Preserved Sheet Olannias Flor Alessandri - The String

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I am crime man
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
We'll just say that they're insane.
The String

<I> <II> <III>
Name: Olannias Flor Alessandri or Olannias dei Lampert || Nicks: Olan
Age: 106 (75 Years a Vampire) || Born: January 7th 200 AC
Gender: Male
Race: Alior Dressolini - Vampire Affliction
Sexuality: Heterosexual (But uh, being a skeleton kinda stops that)

Blood Type
Zodiac: Capricorn
Birthstone: Garnet
Lucky Numbers:
5 11 19 20 26
Prof Points: 60
30 Points - Musical Knowledge (+10 Racial)
24 Points - Rouge Training (+24 Points)
6 Points - Thin Blades Skill (+6 Points)
5 Points - Perception Training (+5 Points)
5 Points - Sailing Knowledge (+5 Points)

6 - Physical Body Shape

Vampire Skills: 8
⬫ Survival Tree -3 Point
⬫ Vampiric Healing -3 Point
⬫ Usability -3 Point
⬫ Blood's Lust -3 Point
⬫ Feeding Belight -3 Poins
⬫ Shadow Flight -3 Point
⬫ Control -3 Point
⬫ Feedalation -3 Point

Languages - 5
- Common - 10/10
- Dressolini - 10/10 Speaks, Writes and Understands Fluently
- D'Ithanie - 10/10 Speaks, Writes and Understands Fluently
- Daendroquin - 10/10 Speaks,Writes and Understands Fluently
- Tatsugo - 6/10 Well enough to Speak, Understands enough. More complex words are difficult


Eye Color: None, Just Sockets.
Hair Color: Bleached skull
Hair Style: Smooth and non-existent
Bone Color: Moon like white
Clothing: Wrapped Captain's clothing
Height: 6 foot - 182cm
Body-Build: Emancipated (Skeletal Body)

Noteworthy Captain
Years at sea have lead to Olan to know the sea quite well. His knowledge at hand being enough to run any ship and lead on a happy (enough) crew. With an ease of knowledge of the stars and simple works at sea.
Bone Tingling Fencer
After enough time you'll usually get the hang of something. That being cooking, fist fighting or even art. With that Olan's knowledge of fencing and using a thin blade is enough to make to be a challenge.

Not the best strong-arm
Being a skeleton of course has its ups and downs. One of it's downs is the quite low strength it gives someone. Without much muscle it can be quite tough to move and do heavy like work. Olan only able to work with to around 10 pounds before being unable to lift or use the object.

Skull: Short and Simple, Olan is a skeleton. No big fluffy beard or hair to see off or real facial features. What Olan has instead is a smooth and well polished skull cap, with pristeen cheekbones. And a glorious set of ear holes and nose cavity. Something that is worth taking a look at is Olan's gold molars and small Skull with tridents stained into the bone of his right side skull cap.

Skeleton: With nothing to much to look at. Quite literally, Olan has a skeletal body with ribs, spine, pelvis and shoulder blades as well. What he does do however is store all sorts of nacks in his chest cavity. Having a coin pouch tied on his third left rib and a flask on his second right rib.

Attire: Keeping to tradition, Olan wears a suit of blue and faded gray garments. Keeping to the color code of the Sapphire Runners. Olan always having a rolled up note of names, his rapier, and gold rings and necklace on at all times, sometimes even his prized fiddle. Sometimes wearing a bandana or tricorn hat atop his head.

Voice: Slow, Aged, and Melancholy. Olan sounds like a rough and experienced fisher at sea to put it shortly. WIth a definite hint of Daen and Dressolini still stuck to it.

Musical Instruments
10/10 Violin
Songs Known by heart: 18
Ability to Pick up new songs: 10/10

10/10 Fiddle
Songs Known by Heart 11
Ability to Pick up new songs: 9/10

8/10 Hurdy-Gurdy
Songs Known by heart: 6
Ability to Pick up new songs: 7/10


Sword Type: Rapier
Total length: 44 Inches - 111cm
Length of the blade: 40 Inches - 101cm
Width of the blade: 2cm
Weight: 2lb - 32oz
Material - Steel



Paragraph One: Viewing For starters, the lack of skin and just a present walking and happy skeleton might just surprise or doubt someone at first glance. But past the off-setting vampirism, and horrid bone structure someone might dig up might bring a person that wants to play a tune or tell an old story at sea instead. A general amount of people or vampires may call upon him being a sort of entertainer or pleasant person to be around during a drink or night out. Being spoken of as respectable even with his age. Though the skeleton figure might off putting or be a to non-vampires though it may not even be present to most that Olan is even a vampire, and just similar to an undead afflicted sailor.

Paragraph Two: After dying, and returning to a skeletal form. Olan has taken to be quite light and mellow of his surroundings. Taking up to a greater importance and live out and make any second count. Olan making more time out of small things mostly. Continuing to be happy with his situations and figure currently, letting the world flow beside him as he waits, being quite anxious of dying once again, as he has already once, making a great importance with other members of his old crew and other vampires along the way. Olan using what he can to entertain maybe a last few times.

Paragraph Three: Olan considers most vampires to be like distant relatives.Taking on to a different tune with other human like figures. Not exactly the most comfortable around, as they would be to him and quite distancing away from such. Most family Olan considers is that of the remainder of his crew, and quartet. A couple of other undead vampiric skeletons that travel with Olan. The group acting like a family or group of brothers at most. Olan seeing them as number one priority and most respectable in any situation.

Paragraph Four: On a scale Olan would be Lawful Evil. Sticking to a traditional pirate like life before becoming sanguine. Olan seeing it as fine to do horrid things for wealth, pleasure, or personal gain, but under as a pirate for that to happen. Olan being very akin to his pirating like life, as and before being a vampire. Disregarding anything a holy figure or so would be like and sticking to himself, and a crew. Olan seeing with some others like for personal gain and encouraging it so, and taking a grain of salt with most earnings from knight like or lower human figures earnings or success that was for the greater good. It's all just a big drama to him most of the time however.



♥ are what measure relationships with Olan ♥s range between the lowest being x-100♥ being a direct enemy of his; or the max being x100♥
Being non-vampire gives a immediate x-10♥
Being non-vampire gives a immediate x10♥
Having any musical training or points in Music Theory, Instrumental Music or Vocal Music gives a x5♥

x7♥ - Friendly Acquaintance - Eddie Daeslizan @LlamaDelBae
x-10♥ Non-vampire, x12♥ Colorful Personality, x5♥ Wonderful Conversations
x-2♥ - Acquaintance - Poppy Cuffburt @Mandyy_
x-10♥ Non-vampire, x8♥ Fantastic Reactions
x4 - Acquaintance - Mama Yaga @HoshiWomp
x-10♥ Non-vampire, x14 Sailor
x-15 - New Friend - Syriel Valantalio @Narrju
x10♥ Vampire x5 Friendly

Back Story
Year 201-211AC: Ages 1-10
Olan was born Montania, from a choirmaster father and a fencing champion assistant's mother. Olan being brought in with a rich sense of Dressolini culture and favoritism in the arts. Olan schooling with his mother going into musical and instrumental training alongside lingual schooling of D'Ithanie. Olan's father even hiring a fencer tutor to train with him. Olan being devoted to his schooling, and training with fencing in his later youth.

Year 211-221 AC: Ages 10-20
Being competent in his training, Olan continued to rival in youth fencing competitions, beginning to use his new honed abilities to gain a sense of pride and greed. Olan being as a thug with a group of other Dressolini fencers and musicians. Olan eventually being denounced from his family. His father's forward motivation of saying Olan was an ungrateful and devious thug that does not belong into the family. Taking this harshly and resigning out to the more rural lands around the city to steal mug and run with a group called the Zaffiro il pattino. Or The Sapphire Runners, a local gang like group that terrorized poorer parts of the city. Notorious for the color of faded blues and use of rapiers.

Year 221-231AC - Ages: 20-30
With the late time in winter, Olan and his gang would be at rough times. Facing heavy tensions with guards and other citizens. Forcing the entire crew to recede back to the sea on ship. Olan continuing these years as a pirate like figure, having a foggy blue flag risen above all. Seeing a good amount of profit and wealth from it. Eventually making a large enough crew to continuously plunder and make worth from the ongoing travelers to the city. Soon expanding out towards the northern Daen lands after losing a ship to a ongoing attack. With his arrival ending with the capture of a trade ship. Olan taking prisoners and looting the ship for food supplies when we was bit by one of the captives on his arm. Olan dismissing it as a simple retaliation until finding a few days later his newly seen power. Olan feeding upon one of the said captives to then continue and forcefully turn his other crew members into vampires alike. Soon becoming a crew that terrorized and fed off and around the Daen shores.

Year 231-251AC - Ages: 30-50
After building up a fleet of pirate like ships, The name Sapphire Runners became a noteworthy title at sea. Lead by the great Captain Olan the Bow. Olan being around his late 40s during the peak of his captaincy. Sailing across the blue atop a great Galleon. His capture and force recruit method he used helped him gain the needed ships and crew with each attack. Brutalizing any members that refused to join.
Olan also having a niche for his rapier instead of cutlass or any sharp object you could find, being rough and brute Captain that had little care for any non-vampiric person. Towards his later fifties when Olan continued to rival other fleets and move closer and closer to the Regalian Archipelago.

Memento mori -Year: 251-261 Ages: 50-60
Surrounded and outnumbered, a led attack onto a smaller fort became a disaster for Olan. During night Olan attacked with his Galleon, and part of his own fleet. He was to be outnumbered by The Regalian Government's fleet. Olan clinically dying by the immense fire on the ship. Sinking away with crew to the shallow waters below.
Upon awakening on the sandy midnight beaches, Olan was horridly surprised to find his condition. A dried skeleton with the tattered burnt rags of his pirate career, while taking the time to recover, he found few others that retained a skeletal body too, those of his crew there where. Olan and what was left of his crew setting out once again to steal and escape from the island atop a small naval schooner. Rebounding to the shantytown off the Daen coast he called home. Doubtful at first the most of what was left of the Sapphire Runners was little to nothing. As news of the great Captain Olan's Galleon fell to the depths below broke what crew there was. Causing men to take their own actions accord and split off to find other fortune. Olan and his lonely quartet leaving to late musical drunken nights.

Year: 261-281 Ages: 60-80
Spending most of the time in the shanty-town continuing to make nights musical and tell stories. Taking the odd trip or two, assisting other vampiric like captains gain to their fame. The older vampire running onto his late Seventies to find voyage on a pirate ship called the Ja'felesitun Which held as the runner-up to the Sapphire Runners before their fall. Olan attending the ship's crew and captain as a guest before falling victim to a mutiny. Olan and the Captain aboard maroon on an island. Olan finding it easy to survive by burying his body in the sand while the vampiric captain fell victim to the sun next morning. Spending near a month before escaping on a passing ship. Olan having to feed on crustaceans and mice to survive.

Year: 281-306 Ages 80-106
Reunited with his own quartet, Olan seeked to hunt each of the crew. Traveling along ocean water with random bits of crew. Having a checklist of his targets at hand always, having half the list marked already. Arriving at regalia on May 19th 306AC to rest. Taking pleasure in the city's immense populus and fortune. His plan being to leave on December 7th 306AC to continue his hunt.
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-Added Relationships 7/21/2018 - 19:52
-Edited Dates cause 305 ain't the real time 7/21/2018 - 23:36
-Edit Prof points after the person below this post said: "No" - 7/21/2018 - 0:02
-Added Poppy and Eddie to Relationships - 7/23/2018 - 11:53
-Edited prof proficiency points since update
9/18/2018 - 16:48
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