Preserved Sheet Omaikate Character Sheet (renee J'davenport)

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Renee J'Davenport
Mar 1, 2017
Reaction score

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Renee Evette J'Davenport
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Breizh Ailor
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Preferred Weapon: Good with throwing knives and regular swords


24 proficiency points to spend from age.
-+5 Medical science (From points)
+4 Food and drink sciences (From points)
+10 Blades Combat Skill(From Race boost)
+5 Throwing Combat Skill
(From points)
-+10 Athletic Training (From points)

Body Shape

Athletic Training 10x2 + Blades 10 + Throwing 5 = 35
Muscular Body Shape
Low body fat


Common (From social interaction. Fluent)
Picaron(First language. Fluent)


-Renee is a vigilant shield guardsmen a She has lived in Regalia ever since she was 18 when she fled from her abusive adoption caring center.

-Renee's early years of life are a mystery. She was found in a random unknown forest when she was about a week old. Unknown parents, siblings, etc.

-Renee just wanted the simple life until she became a violet. Her live revolves around being a violet and she loves it. She no longer wants children because she believes it will get in the way of her life.

Visual Information

Eye Color:
Beautiful Ocean blue (Many different shades of blue)
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Wavy/ocean curls (Always down with flower crown)
Skin Color: Pale
Clothing: Blue and white dress (Peasant style dress)
Height: 5'5

-Big eyes to show gorgeous ocean blue color, also she has very long eyelashes.
-She always has a smile on her face, either a closed or open smile.
-Very beautiful girl who looks young for her age as her skin is perfect and shiny.
-Beauty mark on her left top cheek bone
-Her hair is always down with a flower crown, she has beautiful long brown curly hair.
-She also has perfect white teeth

-Somewhat curvy body, her breasts would seem to be larger than her hips.
-Small waist and petite sized stomach
-Nothing on her body is super muscular
-Her preferred color is any type of blue. It matches her eyes.
-Also she secretly carries a small throwing knife under her dress for protection.

Personality and Abilities

Renee's worst fear is being alone again just as she was when she was at the adoption care center. The way she responds to fear is she doesn't show it, she doesn't like telling people her fears because she doesn't like showing her weaknesses. She is afraid if someone knows her weaknesses, they will be used against her. She typically tries to ignore the fear and put it aside but at times the thought eats her alive and causes horrible anxiety.

Renee doesn't cope with stress well. She needs someone to calm her down because unfortunately she get's stressed a lot. She came from a horrible place when she was younger so she is always stressed about something, making her worry about what will happen. Stress overcomes her and makes her do stupid things such as run away by herself etc.

Renee has a sucky life now, she had it all. But after having a toxic relationship that finally ended she isn't doing well. She loved the man more than anything but it was for the best that they broke things off. So far she isn't doing well, loss of friends, loss of knowing who she truly is, no family, no man in her life, she is struggling a lot.

Renee views laws and authorities as very important because she is a guard. She does her best to follow every rule and stay out of trouble.

Renee loves everyone pretty much, besides a few from her past of course and anyone who hurts her family. She believes everyone deserves chances and that just because someone is another race doesn't mean they are bad. She believes being a certain race does not define you. But after the breakup she hasn't been the same, she has started to hate and be mean.

Renee views regalia laws can go a bit far sometimes. But Renee understands how important regalia laws are. Renee doesn't follow a religion because she was never taught one at her orphanage. She was never taught anything except to read and write. They all just called the kids "Devil children" and thats how far her religion goes.

She loves knowing that there are things in this world that we don't and will never understand. She loves seeing mysterious and magical things because where she came from her life was dull and boring so an exciting adventure to a magical land is always exciting!

Renee is insecure about her physical appearance, because she has bigger breasts, she is only 5'5 and what she wears people look at her and assume she is weak. She often times finds herself fighting back when people make comments saying she is weak, not strong enough, etc. because she is a lot stronger than people assume.

Renee is most proud of her overcoming her child hood and not giving up. Her younger years remain a mystery to most people except herself because she is so embarrassed and saddened by those years. But secretly she is so proud of her being able to overcome them all.

-Renee is overall a very kind woman, she believes everyone is equal and deserves a second chance.
-She is very protective
-She can be a drama queen
-She is also a humor full person who likes to have a good time everyone and a while



People who actually care for her
Renee also enjoys being around flowers and water, they make her feel content because of all the color.


People who think they are more superior because of their title.
Birc a-Ali
The cold

Life Story

Renee's parents are unknown. She was found in an unknown forest at about 10 weeks and taken to a adoption care center where she stayed at till she was 18. No one ever adopted her and she was treated horribly because of her beauty. She had been treated horribly by men and women at the center. She then learned self defense and throwing combat secretly to learn how to defend herself against these horrible people. Fortunately, the technique worked and she was left alone but unfortunately she was called insane and they threw her into an isolation cell for 2 years because they thought she was a devil child. When she just turned 18, she found a way to escape the center and she fled to Regalia where she found shelter by a poor woman. She then lived on the streets and wherever she could until she went up to a guard, guarding the Grey gate and started to talk to the man. His name is Birc al-Ali, he is the man she is courting. She is now courting him and enjoying every second of her life. There isn't too much to her story, she just had a very abusive childhood that she wishes she could erase from her memory. Her childhood has caused her not be able to handle stress well which is not a good skill to have because she is a Vigilant Guard. When Renee get's overwhelmed, her body shuts down and her stress overtakes her causing her to do stuff she will regret. It has also caused her to have a lot of trust issues because when she grew up she couldn't trust anyone. And it has also caused problems with meeting new people. She has also learned that to have thick skin and once she can take control of the stress she handles situations pretty well.

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Just a point, I wouldn't have her be a victim of... uhhh... sexual exploitation or rape considering the mental effects of such are things outside of just 'anxiety', I'd think, not to mention that type of rp and mentions of it are usually frowned on due to the fact that there are some people on the server who are sensitive to the topic.

But that's just a opinion and thing I'd keep in mind, I'm not staff!
Good point, totally slipped my mind that, that topic is technically banned on this server!
  • I'd like you to remove Faraddi from Renee's Language listing, as she lacks any Linguistic points that would allow her to learn a language even partially, and place Picaron in it, as this is the Breizh cultural language.
  • I'd like you to expand Renee's Law & Authority and Religion entries in her Personality & Abilities; what's her opinion of law and how does she view authority figures? Are there places where she believes the law goes too far? Is there a specific reason why she doesn't have a religion? Does she never feel pressure to subscribe to one? Please expand on these.
  • I'd like you to expand Renee's Life Story section, talking about the exact circumstances of her upbringing, and explicitly how certain events and happenings in her background have caused her to become how she is as a person today.
Please mark your edits in red and @tag me when you're done. Happy editing!
Hey @OmaiKate ! Every Character sheet was rejected with the new proficiency update! It just means to update your sheet if you still play the character. :)
Okay I will update it right now, should I @ you when I'm done?
Approved, just tag me. Scribbe is no longer apart of the team.
@Carlit0o sheet rejected from not being edited or used in a while. How can I get it approved again
Your sheet was rejected when everyone's was because of the proficiency system remake is my guess. u should probably be okay after making appropriate edits to your points and such :)