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Of Deathbane's Meaning.


Aug 8, 2022
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Some of you know its name. Others do not.

Others have definitely known its actions.

However, it seems, through both the actions of its founder, and the misguided opinions.
I feel its meaning has been lost.

Death's bane.

What does that entail?

To be everything opposite of what death is.

To reject the forces of the corrupting, controlling hand of death. To be opposed against the tyranny of death, and the disgusting cultists which seem to view the rotting corpses and weeping of mourners to be joyful and pleasant.

However, for Deathbane to truly embrace its meaning. It must be more than fighting death's followers.

The militia must be death's bane, and life's guard.

It must fight all who oppose the qualities of life. The people who wish to manipulate and control those in life, just as the Death Cultist's deities wish to do on innocents. The afflicted who corrupt and misuse the occult in their schemes in ruining the minds and bodies of who they infect. It must protect all who are vulnerable, and it must help those in need.

While the founder of the Militia may have felt it was "necessary" to align himself with the Lothar.

I do not.

The Lothar have long shown themselves to be uncaring for life. They have somehow manage to twist themselves into something more monstrous then they once were. Anything that opposes them is silenced. With fear. Or murder. How many hands and heads will they cut off before they achieve their goal? They have shown they will kill a thousand to receive what they wish.
It is no wonder why many of them are suspected in following Eir. The Nobility of Death. It is because they have allowed themselves to be the blade wielded by death's cursed hand.

And like all threats to life. We shall fight to defend who they target.

As the newly placed Commander of the Deathbane Militia, I break all agreements between the Deathbane Militia and any affiliated with the Inquisition.


And as for a personal message to any Lothar reading this,

Go run to your Inquisition with your precious allied
Hunters. Go betray your fellow Unionists.
- Dr. Wilhelm Moritz Urssenbeck.


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By some means, at some time, a response was brought to the door of the newfound commander. Bearing a short message.

Underscored three times. The signage that followed was split between the mundane and the esoteric. First the simple address of "Aakesh" followed by signage that seemed to be written in Void script, glowing and red and ever changing, until it became completely illegible to the one reading it, eliminating the view of the name written in that particular text.

And then, afterward, in the corner of the letter, as if politeness had been an afterthought: If you will have me.
"As long as you are not an extremist onto others to corrupt their lives, whether Void, Exist, or Purist. I have my skepticisms regarding you, but you are welcome to help. All must be united to protect innocents against those who attempt to manipulate lives."

- Dr. Wilhelm Moritz Urssenbeck
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