Archived "off With His Head" - Suggestion For Character's Head

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
I've recently, gotten my "head" caught around this idea which sort of annoys me, and could be easily changed, as far as I know.

So for some time, we've been able to gather heads of players, and some of us have taken it upon ourselves to use this in Role-play, as though you killed a character and took their head as a souvenir.
But one of the few things that doesn't work with this is when ever a player changes their skin, this head changes with it. So if I were to have (In a role-play war) declared I had killed a character, and taken their head with me at the end of the war, their head would change when they get a new skin for their new character, and this bothers me.

What I'm proposing is to change this head plug-in so instead of heads changing when a player changes their skin, have it copy what the player's skin was at that given time.
Of course, this means people would have to gather another head if they wanted one of their new character, but so what?

What this achieves?
In my opinion it encourages role-play, and adds another link between PVP and Role-play.
For example, say my old character Floihem Khallard, a brutal uprising dwarf went to war with a man with the name of "John Smith", and at the end of the war, Floihem returned home to his people with the head of this man, then by standards, this player had killed another player's character, and they would have to make a new one.

This encourages Role-play wars where the surrender is marked by gathering the leader of the other faction's head, obviously "be-heading them".
That player could then create a new character, with a new skin, and return along their merry way without having to worry about some player walking around with his new character's head as well!

I hope you enjoy this small idea. Show me your support, or argue with me to your hearts content below, but I do request mature responds, or at least immature "Head plugin" puns, much like the tile ^.

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like this idea. I can kill the same person a bunch of different times, and get a bunch of different heads.
+1 Support
I've had to put a flavour text sign next to my head (which I'm using as a bust) and it says [This is a stone head of Lanaskan Shadowaika].

I really would like this because I change skins a lot more often now.​
This is not possible without a client side mod due to the fact that textures for the heads are received from the Mojang servers and sent to the user's client. Unfortunately a plugin like this would be impossible.
While it would be nice to have it is extremely difficult to make as jakeTheNerd pointed out. Players can see heads like this:
Server sends Client (you) the packet that says
"This is a playerhead block. The player is <username>".
Your client then asks mojang servers:
"What is <usernames>´s head texture?"
The mojang server then answers with the corresponding data and your client applys the skin.
This feature was already announced for 1.8 and can already be seen in the new snapshot I believe. 3d layers on the head will by then be visible too.
Waitaminute... If your character dies in PVP, they don't necessary die in RP, do they? At least from what I understand... So you're not really killing the characters..? O_o I might be wrong. I usually am x3
Waitaminute... If your character dies in PVP, they don't necessary die in RP, do they? At least from what I understand... So you're not really killing the characters..? O_o I might be wrong. I usually am x3
You are right about that. Usually if you die in Pvp in a rp related battle your character would most likely sustain some injuries.
I like this Idea, can't wait for 1.8
(would really look forwards to have my head mounted on a wall .3.)
Well, actually is you don't break it the skin won't refresh, so just don't break it.
Well, actually is you don't break it the skin won't refresh, so just don't break it.
Yeah, that's true Sisley however it unables people to be able to move this head around.

This feature was already announced for 1.8 and can already be seen in the new snapshot I believe. 3d layers on the head will by then be visible too.
Great to hear a response like this.

@nray93 I request this thread being locked please, with the previous responses, if 1.8 is truly bringing this out then there is no need for this suggestion. Thank you.