• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

On Duty


To those brave men and women of the Regalian Guard, and various other law enforcement groups who met the challenges of this past Saturday with dedicated service, care, concern, and adherence to the vows you have taken to protect this city from criminals, I thank you.

Tears were in my eyes, when I saw the brave Regalian Guard at the end of our ordeal. When I saw their professionalism, their sense of duty. Our Regalian Guard works tirelessly on our behalf. To protect our children, our property, our very lives. I am dismayed to see public figures place blame on anyone else but the criminals responsible for the terror visited upon our city. Our guard, and its commander, are owed a debt of gratitude for how efficiently and effectively they responded to such a crisis. As are those citizens who aided the cause of righteousness. Who support our Empire through their good works, and dedication.

On the subject of Knight Ruyter's response to the recent convulsions within the city – I say
for shame. Shame in exploiting tragedy for his personal gain. Shame on condemning heroes that stepped forward in Regalia's hour of need. Shame on him for crying 'decadence' because my family, so wild with grief and anguish at my kidnapping, were comforted by Duke Typhonus' actions. That honorable man who would leave my family to their suffering and despair, knowing, trusting, that full well, we would settle our debt against him when the danger had passed. He who can be both stalwart commander and still have a deft hand with a family in crisis is one to be lauded, not criticized.

For my family did know, that I would rather die than negotiate with the scum that murdered Duke Ravenstad. That my wishes were to never give in to such threats. I concede to the wisdom of Duke Typhonus, that he thought it best to do what he did, in order to keep the city safe. But for Ser Ruyter to manipulate the tragedy that befell Regalia for his own personal gain is nothing short of deplorable. He wonders about the coffers of my house, yet he gives the bare minimum to the state. He muses curious on the state of the guards in the assembly, though he is mysteriously absent, and his former political allies were the offenders in this attack.

Know this, Regalia. We will not bow to such attacks. The goodness of our people, our Empire, and the Imperial Spirit will prevail against these aberrations.

I implore all of you to join me in mourning the passing of Duke Ravenstad. Those of you with the means to do so are asked to make contributions to the Church in honor of the martyrdom of this fallen man.

That his death may not be in vain, but serve to inspire those who have a true love of this wonderful Empire, and will not see it fall to vagrants and criminals – who seek to destroy your property, steal your gold, defile your family, and bring ruin to us all - body and soul. Now is the time to unite. To remember who we are, and who we strive to be. Our path is long, but righteous. I remain,

Your Dutiful Servant,

Sigurna Wodenstaff
Xavier glanced over the paper brought to him by a Witch Hunter, noting aloud, "Rather curious how the Baroness mourns over the death of the Duke Ravenstad. I seem to recall the man bearing no love for her."
Horatio received a copy of the statement brought to him by one of his devotees, glancing over it from behind the veil of his silver mask. "I can't see how the Baroness Wodenstaff continues, again and again, trying to seize the moral high ground. A woman blind by avarice; she siphoned money from state coffers for her own gain, brought about the fall of two governments and yet has the gall to stand as the accuser?" He scoffed, dismissing the man with a wave of the hand before feeding the paper to the fire of his hearth.
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A smaller paper, almost as if the words therein were written as a side-note and ripped from its mother page, was soon tacked to the noticeboard aside the Wodenstaff's.

If you would be so kind as to send me what personal gain you accuse me of claiming, I would be much obliged. I find your plea against me rather ironic, particularly because I only called for three things to come into motion in my thesis.
1. The pursuit of the Jacobinist poet who keeps spreading his propaganda amidst the noticeboard.
2. The mobilization of our military and attack on Rie Rivaella.
3. The increase of guards at assemblies.

Truly if I were the plotting rat you claim I am, I would have insulted you and left it at that. Your insinuations that I was mysteriously absent because I was behind the whole plot fall flat. As for my political allies being the offenders, I have no clear idea what you mean. My political allies have only ever been Charles Montagaard, Xavier Kade, and the men of the Bastion. If you have any information as to the identities of the terrorists who call themselves the Devout Few, I urge you present this evidence to the Guard.
Juliette smiled upon hearing about the notice as she sat with her daughter, a maid near by. Though the woman wasn't exactly comfortable yet cradling her newborn, she had managed to actually hold her this day. "Mm.. the guard is good- when it's members aren't being asses."



A page would be neatly posted under Ruddulf's, bearing no poem nor a long phase. Just a simply:

Your love for mentioning me is quite flattering.
-Icarus Albatross
Juliette smiled upon hearing about the notice as she sat with her daughter, a maid near by. Though the woman wasn't exactly comfortable yet cradling her newborn, she had managed to actually hold her this day. "Mm.. the guard is good- when it's members aren't being asses."



A page would be neatly posted under Ruddulf's, bearing no poem nor a long phase. Just a simply:

Your love for mentioning me is quite flattering.
-Icarus Albatross
Carolyne seethed after reading the copy of the poster received in the Typhonburg, the woman pulling the plague mask from her face as she spoke. It was apparent enough that coming home to this was less than pleasing.
"The snake thinks a sob story will cut for the truth. Truly, I wonder what would've happened without her dear consulship."