Preserved Sheet Ollie Macangus

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Egads, It's sad this man's Gonads!
Nov 17, 2013
Reaction score
Copenhagen, Kingdom of Denmark-Norway

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Oliver (Ollie) Thomas MacAngus
  • Age: 57
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Url (Formerly, Ailor: Highland Ceardian)
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Fists, triceps and thighs. School of Lecgaen Combat.
Skill Information

Total Points: 57 points from age + 3 from base points
  • +25 Unarmed Combat (+25 Points)
  • +30 Hunting Knowledge (+30 Points)
  • +5 Athletics Training (+2 Points, +3 Base Points)
  • +10 Dancing Arts (+10 Hobby Points)
Body Shape
  • Body Stat Calculation: 25 Unarmed + 30 hunting + (5 Athletics & 10 Dancing Arts * 0.5) + 20 Url Bonus = 82.5. (80 max)
  • Url max body stat/shape: 80 & Musclegod.
  • Actual Body Stat: Musclegod
  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Old Ceardian (learnt from Father)
  • Ériunnach (learnt from Mother)
  • Common (free)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Orange
  • Hair Color: Silver-Grey
  • Hair Style: Long grown mane, with a few strands of beaded dreadlocks
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Usually shirtless with belted brown trousers
  • Height: 7"0' (213cm)
Personality and Abilities
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Ollie is best described as a freeze, then after realisation fight character when it comes to the usual fight, flight or freeze spectrum. In most situations he will likely respond by first analysing the situation before deciding on the course of action. He is not the smartest person alive, but he knows not to attack things bigger than him.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • The initial reaction to stress for Ollie would be to seek out isolation from other people and take to an action that would usually relax himself (drinking, napping, exercising). In situations of stress Ollie would likes to not be spammed with noise, but still appreciates small social gatherings of companions.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?
    • Ollie likes to be loud and physical when in a good mood; wanting to drink a good whisky or beer with others while challenging them to arm wrestles or other stamina or strength based competitions.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Law and authority is an essential part of Ollie's view of the civilised society and what it needs to survive and work properly. The best way to interpret Ollie's alignment would be Lawful-Neutral, believing that above all is the hierarchy fully optimised and after that is the individual need of its denizens.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • While Ollie grew up with a very conservative view of other races and the supreme Unionistic hierarchy of Humanum, especially Ailor, after his Oorl-Worm conversion and turned into a monster in his own eyes, he has learned to value the skills of the other races and their unique experiences of life compared to Ailor, though still believing that they need to follow up as good Unionists in an Ailor reincarnation to reach the proper afterlife.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Being a staunch Unionist Ollie believes in the superiority of the Sancella Unionistic beliefs. While he tolerates that other people have other religious views than himself, he still think their souls will be lost to the Void and would not tolerate their praying in public unless it's an accepted religion in the eyes ofthe state.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Ollie views magic and arcane powers as the tools of the lazy, spending hours reading up how to lift a boulder with the mind instead of just lifting the thing and get the job done with. His views on it is moreso as a self-righteous individual viewing magic users as not putting in the time and sweat to do a job and just expecting the magic to do it for them.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • He has caught all ties with his family after his transformation into an Url. While Ollie still loves his family, should he see them around he would try to hide from them as best he could at the fear for them spotting his new monstrous looks. He still decides to sport his family's name out of respect from where he comes from he feels he has nothing to hide.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Somebody he finds inferior or less deserving succeeding where he doesn't, especially directly winning against him. While he curses his Url transformation he sees it as the Spirit giving him another chance to do the physical things he couldn't in Ailor old age and disappointing the Spirit if he fails.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Ollie's greatest pride is the success he has achieved in the Lecgaen combat sport. He is also very proud at how far he has come with his hobby of hunting, and especially trying the new methods possible with now looking partly animal. Most of all what he's proud of is still doing these things in the name of his original family despite being so cut off from them.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • The outmost biggest goal of Ollie is to please the Spirit in regifting him the physical abilities of his prime. His personal beliefs that would satisfy the Spirit rightly is to become the most admired Lecgaen fighter or its figurehead. At the same time he would not cheat or deceit to reach this in the name of Spirit and family name.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Someone else acquiring the goals that he has set himself since in his eyes he would be letting his deity, the Spirit, down. Another big fear of his would be to spoil his family name, they should not have to suffer because a monster was born into their family.

Life Story

Childhood: 0-10
He was born in the middle of February as Oliver Thomas MacAngus to his parents Wallace and Fearne, as the second child.
At the age of 7, Ollie began to take an interest in using his body to manipulate physical objects around him. Mostly this meant play-wrestling with his brother or punch at soft objects.
Ollie was never considered much of a smart kid, but he got by by being a more physical and gregarious type, always wanting to spar despite being such a small child or watch the adult men wrestle as typical in Gallovia.

Adolescence: 11-18
By the age of 13 Ollie was sent away to learn the martial arts of Lecgaen and the physical abilities one of such combat school. The first year or so heavily focused on the diet and physical training and stature needed to properly perform the combat of the martial arts.
Ollie hardly ever saw his family while training away from home, even despite the relative close proximity to his home he was training compared to other combat schools.
He was a good student, although sometimes more focused on his own progression than his currents faults to fix them.

Adulthood: 19-52
At the age of 22 Ollie managed to complete his final test, which by Gallovian tradition means defeating a Gallovian black bear in a wrestle match. He achieved this faster than most students by only studying for nine years, but still a year slower than the fastest students. This although seemingly insignificant fact drove him to keep on training as hard as he possibly could to become the best brawler in Gallovia.

Urlhood: 53-57
At the age of 63, Ollie went out camping with some of the other senior Lecgaen fighters in the Gallovian wilderness. As the night drew out and they all had their fair share to drink, one of the other wrestlers insisted he had copulated with a bear, irritated at the remark, Ollie drunkenly swore to go out and find a bear for the other man to demonstrate this prowess with.
It was then in the forest that the Url Worm leapt and borrowed into Ollie, the amount of alcohol and pain made him faint on the spot. He was never found and laid on the forest ground in pain and agony throughout the process surviving only on his stubbornness.
As the process ended, Ollie knew he would never be able to return to his home, and spent the next four years living in the wilderness, slowly learning to hunt through his newly heightened senses.
At the age of 67, Ollie knew he had to return to civilisation again to retain some form of sanity and leapt wrapped in a big woollen cape to disguise his strange body, towards the nearest ship hitching a ride to coincidentally, Regalia.
After reaching Regalia, Ollie saw how Url were accepted in the city and slowly found confidence again, though still homeless, living off the forests lying on the outskirts of the city.
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