Oldritch Crovan ( Ex-devourer Of Dreams )

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Deusphage, Aug 22, 2020.

  1. Deusphage

    Deusphage i am a girlboss i am a war criminal

    Feb 2, 2020
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    Oldritch has been Cleansed of their Void-Chaos Magespark, and thusly is no longer able to cast Magic Spells, Sorceries, or have a connection to neither Void nor Exist
    Abilities marked in red are unable to be casted.

    "It is foolish to believe the world - that reality - may operate in such a manner that we could conceivably comprehend the totality of its functions. Who decided that it is required to be understood by man? The universe obeys nothing. Not what we wish it to nor even itself. This is why I fear not what reality is, but instead what reality could have been."

    shit i vibe to sometimes

    Basic Information
    • Name: Oldritch P. Crovan "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is Fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of Fear is the fear of the unknown."
    • Old Aliases: "Patches", "The Devourer of Dreams" "The nature of names comes from the human need to define. The Gods I hath witnessed require no names for they need not a language to be understood as the ultimate and unrivaled."
      "Oldritch, The Unworldly", "Blood-Bathed Hunter", "The Pitch-Black Horror", "The Augur of The Cosmos", "The Herald of The Yawning Black" (Or just "Herald"), "Fleshy Abomination" (Courtesy of Arcanum Order) "We are a collector, yesssss -- If you sssssso wissssh to refer to it asssss ssssuch."
      "It From Below", "Chthonic Ulitharid"
    • Age: 126 "I am a fool, a product of my age. This is Empire, cretin, the killing idiocy. If you are evil, then this world may be evil as well. Rest in the knowledge that your evil is honest, you slide the blade home yourself. This, alone, makes me akin to the greatest of mine kind."
    • Gender: (Was Unclear) Male "Embrace Futility. There is no hope for Man nor Woman."
    • Sexuality: Unclear "In both the interssssection of Void and Binral, of Binral and Void -- Darknessss refasssshioned Primal -- Yet in turn the conceptssss of thissss planear sssstate hassst influenced that dark."
    • Race: (Was Unclear) Kathar (Saivale Kathar: Formerly Altalar) "Those whom compare the species of humanoid in a search to find what may make one greater than the rest fail to understand the fragile mortality of them all. No genetics may prevent yourself 'rendered sundered from the infinite malignity of the cosmos."
    • Preferred Weapon: None "Standing in darkness darker than darkness itself, the mortal mind crumbles, and conjures terrifying formations. These... apparitions of the void are common sight to those whom look beyond what is merely presented to them - I speak of the planes and of arcane's nature, of course.
    • Ayas Yelfina's Right Hand

      [*]A large tome with loosely scrawled notes and information, dedicated to "Sakraphel". "The mind grows dim with age, and I have no intent to allow what I have learned to slip under the brackish waters of oblivion."
      [*]Spell tome, for all manner of sorceries and arcane. A documentation of spells encountered by Oldritch. "The various means of casting spells grant a greater... insight towards the perfection of my own - as crude and unlikable as I find them."

      [*]A wooden cane with a metal grip, functioning as a staff and a means of supporting himself when walking. "A symbol of both my position in the course of life and all that I have done."
      [*]A small ribbon, once apart of an heirloom crest. "We are - by our nature - creatures who hoard the unnecessary. Such a thing as this has no value to any but myself. It will not satiate me, save me from my demise, or quell my hopeless and... antediluvian thoughts. Yet, I pretend this... thing... has meaning."
      [*]Various feather quills. "There is no use in a parchment without a means to write upon it"
      [*]An arming sword. "Blades cut. Bludgeons crush. Neither prove useful in comparison to the unrivaled power of magic. Once great mages weaved spells so complex that they would render our feeble minds amazed. Now, with the clawing hatred of Regalia, magic has since... dwindled in its prowess. I would have loved to speak with one of these ancient arcane-wielders, and share with them what I have come to know."

    Skill Information
    50 Proficiency Points +10 Hobby

    • {Affliction} Chaos Void Magespark - 0 (Cleansed) "An otherworldly malformation to Soul and Mind"
    • {Arts} Writing - 10 (Hobby) "History is often left only to be told through book, and thus, those who control the script control the past."
    • {Knowledge} Arcanology - 6 "The precipice of understanding is when man evolves from believing he knows all, to realizing he knows nothing."
      - Essence Arcanology
      - Artifact Arcanology
    • {Volacorum} Volacorum - 9
      • Void Threlwar
      • Monster Cho'Roq
      • Vile Vine
    • {TBD} Unused - 33
    Body Shape
    • Physical Stat: 0 "Strength alone does not save man from the otherworldly nature of corruption. There is no need to embrace it or wear it with pride."
    • Body Shape: Unclear, Mangled (Slim)
    • Body Fat: Low
    • Common (Childhood) "Language is a curious thing. The progression from incoherent cries to collectively understood speech is a gate-less gate - A shared feature with the crossing from sanity to lunacy."
    • Modern Altalar (Childhood)
    • Kathar Elven (Linguistics) "It is my belief that an ideology cannot be judged without greater insight into its conception."
    • Middle Altalar (Linguistics) "A language morphed by time."
    • Alt-Regalian (Linguistics)
    • Dragon Script (Linguistics)
    • Merciac Alphabet (Linguistics)
    • Seraph (Linguistics) "An appreciation of how far we've come"
    • Magillex (Mage) "Scratchy sigils scrawled upon both book and skin" (Cleansed)
    • R'lyeh (Language used when spellcasting, vibing, or screaming at people) (Cleansed)
    Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
    • {Affliction} Void-Chaos Magespark (Cleansed) [X] "To believe onessssself any better than thossssse before him issss to think thinesssself a ssssseparate from the whole."
    • {Affliction} Astral Infusion [Through Cal, Cleansed] "The stars hold all manner of troubling things... I have seen them, breathed them, and been remade by them."

    Visual Information

    • Eye Color: Blue
    • Hair Color: White
    • Hair Style: Scissor Fade (with a nice, balding Widow's Peak)
    • Skin Color: Greyish-Pale
    • Clothing: A large maroon cloak which covers a thin brown undercloak, which - unlike the maroon one - drapes down to his feet. The cloak has a large collar which extends over his shoulders. The cuffs around the hands and the fabric in the front where the buttons are fastened on the maroon cloak are a faded yellow.
    • Height: 6’1” Oldritch | 7'3'' Devourer (Cleansed) | 11'9'' Hunter (Cleansed)

    Visual Information (Expansion)
    • {Oldritch Crovan - "Oldritch, The Unworldly"} Oldritch’s face is rather slim, his cheekbones protruding out at a sharp angle. The majority of his lower face is covered in facial hair, which drapes down onto his chest. Oldritch’s body is very slim, and he has very little muscle mass. The bones in his wrists, his elbow, and his spine are all visible through the skin. Much of Oldritch’s body is obscured by a maroon cloak and a light brown cloak layered on top of each other. This hides his skinny form under a draping veil of cloth. Oldritch’s voice is very deep. It is not unnaturally low, however it may catch the unsuspecting onlooker by surprise. Almost always, his voice has a bleak, grim undertone to it - as if Oldritch is constantly in a serious or frustrated mood. (Cleansed)
    • {Hunter, Bathed in Blood - "The Blood-Bathed Hunter"} Oldritch’s torso and arms elongate to a disgusting degree, forcing him to begin walking with his hands like an animal. His hands end in claws suitable for shredding through leather, and he can swiftly lunge and pounce like a predatory animal. His mouth gains a bestial maw of fangs. (Cleansed)
    • {Devourer of Dreams - "The Devourer of Dreams"} Oldritch’s head gains many eyes and splits down the middle into a vertical mouth full of teeth and tongues. He can envelop the face of a fully restrained person and cause them to experience a series of horrifying, nightmarish visions while he slowly heals any flesh wounds in his body over the course of five minutes. If he is visibly interrupted, the healing reverts, and his hold upon the person is broken and they are freed from the nightmares. (Cleansed)
    • {The Thing in The Dark - "The Pitch-Black Horror"} Oldritch takes on a vaguely spider-like form, gaining four extra limbs that sprout from his torso. (The extra limbs are only suitable for climbing, and inherit none of his proficiencies.) All of his arms end in spindly claws and he can nimbly climb surfaces that have crevices one could reasonably climb upward (flat, smooth walls would be impossible, but brickwork and uneven surfaces can be climbed). He can hang upside-down from ceilings and fall harmlessly from 25 blocks and no higher. He is completely silent while climbing or hanging from a surface. (Cleansed)

    Personality and Abilities
    • Choose your Character Alignment
      • Chaotic Evil. "Only fools deal in absolutes. There is no pure evil or terror, as likewise, there is no supreme good. It is in this that Unionists have made their great Spirit into a false God."
    • Choose your Character Personality Type
      • INTP-A (Logician) "To unravel mysteries and the unanswered, one must dedicate themselves tirelessly to the grueling task."
    • Choose your Character's Religion
      • 0/10 Abandoned The Void "To place oneself under a religion is to narrow one's view of reality. Religion is a fool's explanation of reality's oddities, and to shackle oneself with the steel cuffs of devotion, you lose the will to see such anomalies for what they may truly be. It was with this lingering in my mind, I understood that no God may watch me for they may all be blind."

    • Scholars & knowledge
    • Kathar & anything else to do with Void
    • Capradeim specifically of all Werebeasts, and no other soul-line of the shatter curse.
    • Horror induced upon others and Horror manifested into beings.
    • Chaos, disarray, disorder, madness of any sort.
    • Binral, Dragons, and Primal.
    • Seraph, particularly, yet all former and current civilizations beyond a select few.
    • Exist, yet not to the same, utterly repulsed degree as Binral, and is hence able to be around such without issue.
    • Unionism
    • Sihndar

    Life Story (Required)
    Oldritch Crovan was born in Regalia into a family of upper class workers with a hefty amount of coin to their name. Oldritch was born with a Magespark, and its features began to break through into his life during his early childhood - yet he often refused to dedicate practice into his magical abilities, his youthful fear of something so peculiar warding him away from expanding upon it. He grew up spoiled, expecting many luxuries of life to be handed to him, no doubt part of such being born from the labelling of being "special", or "gifted". Having a ludicrous amount of time without purpose, Oldritch placed magical knowledge as chief among his pursuits. Perhaps, his thirst for knowledge was his own silent interest in his malformed soul. At the age of seventeen, he sought to entertain a delegation of scholars and experts, eager to plumb their knowledge for a greater understanding of magic. Oldritch exchanged his personal studies and the various alchemical processes that yielded remarkable (or terrifying) results in response to essences. Seeing the astounding potential within the young adult, a gathering of the scholars invited him to continue his practices in their scientific environment. Greatly overjoyed, Oldritch accepted the invitation, his parents paying for the deducted scholarship.

    Oldritch was a remarkably skilled and masterful student, his thirst for knowledge fuelling his scholastic excellence. Still, many times he declined opportunities to practice magic, remarking on how it was a deformity, and unnatural. As his practice in academies continued, Oldritch began to gain more and more respect from his colleagues, eventually - at the age of twenty three - receiving access to the restricted knowledge concealed away from the public. Tales and articles of terrifying forms of magic and the consequences of… the unmonitored arcane. Many other scholars were fearful of the wretched existence of such nightmarish forces, yet Oldritch Crovan feared not the stories, but instead the implications of these magic’s existence. His mind reeled, “What if there is something out there, beyond?” he thought.

    For years such thoughts were casted away, until the scholar was almost through his thirties. Oldritch became fascinated with the possibility of the existence of beings so vast and powerful, that all of the known world may be dwarfed by its power. His urge for a greater understanding pushed him into practicing magic; his outlook on it drastically changed now that the possibility of discovering a higher power was at play. He began to suffer from his sudden wave of nihilism, believing that all actions are inconsequential if everything he’s known is insignificant to beings greater still. In an attempt to calm his mind from his existential revelation, he started a family of his own at forty one years of age, and got married to a fellow scholar he had been attracted to for the past few months.

    Both practiced their pedagogic and cultured works until Oldritch's wife began showing signs of pregnancy. She strayed from her work, allowing herself preparation for a coming child while Oldritch - now forty four - continued his further investigations alone. On the fateful day of their child's birth, Oldritch’s wife passed away during the processs - which made Oldritch the one to decide his son's name; Owen Crovan. In the coming week, Oldritch Crovan was stricken with grief, and he blamed the child for the death of his beloved. It started as a singular thought, yet, so too did that which sparked his wildest of ambitions. Nearly seven years passed, yet his adversity bubbled and churned until he decided that the child was the root of all his agony, and plotted to murder the six year old to rid himself from his suffering. As the moon was high and the hour of eradication drew near, Oldritch crept into the child’s room and attempted to smother the child in his sleep. Owen - awakened and desperate for air - fought against his father’s actions.

    Mercifully, the morbid encounter resolved itself in the favor of Oldritch. The frigid night’s air pulsed to the beat of his heart, yet his moment of triumphant exaltation was stopped as he turned around - facing towards the reflected lunar light upon the lake. His brain felt as if it were collapsing, a surge of energy forcing itself through his body as a dizzying gaze into the terrible vistas of a world beyond his own wormed its way into his mind. He stood revitalized, rejuvenated. His body felt as if it was swelling and throbbing, molted by a newfound understanding. Oldritch felt as if his world and conscious surged, and from then on dedicated himself towards expanding his magical abilities and uncovering the supposed "Cosmic Truth"... And, too, to spread it's influence throughout the Binral plane.

    Still, Oldritch wanders the streets, passages, and underbelly of Regalia, yet, with new purpose. The forty years of study and thought, of self-exile and reflection has only lead the scholar to a greater place of disparity. What little, fleeting humanity has long since been expunged from his mind, and too, from his body.


    ... Morvaldritch coming soon?
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    #1 Deusphage, Aug 22, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
  2. ThePear

    ThePear Pear

    Mar 3, 2020
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    I love this character already
    Just by looking at the character sheet
    This is gonna be a good one
  3. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
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    Picking up for staff review.
  4. Deusphage

    Deusphage i am a girlboss i am a war criminal

    Feb 2, 2020
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    I'll change the point spread once I officially have spells, both to relocate the unused points of the 30% set aside, as well as to accommodate for the shift, most likely through changing the fast blades to something like unarmed - depends on how combat would function within such form
    • Immersive Immersive x 2
  5. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
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    My Review

    • Extra Wording: The original template is still on the application, to help with the clutter I would recommend deleting and removing it.
    Mentions of Magic
    • Until your magic documentation is written up, all mentions of mutations, Magilex, as well as the proficiency cost of magic needs to be removed from this application. The cost may shift after it is written, as well as the mutations have not been approved by the writers of the document.
    Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
    • Mage Mutations: As said above, until your magic has been written and mutations approved of, please remove them from the mention of this application.
    • Astral Infusion: Please insert the description and link to Cal's document to better explain what the affliction is.
    Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
    • Spoilers: All expansions belong in spoilers.
    Life Story
    • Age: It's hard to figure out how old he is for many of these events. Please better weave in dates, ages, so forth so it's easier to follow where he was in his walk of life during these moments.
    • Magic: I know that he's been approved of magic, so please put down within his application (around when he's eight or so) when he began to show signs of being a Mage. At the latter part of his life story, it comes off as him discovering his magic in a "Surge" and I would like to make sure this is fixed to avoid confusion.
    @Deusphage Go ahead and make these changes then tag me!
  6. Deusphage

    Deusphage i am a girlboss i am a war criminal

    Feb 2, 2020
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    @Katiesc The little blurbs for Oldritch may still reference having a Magespark, however, that should pretty easily be disregarded. If need be, I can remove or augment the ones that do have such content, but, apart from that, I think thats all the edits.

    Oh, and, I didn't really know what to put in Personality and Abilities (Expansion) for the time being - since i removed the one little blurb in there - so I listed the temporarily sorcery spells in place of the 'points set aside for magespark', if thats alright.
    • Immersive Immersive x 2
  7. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
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    My Review

    • Tomes: Due to proficiency points being necessary for this knowledge and players being able to snatch the books if they mug your character, please remove these as well. I would recommend that when your magic is written, go ahead and ask for a mutation that allows ink to appear and disappear while the book is in your character's hands, then I will reconsider it.
    @Deusphage Everything else looks fine, will wait for this update to then approve.
  8. Deusphage

    Deusphage i am a girlboss i am a war criminal

    Feb 2, 2020
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    @Katiesc I assume the two books I left in are fine, as they shouldn't contain knowledge on anything requiring points.
    • Immersive Immersive x 2
  9. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
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  10. Deusphage

    Deusphage i am a girlboss i am a war criminal

    Feb 2, 2020
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    @Katiesc Modified with Proficiency Update
    • Immersive Immersive x 2
  11. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
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  12. Deusphage

    Deusphage i am a girlboss i am a war criminal

    Feb 2, 2020
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    Possible full-sheet overhaul inbound
    • Immersive Immersive x 2
  13. Deusphage

    Deusphage i am a girlboss i am a war criminal

    Feb 2, 2020
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    • Immersive Immersive x 2
  14. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
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