• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

Odd Apology


Thank you! And goodnight.
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
I bet you'd like to know.
Noted on the Regalian noticeboard was a small letter, folded in halves and stuck to the wooden board with rusted, old nails, besides the letter was drawn picture of Nace himself getting beat by an old Claith lady, and Shane Marth running in to tackle said old lady.

I, formally Nathaniel Trevaskis, otherwise known as Nace to those who associate with me, have been pardoned of crimes of assault, attempted assault, robbery, inflicting harm on noble lineage and all things accounted for by an witness has been diminished to nothing. My name will be stained with the blood of my misdoings, though many of you don't trust me, or otherwise would hate to believe me, including the guards despite everything. I've turned myself in for nothing more than to make the Slums better, safer for those who thrive west of the wall- as who else could do the work? To that I say this, to those I've harmed in my past, to those I've broken limbs over due to an command or for the pure gratification of intimidation, and reputation, I apologize. That's enough said, and I'll see you all around.

Love, Nace Trevaskis
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Shane facepalmed.
Shane for first deputy for 306 AC???
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Djanira sighed, scrutinizing as she read the letter for what was the fourth time that day.
"We'll see what's true."
Azra raised her drink upon hearing of the letter and promptly slapped Nace on the shoulder, "You're forgiven, lucky bastard. What about me? Still wanted by everyone."
Azara Tyrannian
Azara read through the apology, an expression changing, to one of colder glare st the notice as she bit the inside inside of her cheek. "Good thing I didn't hire a bloody criminal." She'd mutter off to Xia. @Lommey
Senobia would squint as she looked over the paper, reading it out loud before a snort escaped the short halfling. She'd turn to face the mutt she had dragged along with her."What do you think about that? Think he'll continue being a pain in the butt?"
Brushing through a few people to read the letter, tilting his head when reading through it. "Hrm... 'ell. Good luck 'ouever ye where."
"I like his name though. Nace. Nace. Sorta like mace. Rolls off the tongue, don'tcha think?" Va'al tapped her finger against the parchment and turned to a friend. "Don't see givin' 'em a chance is too bad. Ya never know how people work out in the end. Could be good, could be worse. Ya wanna take a bet?" She flipped a coin.
Ruban's exahsted gaze shifted down to rest on the reading halfling, he did not look pleased with the fact that she dragged him all the way out into the city.

The mutts hand rose to drag along his face as he released a snort of his own
"Ace will do Ace, maybe we're free from his bull sh*%, who knows?"
And with that the halfling dragged the Mutt off to god knows where.