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Old Town Declaration: Hierarchy


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
<The following proclamation only pertains to those in Old Town and would not be spread (via npc) outside of such. The notice was posted outside the Old Town clinic, and also at the newly re-opened Hidden Dragon>

The Hierarchy hereby claims the land on which the Old Town Clinic stands. Feeding shall not occur in this territory, and it shall be defended against gang influence. If you are a resident or worker of this area, you are advised to get in contact with the Hierarchy to explain your unique situation, any issues you may have, or anything you wholeheartedly desire.
Cyrillian Aredeth of the Magnolia Order squinted at the notice upon, as far as he was concerned, his building within the Old Town.
"Leeches. I am uncertain of how to feel.."
[There was small note pinned to the notice on the Old Town clinic.]

Hear ye, o wicked ones of the dark, Hierarchy of the Damned.
No gang should hold control over the haven for the sick and wounded. This land is neutral, and should remain such.
You of /all/ should know the gall of such a claim, seeing from this very place you had stolen the vulnerable to serve as your cattle.
You want to defend this place? Then stay away.
We will not welcome your kind, nor will we answer to you.
You have been warned.
Joycie Caladwen had a nervous look on her Altalar women features...
"But you've got to give her an A for effort. Her note looks so fancy- Look how bold she made the 'you have been warned', you don't do something like that without serious dedi-"
<He cringes as he's threatened by the Varghul becoming Merith.>
"Right right. I'll be serious. Maybe she skimmed it? In fairness, I only skim half the notes pegged around these places. You should see half of the crap our own people bring me."
<He exhales, stretching out a little beside Merith as he looks it over. Rubbing his jaw lightly in some semblance of light contemplation. Yesterday's swathe of alcohol slowly burning its way out of his system.>
"Sure as void'd like to know who's warning us though. It would be easier if our enemies left a name and address."