Preserved Sheet Olivia Désirée Ombre

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the thottiest of them all
Aug 3, 2018
Reaction score


Olivia Dèsirèe Ombre
| The Lady of the East |

{Basic Information}
Full Name: Olivia Jacqueline Chêne Ailaise Solaire Dèsirèe Ombre.
Madame la Ombre (by birthright.)
Swan de Ithanian Court (by elevation.)
Dame de Oakclyff (by birthright.)
Protecteur de Avull Island
(by annexation.)
Alias(es): Lady of the East, Madame Lady Shine, Lady's Shine, Liv, Olive
Age: 45 years old.
[04 May 262 AC]
Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
Gender: Female.
Race: Ithanian Champagnard - Imperial Ailor.
Other: Spirit, Asha Racials (Legacy of Rule)
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Primary Objective: To find purpose in a world after life, and atone for her many sins.
Secondary Objective: To return Ithania to greatness.
Ithanian Court
House Ombre


{Skill Information}
Total Proficiency Points: 13/14
School: of Alchemy.
Alchemic Code: of Venus.

Proficiency Pool | To dazzle.
+06 Wisdom
⟴ Enchant Bolts
⟴ Tech Suit [Leytech]
⟴ Enchant Revenge
⟴ Exorcism
Arcana Oceana
⟴ Antimagi [Leytech]
+07 Magic (+07 from points, +03 from Spirit.) [Primal]
⟴ Radiant Shield [Spirit Buff I]
⟴ Chem Cleanse
⟴ Chem Technique Parry

⟴ Chen Endure

⟴ Chen Experiment
⟴ Chem Slip
⟴ Radiant Push
⟴ Radiant Relocate

⟴ Sinstral Puppet [Spirit Buff 2]
⟴ Sinstral Sever [Spirit Buff 3]
Special Skills | To sabotage.
Body Shape | To seduce.
Drowned Corpse (Partially preserved by Draconic intervention)
Ethereal [Spirit Form]
Languages | To charm.
Common (Fluent, but speaks with a thick Ithanian accent.)
Wai-lan (Fluent, learned during time in the outer islands.)
d'Ithanie (Mother-tongue + West Lingustics)


{Visual Information}
Eye Color: Sea blue.
Phantasmal Blue [Spirit Form]
Hair Color: Chestnut brown.
Ghastly Grey [Spirit Form]
Hair Style: Long curly locks flowing down her back, occasionally an accessory may find its way in her sea of curls.
Accessory Color(s): From tiaras to elaborate hair clips, more often than not they represent her House's colors: blue and silver.
Skin Color: Peachy tan, with pink undertones.
Clothing: Ithanian dress befitting that of nobility with Sihai inspired accessories and fashion garb.
Other: Recently lost her left pinky finger.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125 lbs
Body Build: Curvaceous.
Weapon of Choice: Fan, Alchemy.



{Personality and Abilities}
Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality Type: ESTJ, the Executive.
Religious Faith: Dragon Worship [Air Dragon Severena], 9/10 Unionism, 1/10.

Outer Perception | The Enchantress
First impressions of Olivia are usually good as she strives to be as polite as possible, a virtue engrained into her head by her mother. Growing up as an Ithanian lady, she was taught proper etiquette and how to be treat others which has helped her grow into the charismatic woman she is today. She knows how to flatter, charm, or chat her way through most social gatherings with dialogue that is often laced with compliments and honey sweet words as she tries to keep a positive light about her. That isn't to say she is a pushover, however. Quite the opposite in fact, as Olivia is passionate in her ideals/beliefs and will argue with someone until the day has changed to night if they wish to challenge her. This stubbornness can lead to trouble. Her refusal to make change to her beliefs or ideals, even so slightly, can lead to arguments that can ruin relationships.
Interior Feelings | The Damsel
Although Olivia may appear to be confident of herself and social skills she is extraordinarily paranoid. She knows little to nothing about Regalian nobility because of her time on the Yang-Tzu isles, as their social system is different from that of the Archipelago. This paranoia also contributes to how guarded she is. She considers secrets and information a source of power and would rather not let others have that kind of power over her. Allowing one to know the truth about her personal life is a great honor, an honor that not all are worthy of.
Relations and Family | The Dowager
Around friends, Olivia's true nature shows. She is more honest and sincere, the promises and tales she say all ringing true. But it is still quite difficult to become one of these trusted people. Her family, however, she holds dear. She adored taking care of her child and even the small of time she had with her brother as a baby brought her endless joy. Now, however, she is childless, a widow, and her brother grown, but she still retains her motherly nature. Olivia's nature is so because of the lack of her own mother in her life, who spent the majority of her time in Ithania. She is usually overly concerned with how they are treated or feel.
Moral Compass | The Harlot
Olivia could best be described as chaotic neutral. She is ambitious to a fault, striving to achieve her goals no matter who she runs over in the process. This being the case, she is also extremely selfish. After the death of most of her immediate family, Olivia began to consider herself the last hope for her house. In order to do this she needs to keep herself and her goals as the priorities in her life. That means putting the thoughts and feelings of others to the side because she can't afford to do otherwise and will do so through manipulation and deception. Her mother taught Olivia from a young age how to manipulate men and women to do as she wished through quick wit. The other woman in her life, her elderly Sihaii nanny, showed Olivia how to use humility and humbleness to her advantage; all reinforcing her manipulative tendencies.
World View | The Wise Woman
Olivia lost faith in Unionism with the death of her husband and child. Her recent interactions with the Emperor could hardly pass as polite, much less "holy". Even growing up she was never picked up the religious zeal of her parents as she was raised on the isles, where the Emperor is considered... Just an emperor. She'll still spew the payers and hymns she'd been taught by her mother as a child to keep the image as a devout Ithanian woman should, but it is all for show. Nowadays, she looks to the stars of the dragons in guidance as her nanny had shown her. Praying, wishing, hoping, that her husband and child are watching down on her. Her lack of faith also applies to the Regalian government and noble system as a whole as well. She finds the pompous and privileged nobles to be ignorant and crass while the commoners she had spoken with were much kinder to her. It is with these interactions that she views privilege as a double edged sword: she needs the privilege that comes with power to make good for her people but despises the way it inflates one's ego.



{Quirks and Trivia}
Dominant Hand: Right.
Favorite Food: Baguette.
Favorite Drink: Riesling.
Favorite Animal: Qilin.
Odd Behaviors


{Life Story}
262 AC | Birth.
Born in Ithania to a wealthy merchant family.
266 AC| Arrival.
Moved to the outer isles of Dexai because father acquired an exclusive trade deal for tea, where Olivia then began to learn about eastern culture, religion, and language of the islands from an elderly Sihai nanny, age four.
279 AC | Infatuation.
Fell in love with the son of her family's primary competition when it came to tea. She begins to dabble in alchemy where her natural talent became apparent. It is then that she became a pupil to the Ithanian ambassador to Dexai, age sixteen.
282 AC| Marriage.
Pursues her passion for alchemy, and begins to attend Liànjīn Shù Xuéyuàn also begins to study under the Regalian ambassador to Dexai. During her studies, she was married to a tea competitor's son in secret which caused strife amongst both families, age nineteen.
283 AC| Childbearing.
Olivia gave birth to a healthy baby girl before graduating from Liànjīn Shù Xuéyuàn, age twenty one.
286 AC| Fraternity.
Mother and father gave birth to younger brother, age twenty three.
292 AC| Retribution.
Both parents died at sea while aboard one of the family's trade ships. She returned to Pays Sud to give them their proper burial before coming back to Dexai to continue working on her independent alchemic research. It was during this time Olivia discovered that her husband's parents were the cause of death of her parents because they had hired pirates. Olivia avenged her parents by poisoning her inlaws with her alchemic knowledge, killing both of them, age twenty nine.
296 AC| Catastrophe.
Her husband and daughter sail to Ithania for a vacation and opportunity to spend more time with other family, Olivia stays in Pays Sud to continue her studies, age thirty two. Her mother's home in Ithania is burned and raided by Varran pirates, and her daughter and husband are killed as well, age thirty three.
305 AC| Power.
Olivia is enraged and heads to Regalia in order to avenge her husband and daughter by acquiring political power to stop the pirate raids as well as to gain renown for her family. In order to gain this renown, Olivia had began to play the endless games of the nobles as an outsider; from attempting to ally herself with powerful houses to trying to seduce others, she is ready to gain the power she needs to make her family known. She had risen through the ranks of nobility and was trying to go about turning her dreams into reality. Olivia had already succeeded in some order, reclaiming her homeland from her traitorous uncle, annexing a small island, and slowly climbing the ladder of nobility.
307 AC| Failure.
With the only family she had left, Côme, going missing, Olivia finally succumbed to her depression and growing paranoia. This threw her into a life of reclusion and she abandoned the palace she fought so hard to get, the titles she sought for so long, and the friends she so desperately tried to make. Now, she roams the oceans looking for... something, to bring her happiness. She has not found that and it is time to bring order back to her house and Ithania.
311 AC| Karma.
Olivia would reap what she sowed, plots and plans falling apart as her house fell into despair. Death came to the infamous matriarch, but the details are forgotten to the sea; for it was in the seas of Dexai that Olivia despaired, and so she was spared by draconic interference. Salvaging her soul as a a Revnant, whose purpose was to atone for her sins; yet the Loong slept, and in their slumber left her mind broken… to be salvaged as the washes this spirit upon the shores of Regalia once more.
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Augustin the Fox | of House Reinard .@Eronoc
a dear friend from olivia's time before her self exile, she is glad to find him doing well in the city.
Stéphan the Ancient | of the Synod.@Bertramqaz
a fellow ithanian and respected reverend, olivia hopes the two of them will be able to work together.
Dianne the Dutiful | of House Black.@darkarely
another matriarch and proud leader, olivia finds herself drawn to the duchess and hopes the two can become friends - if not allies.
Rodrigo the Cripple | of House Peirgarten.@Yigit
a man with experience and manners, olivia has found him a refreshing conversationalist in comparison to her other peers.
Novellia the Dove | of House Fristadvlom.@CrimsletMonarch
a young dove who has just come into her own, olivia had high hopes for her but believes she takes too easy to outside opinion.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.


Key Items | of necessity.
Big Bag

Purse of regals (250)
Alchemic Supplies | hard to find.
Shademarsh Mushroom (12) [purchased from Moji]
Garuda Stalk (04) [purchased from Moji]
Vocadine (12) [made by self]
Dorrin Herbal (08) [made by self]
Ogrebait (06) [purchased at local florist]
Qorijjian Auzar (06) [made by self]
Big Bag | never go unprepared.
Obscura (04) [made by self]
Firebite (05) [made by self]
Tallassan Gel (06) [made by self]
Swamp Blood (06) [made by self]
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Hello, I'll be putting this app under review. Expect a response in the next 24 hours!
Let's get right to the review!
Wa'an (Fluent, learned during time in the outer islands.)
The only issue with this app is the languages she knows unfortunately society knowledge doesn't include languages. Either invest points into linguistics knowledge or remove the language please!

Once you fix this issue please highlight the changes in GREEN and then tag me!
alexa play just dance | edits 12/09/2019
  • so you think you can dance?
    • gave dancing arts (+10) from hobbies.
  • this little piggy...
    • -1 finger.
Unsure if these require a tag but just in case @Nesstro.
vive la révolution| edits 01/15/2020
  • dexai? dex-die.
    • removed cultural knowledge (+04)
    • aged her down from 49 -> 45
  • ithania 4 life
    • edited her goals
Unsure if these require a tag but just in case @Nesstro.
elf on the shelf | edits 02/10/2020
  • never too old to learn something new.
    • added linguistic knowledge (+05)
      • modern qltalar
    • aged her up from 45 -> 42
    • edited financial case from +05 -> +02
Unsure if these require a tag but just in case @Nesstro.