Preserved Sheet Odo Grégoire Gagneux

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[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
The Nippy North
Roleplay Guilds
Estel Temple (


Basic Information.

  • Full Name: Odo Grégoire Gagneux.
  • Age: Thirty, born February 11th 276AC.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor Ithanian
  • Main Ambition: To avenge the death of his late father, Greg, and, return a sense of Ailor pride to the forgotten Ailor serfdom.
  • Unionist Aspect: Order of The Fervent
Skill Information.
  • 30 Points [-10 From School of Wapnbog] 20 to spend.
    • +10 Mace (+10 From School).
    • +10 Anglian Longbow (+10 From School).
    • +10 Unarmed Wrestling (+10 From School).
    • +5 Large Shield (+5 From Points).
    • +10 Syndicate Contacts (+10 From Points).
    • +5 Unarmed Boxing (+5 From Points).
  • 45 Points
    • +5 Dancing (+5 From Points)
    • +6 Vocal (+6 From Points)
    • +1 Carving (+1 From Points)
    • +10 Body Care (+5 From Culture, +5 From Points)
  • Languages
    • Spoken Common (Fluent)
    • Written Common (Primary)
    • Spoken Ithanian (Native)
    • Written Ithanian (Illiterate)
Visual Information.
  • Eye Colour: Green.
  • Hair Colour: Brown.
  • Hairstyle: Shaved and bald, with a layer of stubble on his chin, accompanied by a looming moustache.
  • Skin Colour: Pale, slum-ridden pink.
  • Clothing: Simple serf clothing/ His Hightower Uniform/ The darkly hooded uniform of the Blackguard of Mont Bertu.
  • Height: 6ft.
  • Body Build: Strongman.
  • Weapon of Choice: Anglian Longbow/ Mace and Large Shield/ Fists.

Personality and Ability.
  • First Paragraph: Odo could be viewed as a cautiously paranoid individual, often reluctant to give too much away in one interaction. Odo is an unworldly type, with little formal education, and even less knowledge of the wider world, and this becomes evident when first meeting him, his wariness doubled in the presence of non-humans. In addition, Odo's pro-ailor racialism is often evident in interactions and drives many of his encounters with non-ailor. Odo can be excused for coming across as 'peasant' like, as his upbringing in Mont Bertu was one of serfdom, and as such, left little for Ithanian pomp.
  • Second Paragraph: Odo is driven by a deeply internalised feeling of disenfranchisement. He feels that high ranking statesmen, liberal nobles, and even shoddy past-emperors have stripped Ailor of their rights and rightful superiority, in favour of allowing foreigners of non-human bearing a more comfort driven life. Needless to say, Odo feels a deep anger and hate burning inside him, and this is often the driving force for a lot of his violence within the Blackguard of Mont Bertu.
  • Third Paragraph: The closest friends Odo has are the Blackguard, comprising of his most dear friends of childhood and beyond. Thes men hold a sacred part in Odo's life, and his loyalty to them is beyond question. Odo is suspicious of those outside the group, and more often than not turns to these friends in times of need. Odo, if it weren't for his family, would likely die in protecting the Blackguard, but, his wife and children take a strong presidency. Clara, Odo's wife of ten years, is the most important individual in the Ithaní's life - the woman often calms his anger and is what he describes as the remedy to all his flaws. Odo is above all, a family man, and all that he does, he excuses as for their sake.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Odo is best described as chaotic neutral in his alignment. Odo often shirks laws and conventions and has a distaste for governance when it does not align with his own views. In the 'old' Regalia, where Ailor were treated with distinction, where feral beast didn't roam the slums, where Unionism didn't condone transformations into non-human forms, where non-ailor were not permitted entry into government and military. In the noble, blessed Empire for which he grew up in, Odo may have been seen as 'Lawful Neutral', abiding by the proper system. Now, in the neo-Jacobin state that masquerades as his nation, Odo is an outsider to convention and law, seeking to restore things to their proper place.
Life Story

Odo Grégoire Gagneux was born 276AC., to Grégoire and Ánna Gagneux, in the de Gosselin province of Mont Bertu. Odo's father, a tenpenny soldier, was often missing from his childhood: out amidst warzones, fighting for the Empire. While Odo made no real connection with his mother, finding her to be a non-maternal woman, he did, however, make a strong connection with Gregoire, during his time in the family home. Odo built much of his identity from that of his father's, and, held him as one of the inspiring figures of his life, alongside his uncle Guiscard.

Odo, unlike his father who fulfilled the career of a professional soldier in the Tenpenny Army, was relegated to the town watch of his township in Mont Bertu. In this lifestyle, he learnt to use a number of weapons, to fulfil his role. The mace, large shield, and longbow, were all items within the arsenal of Mont Bertue watchmen. In addition to this noble profession, Odo often lead a life in dire contrast to the daytime work of a watchman: bar brawls, and other such peasant-like past times were a regular part of Odo's nightlife. In addition, Odo's often corrupt and lenient nature within his work resulted in a surprising connection in the world of Ailor criminality, especially with those of an anti-human stance.

Odo was introduced to the radical concepts of his father early on in his adult years. Grégoire, having traveled the world in the Regalian Standing Army, was disillusioned with what existed beyond the Archipelago. The lesser Races, and their barbaric ways were repulsive to him. Though, with the elevation of elves, Alar, and all forms of vile unhumans, Grégoir's disgust grew against the very State he served. These thoughts were passed down to Odo, like an heirloom of hate, towards those who had diluted Ailor Culture and Faith.

Grégoire, serving the Hightower Order, was slain in the Slums not a few days after his deployment. With the arrival of a letter of remorse and the informing of the Gagneux family of this loss, Odo travelled to Regalia to exert a vile anger on the lesser races of the Crown City, and to practice Unionism in its best traditions of Ailor Supremacy. In this time of great loss, Odo took upon practicing Feverancy, under the Order of the Feverent - a loathing for mages driving this.


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