, they would be reported- which is a totally non- flame statement, it is simply informative.
I don't think any reasonable person would interpret someone threatening to report them as flame. Also, making threats, depending on the kind, is actually a bannable offense. And I don't recall raging being part of the disqualifying criteria for the protection.
Furthermore, this still was intended to go through a declaration process, just to terminate the early protection if it is being abused. This means that there would still have to be evidence of said flame. Also, I think that there is a pretty good idea as to what counts as flame seeing as people are able to get muted for it when in the wrong places.
I don't think any reasonable person would interpret someone threatening to report them as flame. Also, making threats, depending on the kind, is actually a bannable offense. And I don't recall raging being part of the disqualifying criteria for the protection.
Furthermore, this still was intended to go through a declaration process, just to terminate the early protection if it is being abused. This means that there would still have to be evidence of said flame. Also, I think that there is a pretty good idea as to what counts as flame seeing as people are able to get muted for it when in the wrong places.
My point was that dishonest players could use this system to their advantage, by twisting other players words around so it looks like flame.
My point was that dishonest players could use this system to their advantage, by twisting other players words around so it looks like flame.
I hope you realize manipulating evidence is already against server rules, right?
Also, I've actually seen some players with bans on their records from manipulating evidence with reports. On top of this, if there is some dispute on the matter, it is a simple matter of the defending faction saying that the evidence shown was taken wildly out of context, as there is access to the server logs.

Edit: I would also ask you to remove the read again rating as I in fact did respond to your question if you had actually taken the time to read it through. We are simply using the existing staff interpretation of flame.
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I would think that that fits under the "common sense" rule. However, whether it is illegal or not, players could still abuse this.
Like other rules, it is verifiable and bannable to manipulate evidence. If anything, it actually favors the defending faction for someone to try twisting their words as it means that one of their potential enemies would be banned.
Like other rules, it is verifiable and bannable to manipulate evidence. If anything, it actually favors the defending faction for someone to try twisting their words as it means that one of their potential enemies would be banned.
True, but no one (smart) would do something like that unless they could get away with it, which I believe would be entirely possible.
True, but no one (smart) would do something like that unless they could get away with it, which I believe would be entirely possible.
Then allow me to educate you on the nature of server logs. A typical server log keeps track of several things, among those things are chat logs. If there in fact is some dispute as to the legitimacy of the claim, a staff may check the logs and verify the context. Making a false claim would likely be punishable as well as manipulating the evidence. Both would come out extremely easily. The server staff are not stupid.
I believe you missed my point within your obsession with yours. The majority case will not be able to even make a decent attempt at manipulating evidence. And those who actually think they can get away with it, are going to be very mistaken. I would like you to show me even just one example that you think would be able to trick the staff while giving enough context to provide sufficient evidence that it is in context. Just one that you think would not fall into any of the checks.
@Sami Glide would you care to share what kinds fixes you had in mind, or has it already been addressed?
I think it may have already been said. My fix is that factions cant taunt or take advantage of the fact that they are protected.
I think it may have already been said. My fix is that factions cant taunt or take advantage of the fact that they are protected.
Sounds like we are more or less on the same page. Just to clarify, you're suggesting making it against the rules to abuse the protection rather than just having it constitute grounds for war engagement?

Edit: just by way of further explanation, I find that it helps players keep track of who has protection if we allow it to be grounds of a war versus having to check some alternative records which likely do not yet have an existing record system accessible, furthermore, I think that players would be more satisfied being able to directly retaliate to violating flame or effectively similar provocations.
Sounds like we are more or less on the same page. Just to clarify, you're suggesting making it against the rules to abuse the protection rather than just having it constitute grounds for war engagement?
Make it against the rules, so if the person being protected breaks the rules it results in a mute or worse if repeated.
Make it against the rules, so if the person being protected breaks the rules it results in a mute or worse if repeated.
I like this in some applications but not in all. One of the cases where I dislike how it works is when someone is directly egging on people to go raid them as it seems to make logical sense for them to be ready for war if they are asking for people to show up in this manner. However, if it is a non pvp related flame we are talking about how a faction is somehow lacking, I could definitely support your solution.
Yes but people still do it.
The fact is that there are actually rules in place about this behavior and consequences attached; the subject of the discussion is supposed to be the part the does not yet have consequences attached to it yet, don't take it away from that.