Preserved Sheet Olivier Séverin

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Kathar Queen
May 29, 2016
Reaction score
Someone's Trash Can
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Olivier Séverin
  • Age: 37
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor
  • Main Ambition: To protect his friends, family, and innocent
  • Special Permission: N/A
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Olivier is a Noble Viridian Knight, living stable in Regalia. He was born and raised there, attending the School of Viridian and Lancyon as he grew up. He and his family currently live in high-wealth.
  • Olivier was born into a wealthy family from a Regalian father, Oliver, and an Ithanian mother, Adeline. He has three siblings, one brother, Eliot, two sisters, Adalyn and Nylada, as well as a few other relatives scattered around the city.
Skill Information (Optional)
  • School: School of Viridian; School of Lancyon
  • Level: Warrior; Fighter
  • Source: Attended Viridian and Lancyon schools, Viridian being the first
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Light Blue
  • Hair Color: Dark Auburn
  • Hair Style: Combed, kept tidy
  • Skin Color: Tanned
  • Clothing: Elegant mix of cloth and leather, when not wearing armor, bandana with family crest
  • Height: 6'2''
  • Body Build: Athletic
  • Weapon of Choice: Longsword (Main); Halberd (Secondary)
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Olivier carries a heavy scar over his left eye, provoking his sight a bit, after an incident whilst sparring. He has a decently length, nicely trimmed beard and a well-defined face. He usually carries a casual and friendly demeanor. He is often easy-going and humorous, though is a force to be reckoned with when angered.
  • With much combat experience and knowledge, Olivier has trained and exercised his body into a well-made structure. Not the buffest one in the city, he definitely has a well defined body. He has a family tattoo on his right forearm, given to him after graduating Viridian at the expert tier.
  • When not wearing his armor, Olivier struts around in his elegant, cloth-made material, with leather padding as light armor. He usually dresses in dark, yet warm colors. He has a necklace that was gifted to him from his mother after his graduation.
  • His voice is lively and deep. He speaks with a friendly and rather jokingly tone most of the time, though, when angry, his voice becomes much more serious and deep, almost devious. He speaks mostly through his Common, though he does know fluent elvish through studies.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

Personality Traits
  • Purposeful: Olivier refuses to leave anything unfinished, and refuses to leave a project in the middle. He needs some sort of conclusion, and will become compulsive if incomplete. It's near impossible to stop him from his tasks, literally needing to be incapacitated to be halted. He will do everything in his power to leave no stone unturned.
  • Arrogant: Olivier usually has a bad habit of finding himself superior to others, typically causing himself to condescendingly talk down to the wrong people, and having them catch him off guard. His arrogance constantly proves to be a burden, as anyone he deems as "not worthy" of his time, often any non-Ailor, or someone not a noble/guard leading him into trouble. Insulting people regardless of their ability is something he does a lot. There are some occasions in which he does it without realizing it.
  • Articulated: Though most may see him as just another speaker, Olivier is extremely outspoken with his opinions. He always tells what's on his mind, and never allows himself to be silenced. Whether someone asks for his views or not, they will be told. His articulation can most likely be derived from his education.
  • Impatient: Olivier sometimes lets people's slow actions get the better of him. One of his biggest pet peeves is someone who can't be on his pace. He tries to put this under him, but it drives him crazy how slow some people can be. This often leads him to either blurt out at someone, or just simply disregard someone else's needs.​
  • Realist: Olivier sees everything for what it is. He doesn't allow false hope or possible failure falter his skills, and does not believe anything without fact. He refrains from using what-ifs or anything of the sorts, as he doesn't like to use chance, only skill.
  • Vengeful: Olivier has very serious ideals when it comes to revenge. If he or someone he loves is ill-treated. He puts all of his training, and anger, to use when getting back at someone. Especially when a loved one gets injured, it pushes him over the top as he is extremely protective.​

  • Perceptive: Olivier has the amazing ability to read people. He can tell what they are thinking, and correctly respond in order to favor himself. This ability can be used to have someone play into his hands, or generally get into someone's head.
  • Coercive: Olivier, studying and experimenting with different people, has learned how to get what he wants. He can accurately talk people into either befriending them, or getting something in return of not spilling secrets. To keep this skill up to par, he jots down notes about different races and the general reaction of his usual conversational skills. He utilizes this mostly towards those that are weak at will, though would always attempt to do this to anyone that doesn't have much power.​
  • Blade-Adept: After attending both School of Viridian and Lancyon, Olivier has trained his hand to become extremely skilled in sword, and by extension, halberd, combat. His swordsmanship has served him well, and keeps it keen by training and fending off enemies. He will however, give the target a chance to surrender before pulling his blade.​
  • Father: Olivier is often distracted by his father's illness, which only gets worst as time goes on. This is detrimental to battle, as it can falter his arm, and lower his chances of winning. It also causes him to rush out on things, which can often lead him to be seen as rude.
  • Eyesight: Due to an accident while sparring, Olivier has lost vision in his left eye, whilst also gaining a scar over his left eye. His vision can often be blurry, becoming very annoying to him, and sometimes even having his aim off a little. He'll sometimes attempt to cope with the nuisance by closing his eye when fighting, but to no avail on most occasions.​
  • Left-Arm: Another fighting incident, this time fighting off a thief, Olivier found himself being cut in the arm, injuring it immensely. Though still usable, it prevents him from utilizing sword and shield combo, and slightly faltering his use if the halberd. He predominantly uses his right hand, which only slightly makes up for the setback.​

Life Story (Required)

Early Life
Olivier was conceived in Regalia to Baron Oliver Séverin, and his wife, Adeline Séverin. Adeline, being an Ithanian immigrant, had put traces of Ithanian culture in Olivier, such as a little bit of an Ithanian accent and a little bit of the language. Though he had nothing against her origins, Olivier's father, preferred to keep much of the Ithanian culture out of Olivier's life. He felt that the partying and unprofessional side of the Ithanian ways would corrupt his mind into being just that, unprofessional. His father did, however, allow Adeline to name him. As he grew, his father was very tough on him, making sure he was educated and combat-adept. His mother did get to show him some of the Ithanian culture she kept, but was limited by the father. Olivier didn't mind it much, not wanting to disappoint his father. Once he became old enough, Oliver thought it best to send Olivier to the School of Viridian, where he himself had once attended. Olivier, with all the things his father taught him, easily got a grip on the lessons at Viridian.

After gradually climbing the skill ladder, Olivier was eventually able to surpass his fathers sword skills. He was very skilled at this point, and only climbed higher and higher as time went on. Olivier soon got to the warrior tier, finding this level to obviously be much difficult than the earlier levels of the school. He had a bit of trouble at first, and had to work much harder than before to reach the expert tier, which he achieved, bringing much joy to his parents and family. After a couple years of graduating Viridian, Olivier decided to further his skills in the School of Lancyon. This time, he only fought far enough to reach the fighter level at this school, though still being proficient whilst wielding the halberd. When graduating this school, it was well known that he was extremely well blade-wise. He now decided that he'd put this to use, vowing to protect family, friends, and the innocent.

Later Life
A couple years later, Olivier and his other family found that Oliver had become very ill. Though it was considered a serious illness, he still lives today, hanging by threads, still supported by his children and wife. Olivier, though distraught from his fathers ordeal, had promised to take care of the family and house business, since Olivier learned everything he knows from his father. He simultaneously runs the business and cares for his father, who gets another foot in the ground every day.
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Greetings, I'll be reviewing this character sheet! @MysticFenyck
  • So off the bat it's a tad iffy that he's an Expert Viridian and a fighter in Lancyon.
    • I feel that if he devoted himself to learn a new style, his skills in Viridian would certainly deteriorate, making it impossible to be Expert.
  • Charismatic is worded like Perceptive, which would be a strength. Actual Charismatic is "the ability to attract the attention and admiration of others, and to be seen as a leader"
  • No where in the life story is it mentioned where Olivier studied and learned Elvish. Amend that if you want to keep the strength.
Mark your edits in blue and tag me when they're done.
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