Preserved Sheet Oleg Vrokov

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Jan 23, 2017
Reaction score
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♩ ♫♩ ♫
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Oleg Vrokov 'The Luyshov Smasher'
  • Age: 40
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor - Vladno
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Mace
Skill Information (Required)
Total Points: 40 because character is 40 years old.
  • + 30 Blunt Combat skill ( +15 from Ailor boost, +15 from points).
  • +5 Shielding Combat skill (+5 from points).
  • +10 Metallurgy arts (+10 from culture).
  • +10 Front-Line Combat skill (+10 from points).
  • +10 Unarmed Combat skill (+10 from points).
Body Shape
15+5+10+(10x2)= 50.
Body Stat = Strongman.
Body Fat = Built body fat.

  • Mirnoye (learned from parents).
  • Common (learned during childhood).
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Blue.
  • Hair Color: Dark brown.
  • Hair Style: Bald with friendly mutton chops.
  • Skin Color: Vladno white.
  • Clothing: Usually a dirty vest and some heavily pocketed trousers.
  • Height: 6ft.
Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral evil.
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Commander.
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • None.
Life Story (Required)

Oleg Vrokov is one of two children to be born to Boris Vrokov and Gagarina Vrokov in the town of Luyshov. Boris, Oleg's father, ran a small forge within the city, often being commissioned to craft weapons and armour. Therefore Oleg spent a lot of his younger years around the forge, slowly learning alongside his twin, Maksim Vrokov. He was also taught common around this age, so that he'd better understand the world once he'd grow older. Not much changed as Oleg grew into his teenage years. He continued to work alongside his father in the forge, slowly becoming more and more proficient in the craft. Once reaching 17, Oleg decided to try his luck at wrestling. His naturally large figure gave him an upper hand in many fights, winning a few championships, Oleg became famous in his local area for being a wrestling champion. Winning said championships brought in extra money for his family, and his father continued to push him towards wrestling for many years.

At about 26, Oleg decided to retire from wrestling, and began training to become a soldier, joining the local lords army with his brother. Surprisingly enough, their reputation as 'The Vrokov Twins' brought in many recruits, their influence quickly spreading throughout the ranks. His title of 'Luyshov Champion' was soon replaced by 'The Luyshov Smasher'. He was now famed for smashing skulls with a mace. The twins continued to serve their Lord until eventually heading a small revolt. The twins were angered by the fact that so much blood was shed in the name of the bureaucrats they didn't know, instead of for people elected by the people. The revolt was not very successful, and the twins were forced from the land.

Now on the road at 38, the twins had nowhere to go and decided to go on and find different ways of making money. Oleg became a blacksmith in a town not far from Luyshov, operating under the name Maksim. The twins were unaware of how far they actually travelled, however. Their plan was not the greatest. As his twin, used the name Oleg, and neither changed their second name. Resulting in them being identified rather quickly and chased out of town yet again by the locals.

At this point, the twins decided to head for Regalia in search of a new life. Oleg, returning to his name of Oleg. With Maksim doing the same. Oleg hopes to one day run a forge of his own so that he can provide for the people, but with the rise of the Molotok Doctrine, his priorities have changed.
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