Preserved Sheet Olski Skaar

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The Black Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
Reaction score
The Black Sea
Basic Information

Olski Skaar is a thirty-seven year old male Ur.

Olski was born to Apir, and Mearah Skaar. Apir, his father, passed away in Ellador trying to keep the sacred lands away from the Thylan. Olski's dear mother, Mearah resides in Ellador where she tries to keep doing her husbands dying wish. Olski's younger brother, Mushki Skaar, lives in regalia with Olski. Mushki is a twin of Olski, and born after Olski, but before Andrej. His youngest brother, Andrej did not live up to his names meaning, and died a few weeks after birth. His sister Dimka stays close to both her brothers in the holy city as well. Olski's birth took place within Ellador after the Urs' had migrated, and during the Thylans desperate tries at survivial.

Olski lives in a bland house within walking distance of the park because he loves nature while in regalia, but in new ceardia he has a small traveling circus.

Olski looks towards a persuit of intellectual knowledge, and the abilities to communicate effectively with other species. He wants to observe the skies, people, and nature differences between his old home and the new lands. He is optimistic towards finding new and exotic things to him, and learning every single detail the object has to it.

Visual Information

Body Description

His body may not be perfect, but people have a great view of his inequalities while he stands at exactly seven feet. He weighs a whopping five hundred and forty-six pounds. His legs, preferably the calfs are extremely strong due to running, and chasing animal while in Ellador. Because he focuses on his legs, the weakness lies within his arms. He may be big and strong, but he does not use them for more than stripping meat or catching the pray. His feet do most the work. Under the fur, lash scars remain from years of being whipped to perform. The effect the lashing has done to him is an often, hunched back, or pain when bending too far forward.

From being whipped to perform in the circus, his back has whip scarring, along with parts of his arms and sides. His fur color looks like mud almost, a dark, yet elegant color. From having to jump through a fire ring, underneath the fur there are burn marks in small portions.

Because of the whippings, some large chunks of hair appear to be shorter than other portions because of the hair loss when the whip striked. Along with this, his fur has caught fire, and also been singed by the fire ring. Parts of his muddy brown fur can appear black as it was burned, while other parts are smaller than others from regrowth.

Head Description

His sharp face is covered with a large amount of fur, causing it to appear rather square or circular. His face is bushy, and his nose is an even darker brown than his fur. He has large, murky-yellow eyes that seem to be more sunken in than out.

His murky eyes seem to always be studying the surroundings while his mouth sits on his face dully. In turn it appears as if he is always bored, or just really, really dull.

To the right and left of his mouth extra hair has grown to somewhat appear as parts of a 'beard', but some need to look really closely. Some hair has overgrown at his top, while in many blotches some hair has not grown enough. His fur most of the time looks uneven. While for the most part he is a mud brown, black parts of fur stay in his coat, and they are singed together to make clumps.

Olski has a nasal ring which makes him look somewhat like a bull. The nasal piercing is a large, round, golden ring. Few cuts reside on his face due to him never really getting into fights from his peaceful nature. He has also taken up a pair of spectacles because he wishes to begin reading other languages, and also to see much more clearer.

Clothing and Accessories

Olski's mother made the children clothing from hunted animals and used the pelts for their clothing. Generally Olski's clothing is too big for him, and that is similar to the case now a days. Olski's clothing is made from Deer, Elk, Reindeer, and any other animal they could catch. The clothing is rough, and better than rags because of their craftsmanship. Along with his loincloth, comes a pair of arm guards, and fur shoes. He sometimes wears a hat made from Ur fur because he believes it will make his ancestors more likely to speak with him. The clothing, apart from the hat and shoes, appear to be mismatched pelts, which they are. Brown is the main color following the clothing, although parts are darker, and some are lighter. While in materialistic worth, the clothing is practically worthless, although they contain a sentimental value to Olski while in regalia.

Olski keeps the nasal ring because he believes it tells people he has been, or is 'domesticated' or 'tamed.' He thinks it will keep less people taking him for an aggressive beast, and rather the pacifist he is. Olski's regular clothing pertains a sentimental value to him because he is seperated from his mother, and believes she is still guiding him while he wears the clothes made of her love.

Behavior Information
Personality Traits

  • Pacifist. Olski has been patterned to be a pacifist because of instinct, and his caring mother. He learned never to fight back while he was in the circus as well, or else that would prove painful. Olski has naturally wanted to learn more about the world, then bring chaos to is anyways. He does not start fights with people and feels negatively towards them. This can prove to be a good thing, but also a bad thing as he has no experience with fighting people, and can prove harmless even when in danger. He most likely will not be able to defend himself, or attack the other person. How I roleplay this. Olski will never start a fight unless fully prompted or attacked. He tends to remain passive during any verbal fights with someone due to him hating violence, and also his passive personality. He will keep his cool during any hostile or heated conversation or actions, and typically will proceed to stay that way unless he is attacked.

  • Observant. Due to always wanting to see more of the world, and constantly staring at his surroundings. Olski has become quite observant, and used to noticing when something has gone out of place. He constantly looks around anyways, so why not see everything that is right there in front of you. Olski can pay more attention to his surroundings than the people in front of him at times. He sometimes could be more interested in where a bird is flying, than memorizing what someone said. How I roleplay this. Olski will constantly look around himself at the many things surrounding himself. During conversations he will most likely pay more attention to the nature and technology that surrounds him, rather the actual people or conversation. Most of the time Olski will greatly observe, and play games where he tries to classify objects within the tavern, or just anywhere, so in short he will never get bored.

  • Boring. Olski can appear to be boring because of many different reasons. First of all, because of his tight schedule he has little time to do many 'fun' things, or at least things other people believe are fun. He stays to a large, and specified routine which can prove bad at times if something unexpected happens. Because he typically does the same thing every day, many people find his strange and constant movements strange and boring. He sits in silence for long periods on days he has no work, and people who are near him see Olski as an old man, because they believe he is either extremely docile or, heavily boring. How I roleplay this. Olski will typically do the same thing every time, whether that be heading to the tavern at the start of the day, or making sure he falls asleep in his bed at an exact time. Usually he has a specific route or eating spot and, or chair.

  • Parsimonious. Olski is extremely frugal because he worries about losing all his money and sending his family into debt once more. Olski, when he does spend money, makes sure the item he spent his precious money on will last for a long period of time. He makes sure that the item lasts to its' max efficiency, and will not waste any part of it. Even with Tanna water, if he does not finish it he will either share with parches family members, or use it to water plants. When he was young his family taught him to never waste any prey or food they had because they so dearly needed it when they lived in Ellador. And now Olski has taken their words over-literally and now he goes about, making sure everything he owns is used to its' full potential and efficiency so the item lived up to the money. How I roleplay this. Olski will not waste any food he purchases, and this can greatly help hungry street urchins. When making food some of the side dishes may appear, strange, as they are most likely leftovers from something else.

  • Repeating. Like scientists, Olski repeats things many times until it is exactly right. His schedule is typically repeated most of the day which can prove boring to many of the people if they watch his life go on everyday. Having a timeline set for something can be usefull, although is something goes off track his day is usually messed up, but hey, he just repeats it tomorrow. How I roleplay this. On certain days Olski will always have a different place to sit, and next week he will sit in everyone of those spots a second time. He will repeat what he eats, and sometimes where he looks. Whether that be observing the tavern on Thursdays, or making sure to water plants on Fridays. Every day he will have the same schedule next week

  • Joyful. Olski can find joy in many different scenarios, all though this can be weird when he is happy at someones death. He finds everything fascinating so he is happy at the most weird, or inappropriate times. This causes either a stir, and carries a creepy stigma when he is always happy. Many people think something is wrong with him when he is constantly happy. How I roleplay this. No matter the scenario, Olski will always feel immensely joyous and chipper. Although on the outside he appears to be a dull, and boring being, on the inside Olski is an extremely happy, and intelligent being. He will most likely share the best of news with his friends, and try to share his happy attitude with them.

  • Off-setting. Olski can be off setting because his face makes him appear dull, or bored, yet he is quite the opposite. He is highly intelligent and joyous. People find it weird or creepy how he appears to be sad or glum, yet he is the happiest and cheeriest he can be. His monotone voice and face make it appear like someone just died, yet his actions make him seem like the happiest person on earth. Many people can be creeped out, or freaked out by this. How I roleplay this. Olski will speak monotone, and usually his appearance will contrandict to his actions. He will appear extremely creepy when he is at a wedding, or with happy company.

  • Compulsive. Olski is most definitely a compulsive Ur. Many of the actions he chooses, although most of his actions are compulsive towards his own desires. During a walk he can have a sudden urge to do something, so he drops the current task he is on. During many points of the day he can have random needs or wants, which can prove difficult because they may stop him from working on the house, or even cooking a meal. While Olski does not mind his compulsiuve actions, due to his constant joyous attitude, other people may find it strange how he will pull out a bottle of alcohol, or have a sudden craving for grass. How I roleplay this. Despite his dislike of alcohol, he can appear addicted to such a drink, and will commonly drink the substance. He can have compelling wants or needs to eat certain foods or act a certain way towards people.


  • People. Olski enjoys the people wherever they may be found because of how exotic and different each person can be. He has a general persuit to find new people because of how much he can learn from them, and take with him in the process. Each person he meets grants him new knowledge, and something else he can remember their race by. In a smaller context; Olski prefers to find open people who allow him to pick their minds and really get allow him to learn from them. While he constantly spends time learning from people, quite a few do not wish to spend hours getting asked about themselves. For instance, some people would rather spend their time doing other things than sitting all day and talking. How I roleplay this; Olski is always friendly to new people he meets because he can share insight with them, and learn. He is positive when sharing stories, and loves listening to the persons story. He will seek out new people to learn from as well.

  • Knowledge. Olski's main persuit in life is to learn from others, and access the knowledge of the world. Olski constantly looks to learn new ways of speaking, and hopefully being able to comprehend the other races writing someday. Frequently he asks people about parts of regalia, and their life stories to find new perspectives on life. While Olski enjoys learning about all aspects of life, he greatly prefers the way people interact with nature, along with their technology. Olski has seen the many adaptions to moving quicker among Aloria, and has taken a larger interest in seeing how peoples' 'vehicles' per say continue to adapt to the environment. Many people live off the land, and that is how he survived for most his life, but he looks to how different ethnicities and races choose to deal with the events nature throws at them. Whether that be disease, storms, or large bodies of water he thoroughly enjoys these two subjects specifically. How I roleplay this. He always has a book, trying to learn what the letters mean even though they appear to be nothing. He constantly looks to find more about people, and places wherever he may be. If he is not eating or sleeping, chances are he is learning.

  • Nature. Olski has recognized that nature is the great unknown to himself. He knows little about the geography of places, and how they work. In Ellador everything was white, and in regalia everything is green. Nature excites Olski because of how different the many climates and biomes there are. How plants in one place cannot survive in another. How I roleplay this. Olski becomes excited when finding a new type of Flora or area. He constantly watches the trees' branches flow in the wind and the birds flying around. Being outside makes Olski happier than when he is inside. He communicates about nature to people around him. He has a fond liking to Yanar.

  • Cooking. Along with nature, Olski has found a common interest in cooking the many delicacies found within Regalia, and around Aloria. He finds that different races and ethnicities cook differently or the same dishes, with different tastes. He believes cooking may be a key point in learning about a new culture and person alike. He constantly tries to learn new ways of cooking dishes and about how different races cook the same dish. How I roleplay this. Olski will comment on peoples foods with some knowledge about how cooking works. He becomes happy when cooking, and can also cook for his family when needed. When prompted in conversation about cooking he can speak elegantly about cooking a variety of dishes. He may find friends in people who share the same interest in cooking as he does.

  • Violence. Olski, due to his pacifist nature dislikes the aggressiveness that many angry people put onto others. He is sickened when tavern brawls occur, and also when people fight each other for fun. He finds killing without reason, or hurting someone for no reason unacceptable. How I roleplay this. Olski will never engage in combat unless thoroughly provoked. He tends to close his eyes to try and shut out a fight, and along with this he walks away from them. He avoids people who cause many fights for useless reason, and tries to keep himself out of any violent verbal assaults.

  • Rain. To Olski rain feels like oppression. When it is sunny out and he is inspecting flowers, and a rain storm comes in he feels as if it has stopped him from taking in the beautiful aspects of said flower. He tends to head straight inside a building when it rains, and refuses to go outside. He absolutely hates the rain because he believes it contrasts to the beauty of Aloria. If there was a way to kill rain he would. How I roleplay this. Olski will speak negatively of rain to others when prompted. He moves under cover when rain starts, and typically does not leave until the storm is gone. He hates getting wet from rain, but find getting wet from water just find despite them being the same thing. He is afraid of the gray clouds, and usually moves inside when he sees them.

  • Thylans. Olski has had the deep hatred of Thylans patterned to him from many generations of Urs. His ancestors were at war with Thylans, and same with Olski. Despite being peaceful, he will take greater offence to something Thylan says to him rather than something an Ailor says to him. Although he will not engage in combat with him, he will avoid them, and not buy from them. How I roleplay this. He tries not to speak with Thylans. When prompted about Thylans he tends to speak negatively about them. He avoids walking near Thylans and keeps things to himself when around, or speaking to them if he must.

  • Negativity.Olski, because of his natural beeming personality dislikes when people put a damper on his ever-happy life style. Negativity is something Olski tries to avoid because he realizes he only has so much time in the world, so why spend it negatively. He believes negativity is not productive, and that is the opposite of what Olski is trying for. How I roleplay this. Olski will try and keep away from negative people. When someone he likes is beign negative, he will try and turn their frown upside down to keep up the positivity. Same when the mood in the room or building is low, he will try and let happiness or hope seep in to bring out the positivity in everyone.

Abilities and Disabilities


The man with the plan

Olski, despite lacking emotion, he does not lack creativity. He is extremely idealistic whether the idea is unreasonable, or unsound, he will think of it if it helps him discover the true meaning of something. He excels in creating plans for himself to achieve a greater meaning in life, or just a plan on how to effectively get to them market quickly. If you need many ideas and plans, you found your Ur.

A Hunters' Paradigm

Due to long amounts of time for having to hunt for food within Ellador and places alike, Olski has grown a keen vision for tracking down prey, and also capturing said pray. He knows how to track down prey and when to strike. He stealthily tracks prey, or sees them hidden in bushes. Olski can watch prey for long periods of time before he finally deals a deadly blow. He can see pinpoints and weaknesses in different prey as he carefully watches their movements as well.


Although he cannot say many of the words he has learned, or many of the things he knows. His brain is strong from years of absorbing information like a sponge. When he speaks it is for the most part comprehensible for people. He can write Burose, although in small quantities. He can read very few words from a common book, but he can understand what someone means when they speak. He does not speak Ur to people because he knows small parts of the common that the people of regalia know.

Quick learner

Because Olski has spent most his time learning from people the skill of comprehension and learning new things is almost an instinct to him. He always learns something new each day, and he has only been beginning to learn new things quicker because of it. He comprehends language quicker than usual, and learns peoples customs earlier than others. He commits more useful things to his mind than a lot of people because he is void-bent on learning everything Aloria has to offer.


Straight Forward

Olski does not sugar coat his words with meaningless words and cute adjectives. He gets straight to the point because he believes in effiency. This can make him seem rude, or mean in such ways, although he just is speaking in his natural way. He goes right ahead and says what he is thinking, if he thinks you've been rude, you will know right away. Many people find this way of speech intrusive. While he speaks like this many people can gain a dislike to him.


Due to Olski's childhood, he has become very Cynical towards others, and tends to not trust them most of the time. Olski stays away from many 'seedy' people because he does not trust them at all. Olski feels like he will be taken advantage of once more, and a large part of his Cynical weakness is the paranoia that strikes through it. This weakness causes Olski to feel paranoid even within the tavern.

Big Lard

Being seven feet and weighing a large amount this Ur is not extremely mobile. He moves extremely slow no matter what the matter is. Olski has no need to rush, but he does not need an incentive when his body keeps him from moving very quickly. Because of this, fighting anything other than prey he is hunting will be extremely challenging unless he can sit on them.

Distractions, Distractions everywhere

Olski tends to like nature and learning to much, that in most cases he loses track of time by paying more attention to trees than the current task at head. Sometimes he can even forget fully what he was supposed to do. He can go in a complete circle because of the everyday distractions he faces at every turn. He may be carrying bread to someone and instantly stop because he sees his reflection. When going to the shop to buy the bread in the first place, his trip may take an extra five hours just because he had to follow a bird somewhere else, and then get lost in the world.


Olski has dedicated his life to peace, rather violence or fighting unless he requires feeding. Because he does not fight ever, his skills towards fighting someone, rather hunting, are extremely limited. Because he chooses not to fight, his experience with fighting someone else are very weak, which can prove disaterous when he has to fight against someone to save his life, or another persons.

Combat Styles

Although he never has been trained in fighting against anyone other than hunting animals, the tactics he uses to hunt can be transgressed over. If he were to fight someone he would try to blend in with the scenery or not be seen, even though this is near impossible because of his size. Due to him not being a panther or leapord in speed, he has to either wait out his opponent or play defensive the entire time. When initiated in combat, Olski will never strike first unless someones life is in danger. He will mainly counter attack the opponent or try to get out of the fight as quickly as possible due to a hatred for fighting. After combat has ended he would begin trying to heal anything that has been hurt, and also try to avoid that person completely next time.

Weapons of Choice
Olski will use the most common thing he has with him, a twisted oaken staff. Because he is used to intellectual persuits he will carry no dangerous weapons, and only use what he has with him.


1) Liam R Richard. Liam and Olski first met down in the sewers, and quickly grew a friendship from there. Olski has a brotherly, and protective love for him since then. @NarfLordCowDwarf

2) Arn Magnusson Arn continuously watched Olski from the bar, and Olski noticed him do it on several locations. It was not until a while until they spoke and became friends. @Jarl_svengal

3) Erstad Ketelson. Both Erstad and Olski dislike the people who called them idiots. So the two hit it off and promised they would hang out. @Molagballin

4) Olga Skaar. Olski's beloved wife, Olga, first met back when the two families worked in the circus together, one thing led to another and here they are. @Dreamaxia

5) Mushki Skaar. Mushki is Olski's younger brother, and loved one at that. He runs the circus while Olski stays in regalia. @Masmine1

6) Dimka Skaar. Olski's younger sister, Olski takes on an extremely protective role over her, and knew she would be his favorite when she was born. NPC

7) Apir Skaar. The deceased father of Olski whom cared for much of his life. Deceased NPC

8) Mearah Skaar. Mearah is Olski's beloved mother, who he cared for even more than his father. NPC

9) Sylgorn Silverleaf. Olski met Sylgorn infront of the tavern while he had lunch and the two spoke about different things. @Dragonage22

10) Liam nox. The two hit it off for awhile, and Liam and Olski went to the tavern together and shared a couple drinks. They spoke about each others' past lives and grew on each other. @Notgrandpaseal

11) Itotia 'Emu'. This strange little Solang stalked Olski as he ate his meals, until she finally got the courage to come up and pet him before running away. @Kiseo

Life Story
Throughout his life Olski had to move all around to survive. Living in the harsh Ellador he had to migrate with his family all over to find food and hunt. His father fought off any Thylans they encountered and they continued moving around like nomads and gypsies. At a young age Olski and his family migrated out of Ellador when the Thylan waves started to come a reck the sacred religious areas of the Urs. His father said it was no longer a safe place. Apir took Olski and the rest of his family to ceardia where they hoped to find refugee. But instead, disaster followed them here as well. Olski spent more time with his mother than his father on the trips, learning more about the surrounding world, rather than hunting and fighting. Olski learned to care through his mothers nurturing ways, and even though he still could hunt, his mother's kind attitude and yearn to learn infected him since birth.
As Olski's family arrived in the northern parts of new ceardia traders took the family in, although Apir and the rest of Urs did not know they were traders. It was only a matter of time before they were eventually sold off to someone else and then put into a traveling circus. There Olski was sheltered from the rest of the world he yearned so badly to learn from. No longer could he see the green trees, the white snow blankets, or even the blue sun. Instead Olski was forced to jump through fire circles, and dance with a chain around his foot. Most days he was tied up to a pole and they told him to keep moving or get lashes. Many injuries appeared because of the shows he had to do. His mother and father nearly died with their old age nearing. But eventually the old, run down circus had no heir to take it over, and its' days were near an end as well. The trained animals died off, and soon it was only the Skaar family running the show. Soon even the owners died off without any money for food. But the Urs, they could hunt, and they had large fat reserves to survive. Olski's mother and father gave Olski and his siblings food, and said "Go south, to the holy city", and that is what Olski did. He brought his siblings and self to Regalia, the promised land
Eventually Olski made it into regalia where he could learn about the world once more, and begin following his dreams of learning why everything was the way it was.
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Forgot to put in a fourth like and dislike. Adding those now~

Finished adding the fourth Like and Dislike. Cooking, and Negativity.

This is for the person who stumbles upon this, and helps me edit my character app: Can I add a fourth Weakness and Strength to make him even more realistic, or is three an 'At most'?
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I hereby claim this character for review!

My how I love that life goal. Allows him to generate roleplay with literally anyone. Maybe add some specifics as to what kind of people he finds fascinating, and a few kinds of knowledge he specifically is drawn to.

Off setting is the only negative trait. The rest are positive. Make it a clean balance, and keep in mind "Intelligent" is never a part of someone's personality. It's a mental strength, not something that dictates their mood, decision making, or how they act in social situations. That said, add meat to all traits when you've addressed a proper balance. That's an extra 2-3 sentences for every trait, after you get the balance done.

Add two more weaknesses of any sort, and -1- strength.

I will have a second round of edits for personality traits, after this is done. Colour all changes in blue and tag me when you're done. @pugsly10

This Application's Progress is... : Under Review!
Specified what sorts of people are his favorite to learn about, and what persuits in knowledge are his favorite. Removed 'Intelligent'. Replaced 'Intelligent' with 'Compulsive'. Removed 'Protective'. Replaced 'Protective' with 'Parsominious'. Adding in one more Negative trait, and then adding two more Weaknesses and one more Strength. Replaced 'Charasmatic' with 'Boring'. Finished balancing, so now two, to three sentences will be added to all unchanged. All Personality traits have 3+ sentences added to them. Added in 1 Strength and 2 Weaknesses. Replaced an Un-needed '.' with the needed ','.
Still not fully finished, just keeping you up to date. When I am fully finished, I will tag you--'Til then.

Finished with Jared's first Comment.


*Ps* I used a lesser 'Blue' color so headaches and blindness would not come when reading.
As another note, I decided that the 3+ sentences I added to the Personality traits should be 'How I roleplay this trait' because frankly, I did not thoroughly explain how these traits actually change my characters paradigm, along with mine when role-playing with other people.

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