Omari, Son Of Hasani

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by dimetros, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. dimetros

    dimetros unironic scalie Staff Member Roleplay Staff

    Aug 21, 2019
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    Name: Omari, son of Hasani
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Race: Nefer Asha (Greyhound Head)
    Preferred Weapons: Clockwork, Claws

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    +21 Clockwork
    +10 Bola Combat
    +9 Roguery (Rogue Gift 4, Home Enchant 1, Burglary Pack)
    +7 Fist Combat
    +3 Linguistics (Faraddi)

    Hobby Points

    +5 Theater Art (5 Hobby)
    +5 Painting Art (5 Hobby)


    Body Stat: 9
    (7 fist combat [5/2, rounded up] theater art = 9)
    Body Shape: Andro
    Body Fat: Average


    Ibeth (10/10, native tongue)
    Common (7/10, learned from travels)
    Faraddi (7/10, studied intensively during time in Farah’deen)

    Special Traits

    Clockwork Technik
    Magic Bolt 1
    Wall Climb 3
    Light Mend 1
    Glitter Control 1
    Element Control 7
    Super Self 1​

    Clockwork Environment

    Clockwork Golem
    Omari pilots the Seqheret, a golem that resembles a humanoid jackal. Wire dreadlocks hang from the back of its head, and it bares an almost enfeebling long tail made of a similar material. Most noticeable of all is the construct’s cape, which is stark black and emblazoned with the insignia of its namesake.​

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    Eye Color: Light grey eye-whites, light blue irises
    Hair Color: Creamy white fur
    Hair Style: Long, silky hair with no noticeable “top growths”
    Skin Color: Pinkish
    Clothing: Blue Satoor with a sheer top and short vest- reminiscent of the Qadir style of mixing fashions
    Height: 165 cm

    〚 ✧┇ ═══════════════════ - ‹ •◦ ✧ ◦• › - ═══════════════════ ┇✧ 〛


    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Omari truly believes in the Nefer-based concept of “Paradise”. Through collaboration and benevolent narcissism, the Asha can bring about a world of peace. He genuinely wants to be a hero- saving other people from the clutches of slavery and helping those stuck in destitution.

    Personality Type: ENFP-A (The Campaigner)
    ENFPs are energetic and compassionate, and Omari acts just the same. He faces every day with zeal and kindness alike. Don’t let his affinity for clockwork fool you; he seldom looks through things without an emotional lens.

    Religion: Faces of Baskarr (6/10)
    Kharma plays an important role in Omari’s life. His good deeds are backed by the idea of Kharma along with a great desire to become a hero. While he preaches Kharma and enjoys tales about the herons, he spends little time visiting shrines or performing any sort of rituals.

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    Childhood: Omari, the fourth-born of Hasani and Sagira, was born in the Kingdom of Nakhoor in 290 AC. He lived a life without complaint- being born well-off gave him plenty of access to the world’s greater luxuries. Omari immersed himself in the stories of his people and learned to value kindness and freedom above all other things. One day, he’d bring paradise to Aloria- or so his parents said.

    Adolescence: Paradise doesn’t come easily. Omari boarded a ship with his family, spending quality time with them as they sailed to Faraddi on a diplomatic mission. In the middle of his trip, a gang of Fin’ullen mercenaries banded the ship- they made quick work of the family’s Rakhet guards. Those they didn’t slay were bound in chains and shipped off to Talant Loresse.

    Each day on the boat was undeniably traumatic. Omari’s tail faced the blade of an Altalar privateer, leaving a scar that would never heal. Once the boat landed, the youth was sure he’d face his demise- or worse yet, a life of captivity. The night his family arrived at his new master’s house, a Qadir vigilante broke in and led the group to safety. After a month of blood, sweat, and tears, Omari and his family made it back home- safe and sound.

    Teenage Years: The entire experience left his kin changed- but Omari’s life took a drastic turn. He was obsessed over his savior’s heroics. He needed to meet this man. He needed to learn from his bravery. The young Nefer convinced his parents to send him over to Faraddi- though he lied about his intent. To his parents' knowledge, Omari is still in Faraddi, studying hard in Al-Hafirah Hamanh College.

    Time passed, and through luck and through investigation, Omari was able to find his savior. Hafiz Al-Abadi wasn’t too keen on taking Omari under his wing at first- but the Nefer insisted and proved his dedication to the noble cause of helping those in need. Hafiz relented. Omari learned the art of Clockworking under the careful watch of his new mentor, and accompanied him on his missions from henceforth.

    Young Adulthood: It was time for Omari to come into his own. He could no longer patrol the sands of Faraddi with his mentor- he had to prove himself a true hero. He had to find his own territory to show his heroics in. He soon picked Regalia- and sailed on a ship to turn the Crown City into paradise in his own, theatrical ways.
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
  2. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Claimed for review.​
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  3. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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