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Of Saints And Herons


Jun 18, 2019
Reaction score
The Church of Solidarity

There have been questions regarding the Church's stance on Herons and their role in the Great Way. It is both my hope and my pleasure to give light on this subject. Before I explain the Church's stance on this, we must first understand what a Heron is.

A Heron is a person who is a pure unionist and who modeled their life after the image of the Emperors. They have contributed much to the Great Way and serve as excellent examples for other people. As decreed by Theomar I, Herons are to be revered and to have statues dedicated to them. Indeed, as we respect people who have done heroic acts and build statues dedicated to them, so are we to respect and dedicate statues to the Herons, as the Herons are also heroes because they both served the Great Way and the Spirit.

The Herons serve as intermediaries between the Spirit and us. The Spirit has commanded us to pray on behalf of our fellowmen so that they may prosper and find their purpose in the Great Way. Such as it is that we may ask the Herons to pray on our behalf to the Spirit so that we may prosper and better serve the Great Way, similar to how we ask our friends to pray for us.

While we should always take time to pray to the Spirit, it is expected to pray to the Herons who are now dwelling with the Spirit as well. Because the Spirit always listens to the prayers of the righteous, we can be confident that when the Herons petition to the Spirit for us, we can be sure that the Spirit will bless us in our lives.

We should always remember the Herons and pattern our lives after theirs so that, we too, may join the Herons in the Everwatch.

Oratario Paean.

-Wilhelm Hiberson
Head Reverend of the Church of Solidarity