Archived Obtainable Static (mhf) Heads

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


That one guy
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
I know what most of you think:
We can already obtain mob heads and players heads.

Yes, but not the ones I am suggesting. I am talking about a couple of playerheads with accounts owned by mojang (They will NEVER change the skin so the playerhead image stays the same).

I found a list of them here:

They include a couple of heads that could be usefull for decoration. In addition to that I know of 2 more static playerheads ( MHF_Apple and MHF_Cake ).

Here is a visual representation of the heads (also from the wiki):

Also in this screenshot you can see MHF_Apple and MHF_Cake.

I think some of these could be really nice for detailed buildings so making them available somehow would be nice.

Feel free to let me know your thoughts about this idea.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
๖ۣۜI think this would be awesome. Have it as a voting item, perhaps?
+1 Support
The ones that isn't head but just decorative Could be a premium feature (prem only crafting or something like that). And yep it is allowed by the EULA.
The ones that isn't head but just decorative Could be a premium feature (prem only crafting or something like that). And yep it is allowed by the EULA.
Premiums could easily take advantage of this and sell them for good amounts of money. I personally think that this being a premium only feature is a awful idea and could possibly result in issues such as an unnecessary amount of complaint posts on the forums.
Premiums could easily take advantage of this and sell them for good amounts of money. I personally think that this being a premium only feature is a awful idea and could possibly result in issues such as an unnecessary amount of complaint posts on the forums.

At first it IS allowed. Let me quote mojang's website.
Can I sell "kits" for hard currency if I provide a balanced alternative for non-paying users?
If the "kits" contain gameplay-affecting features they are not allowed. Gameplay balance is not relevant to the EULA. If the items included in the kit are purely cosmetic, you can charge real money/hard currency.
These heads are purely cosmetic. Therefore allowed. Do I have to say more?
Before the EULA changes ere were features much better than this, so why shouldn't this be ok. There wasn't loads of complaints about premium being unfair. So why should an EULA compliant feature do so. EVEN IF non pems are willing to pay regals for cosmetic items. Did I forget to mention that decapitation is a prem only feature. It has very few complaint post on the forums.
But we need more premium features. More premium (good) premium features == more premiums == More money to the server == MassiveCraft being able to develop more in house plugins and other awesome stuff.

But you are a non prem. Non-prems being against advantages for premiums is not a new thing. You have to stop that, because if we can't even suggest new EULA compliant premium features, without people complaining. Premium is never going to be much better (premium is pretty bad right now, compared to how it was).

That being said I will still be premium even if this feature won't be prem only.
-copity paste, erhm...nope...ment "snip"
it's an IG advnatage i think since others can't get it is somewhat a cometical thing but on the other hand it isn't. dang realy, i'm bad with explaining stuf. @JakeTheNerd can propably explain this better as me eventhough his reasons might be different as mine. let's just keep it on me disagreeing since i can't explain it like i want to do
it's an IG advnatage i think since others can't get it is somewhat a cometical thing but on the other hand it isn't. dang realy, i'm bad with explaining stuf. @JakeTheNerd can propably explain this better as me eventhough his reasons might be different as mine. let's just keep it on me disagreeing since i can't explain it like i want to do
The. Rate it disagree. But if this is "Gameplay tipping" we already have other "Gamplay tipping" prem features. I can give you a reaso why every prem feature in the end can be gameplay tipping.
The. Rate it disagree. But if this is "Gameplay tipping" we already have other "Gamplay tipping" prem features. I can give you a reaso why every prem feature in the end can be gameplay tipping.
sure, but in private pm please, also, i don't like rating disagree if i can't explain why