I made this char as my first character. I kinda killed off all possible roleplay ideas within a day or two of roleplay. So I'm hiring someone (preferably someone with nothing better to do) to do a basic rewrite on this character. I basically want the main of the backstory to stay the same. I really want the main ambition changed and the characteristics and traits. I want to something that adds a bit of depth to the character that gives him a main goal. A change of the weaknesses may also help. Don't go crazy with it. Kinda try to keep it a bit simple but make it add something to roleplay. Surprise me with it. That will help me roleplay it a bit better and don't make it mister depressy-pressy and mister im scared. Hope you guys get some good ideas! Copy and paste your edit bellow and put your IGN and Ill pay if I accept it. Thanks!