Archived Old War Decs

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King of Deldrimor
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
Deldrimorian Dominion
Roleplay Guilds
This is just a little thing I've been hoping to see for a while. Last year we saw the return of war declarations as an optional choice and since then there have been plenty archived in the database. But it seems like the old ones from before their removal are still there, just not viewable? I was wondering, and I'm sure there are other players who would enjoy taking a look, if those could be made available to the public.

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I'd need to ask @Gethelp to look into this. I have no clue about War decs even being brought back.
I think they are still there... but just not visible to us... because when war decs first came back, i remember seeing the preview of an old war dec from the year before as the "most recent" on the War Declaration Database section.. but i was unable to view the full document
I think they are still there... but just not visible to us... because when war decs first came back, i remember seeing the preview of an old war dec from the year before as the "most recent" on the War Declaration Database section.. but i was unable to view the full document
Yeah and not to mention there's 1000 threads under war dec database and only four pages of wars. Anyways, it's not a big deal but it's just a little thing I think would be awesome to see. Thanks @MonMarty
Would be nice to see history of war decs :3
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