Preserved Sheet Octavianne Du Fenbec - The Sapphire Flame Knight

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The Scrungle and the Bungle
Sep 22, 2018
Reaction score
Basic Information
Name: Octavianne du Fenbec
Nickname: Octavia
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Burdigalan-Breizh Ailor, Medavinti Lineage
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Preferred Weaponry: Shortened Halberd and Kite Shield

Skills and Traits
50 Points + 10 Hobby

  • Skill - 35pts
    • 15 Sorcery
    • 10 Glaive Combat
    • 4 Shield Combat
    • 3 Sword Combat
    • 3 Arcanology
      • Artifactism
  • Hobby - 15pts
    • 15 Needlework Arts (10 Skill, 5 Medavinti Lineage Boost)
    • 10 Pathfinding Arts (5 Skill, 5 Honed Skill 2)
    • 10 Husbandry Arts (10 Hobby)
      • Cheval du Ciel named Charlemagne (10pts)
      • Squirrel named Gawain (5pts)
Ailor Racial Abilities
  • Honed Skill 2
  • Honed Skill 4
  • Rogue Gift 3
Sorcery Abilities
  • Light Mend 1
  • Magic Bolt 1
  • Casting Light 1
  • Element Control 3
  • Element Brand 3
  • Common
  • Burdicalic
  • Picaron
Physical Information
Hair Colour: Platinum Blonde
Eye Colour: Sky Blue
Skin Colour: Faint tanning.
Hairstyle: Braided around the back of the head, practical styles.
Clothing Style: Lightweight knight's robes and mail when in combat.
Height: 5'7" (170cm)

Physical Stat: 16
Body Shape: Ripped
Body Fat: Moderate

Personality and Life Story
Morality: Lawful Good
Personality: INTJ
Religion: Angelic Unionism - 6/10

Life Story
18th August, 285AC
  • Octavianne was born to Jaune and Elisanne du Fenbec in the town of Fenbec, near Carentot, Kintyr.
Childhood Years
  • Octavianne was raised on a mixture of Breizh and Burdicalic cultural notes, primarily Burdicalic due to their familial Patriarchy. Her childhood was particularly uneventful, her village was a small farmstead consisting of few families, she got on well with her neighbors and frequently played with the other children.
  • She was told of grand tales of Knightly escapades, and of her parent's anecdotal tales, due to their Knighthood themselves. Her father being a world-traveling Bloodcast Knight, and her mother a Fae Knight. She would eventually take after her mother.
  • Octavianne's education started early, incredibly soon after she had even learned to speak and to walk from the age of three, her mother would have her learn to read, teaching her personally for many hours of the day. She became introverted due to this early ostracization from others for education.
Knighthood Years
  • At the age of seven, Octavianne was taken with her mother under the cover of night to a Sepulchre outside of Carentot, to which she delivered her dearest daughter, leaving with a small memento; a small sewing kit comprised of needle, thread, and small pincushion. With a kiss goodbye, and acceptance from the local Wards, Octavianne's education began.
  • Her education was rough from the beginning, frequently falling behind her peers for her lacking aptitude in the traditionally taught longsword and shield combination, she fell behind in her practical lessons, but seemed to excel in her mastery over Sorcery from a young age. Her Knightly mentor taught her to wield the elements and to augment her lacking strength with swift tact and mastery over the Arcane.
  • It wasn't until the age of nine that it was discovered that Octavianne had a much better experience when wielding polearms, namely axe-headed halberds and glaives. Keeping her foe at a distance whilst warding off strikes with a large shield in her second hand meant that she became a slow, methodical fighter, but one that quickly caught up to her contemporaries.
  • Throughout the coming years, in her downtime from training and study, she would take up the needle and thread. She frequently stitched small segments of fabric together and eventually made a rather crude patchwork scarf, and even offered to help mend the clothing of others. She became known as the 'Tabard-lover' due to her visible enjoyment in embroidering tabards for the more senior Knights.
  • It was also in time that she became acquainted with the care for animals, though such started small. At first only tending to very small animals such as squirrels and hedgehogs that cropped up around the Sepulchre and the nearby groves, though this gradually expanded to helping her mentor maintain his own destrier.
  • Octavianne graduated from her study at the Sepulchre at the age of twenty-four, and received a Cheval du Ciel from her father as a congratulatory present. She quickly made fast friends with the horse, and named him Charlemagne, nicknamed Charlie.
  • With this gift from her loving parents in hand, and the light armor on her back and shield in hand, she took to the skies with Charlie, and found herself directed toward Regalia.
Age 14
Octavia, alongside her mentor Theodwyn investigated a Sanguine Coven whose presence was expanding in the region of Rostot, part of a very small dispatch team alongside a fellow Fae Knight Squire by the name of Andrieu. Their task was a simple punitive force, cutting off the expansion of the Coven by capturing and curing the leader. An incredibly difficult task for one Graduate-Mageknight and two Squires, but one that proved surprisingly successful. After a hardfought fight between the three Fae and the Coven's master, it was the quick thinking of Andrieu that caught the Sanguine offguard, Theodwyn captured the man and the coven's growth was stunted.​
Age 15
Octavia and Andrieu were once again paired together for a self-guided mission to the centre of Carentot, a scouting mission in the bustling city after there were rumours of an artefact discovered in the region. The two Pages traveled together and searched the city high and low for the rumored artefact and the merchant that was peddling it. Eventually they came across the man, and after a particularly gruesome tale of what the trinket could do (that was nothing more than a lie), the merchant fearfully surrendered the trinket to the two for delivery to the Sepulchre.​
Age 16
At the age of 16, Octavia was tasked with defending a small sorcerer's hut in the Caeren Highlands who was under fire from Azure Order assailants, masking herself she traveled northward on a simple steed headed by Theodwyn once again. The two of them defended the Sorcerer for enough time for them to conceal their presence and flee the region, only once coming to blows with the Azure Order's huntsmen, whom Theodwyn outclassed as Octavia struggled to hold her own against one of them. She redoubled her training efforts following this event.​
Age 17
Octavia participated in a large tourney held in the Grand Sepulchre in Carentot that was held amongst her peers, but also her seniors. She wished to prove herself dearly, and whilst she fought hard, she eventually found her defeat at a swordsman far more skilled than she. Despite his incapability for magic, the vigor with which he fought pushed her onto the backfoot during the battle, and he successfully disarmed and bested her.​
Age 18
Her eleventh year in the Sepulchre was spent almost exclusively upon honing her aim and usage of Magic Bolt, though such is still unreliable. Her ability in enchantment magicks however, improved greatly during this time, as did her martial prowess and balance with Kite Shield and a shortened Halberd.​
Age 19
In her nineteenth year, Octavia was dispatched alongside a just-graduated Squire named Nephelaire, departing southward toward Hadar. It was her first time departing so far southward and into Allar territories. They were guided in their mission by a Cro-Allar by the name of Dozzar, who instructed them of an artefact that was being held in his vaults that he wished to be bereft of, as many treasure-hunters had come before, seeking to rob him of such goods. Octavianne and Nephelaire collected the trinket, and together with a Kathar named Xavil that they met on their travels- and had paid them for their protection- they departed back towards Carentot to make their delivery. In their return to the Sepulchre their boat had been beset by Ashal and Allar pirates, forcing them to come to blows with their assailants. Xavil mended the two Fae as they held the frontline, aided by the deckhands and sailors who had experienced such before, they managed to defend the trinket and delivered it safely.​
Age 20
Xavil, Octavianne and Nephelaire were once again in each other's company, this time with location set for Ithania, a treasure-hunter had apparently come across a magical longsword of suspicious origin, whilst Nephelaire was tasked to take the mission alone, she requested Octavia to come along, and Xavil coincidentally was headed toward Ithania anyway, after remaining hidden in Kintyr for some time. The three made haste towards Ithania, and arrived in the ports of San-Lune. After several days of acclimating with the region and keeping their ears to the ground, they heard of a shipment that was departing the docks under the cover of night, and the odd circumstances surrounding it. The three went to investigate, sneaking aboard the transport ship some hours before it departed. They hunted through the lower decks before discovering the particularly ornate, yet ruined longsword. Assuming it to be their target, the three turned to make their swift escape, only to be forced to fight their way as they were caught in the act. They barely managed to flee, with Xavil's mending saving the two Knights once again.​
Age 21
Octavia's mission was a solitary one, now a senior enough Page that she was permitted such allowances, this time, her mission was in Daendroq. She was instructed to attend a fashion show under the guise of a participating tailor, as there was a dress on auction that was suspected to be an artefact by a number of the men-at-arms in the Sepulchre. With her particular skills, she was perfect for the job. She studied the design of the dress closely, and drafted up an exact replica of the garment. Her plan was simple, and she paid a rogue in the city of Lenna Bas, who replaced the artefact with the fake dress, and returned the artefact to her. She traveled home after, to her surprise, placing second in the runnings of the competition itself.

Following her success in this mission, Octavianne graduates from the Order and travels into the world.​
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Unsure if I should bump this, but it's almost fallen to the third page.
Approved! Just remember to specify what Proficiencies are going into Physical Stat calculation.