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Occult Ministry Declaration|#3


Staff member
Jun 8, 2016
Reaction score
From the desk of Occult Minister, Dr. Ashvarya Sylfina
29th of January, 310 AC
I. Magic Expo Announcement
The Occult Ministry has announced a public Arcane Convention in the coming weeks, with more information to follow in a future announcement. For those that are interested in learning more about the Occult from those deemed to be professionals in the matter, they are recommended to attend. If one would like to assist with the coming Convention in some way, they may reach out to the Occult Ministry in order to do such.

II. Regarding Court Mage Evaluations
After attending evaluations with the available registered court magi, the Occult Minister has made the following statements on each one listed below. The Occult Minister also recommends that any noble family seeking out a Court Mage of their own reach out for a meeting in regards to finding the right one for them either during public office hours or via arranging a specific date and time to meet through letter.

  • Maelstrom Keppkuula- Currently meeting expectations.
  • Cyrillian Vallérose Aredeth bel Tanaar Ivaëlle- Currently meeting expectations.
  • Ithelion Melthalisine - Currently meeting expectations.
  • Osira Braewányir - Recently appointed, will be evaluated next month.
  • Gwendolyn Anne Black - Court Mage Position revoked by request of Titleholder.
  • Vannevar Rostwilde - Court Mage Position revoked due to lack of communication.
II. Regarding Consortium Evaluations
The Occult Minister has also issued a statement in regards to the current acting Consortiums within the capital city, and has issued the following reviews below. If a group of citizens would like to form a Consortium of their own, they are encouraged to reach out to the Occult Minister during public office hours or to arrange a personal meeting at a set date and time through letter.

  • Hexenblood Circle-
    • They perform an adequate service in the realm of arcane research and ensure individuals do not stray into a criminal lifestyle.
  • The Wards of Fae Order-
    • They perform a necessary function in reclaiming artifacts from those who would mishandle them.
  • Primal League-
    • They perform a necessary function in maintaining and reporting on draconic occurrences around the Crown Isle and beyond.
  • Velheim Cultural Conclave-
    • They are very passionate and well informed on the history and Occult practices of the Velheim people, and open to discussion with all.
  • Ill-Essóllo'en-
    • Recently formed, will be evaluated next month.
  • The Orthae Hold-
    • Recently formed, will be evaluated next month.
For those Occult Consortiums currently active and recently formed, it should be reminded that they are able to apply for Research Grants through the Occult Minister if the need should arise. If any acting Consortium within the city requires such, they may reach out during office hours to further discuss possibilities of funding.
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