Archived Old Chat System

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Swag Cannon
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
São Paulo, Brazil
Who else hates the new chat? No S, No Y, No W. Starting a message with the channel letter focuses you on the channel. It also won't alert you when nobody can hear you. There are some really big changes in there. What do you think?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Things will be added. :3 Give it a week or so then see if you dont like it.

When I joined Massive, I honestly couldnt stand the chat system. Then I got use to it. We'll get use to this as well.
It doesn't alert you when no one hears you? Awesome! Its so unrealistic to be magiclly told that no one heard you...
Fair enough, I see the RP aspect of that.

Another note- You know how some people abuse trade by using it for global cooldowns? Well, now they can do that with Help too.
Doesn't matter if there are 10 chatnnels or 1 people will always abuse. Only thing I personally don't like is that help is faction chat color
Who else hates the new chat? No S, No Y, No W. Starting a message with the channel letter focuses you on the channel. It also won't alert you when nobody can hear you. There are some really big changes in there. What do you think?

Honestly did you even read the post on the website or decide to vent your rage on the forum as soon as you smelled something you didn't like?

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