Preserved Sheet Alexander Geralt Rosendahl

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Professional Procrastinator
Aug 17, 2015
Reaction score

Alexander Geralt Rosendahl

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Alexander Geralt Rosendahl
  • Age: 12
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor
  • Main Ambition: Strength
  • Special Permission: N/A
  • Languages: Common, Leutz-Vixe
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light Blue
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Hair Style: Swept forwards
  • Skin Color: Regalian Pale
  • Clothing: Comfortable and simple
  • Height: 4'5"
  • Body Build: Average
  • Weapon of Choice: Dagger, bow and arrows
Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits

  • External Self
    • To a complete stranger, Alexander is normally perceived as a warm yet close-mouthed individual with a fierce devotion to his family. Akin to his father, the adolescent's face tends to remain set in stone, and any foreign party will find it near impossible to coax anything more than a polite smile from the young nobleman. Another easy feature to spot is his incessant desire for constructive criticism, as proving himself in a difficult world is one of his most forefront goals.
  • Inner Mannerisms
    • Although the Rosendahl has an innate ability to remain outwardly cool and collected, his internal thoughts are often subject to turmoil, with anxiety and suspicion riddling his mind. In his earlier years during the Lo occupation, Alexander lived by the saying "trust no one"; a mindset that hasn't been shed, no matter how peaceful the days seem. He always regards strangers with initial hesitation, and this cynical outlook on life can make it difficult for him to find close companions. Despite his apprehension towards social situations, he remains quite confident in his physical abilities, as his resourcefulness tends to keep him out of harms way during trying situations.
  • Family Interactions
    • Alexander's main devotion rests with his immediate kin, and he won't hesitate to show it. Like a rose blooming in spring, the young Rosendahl instantly opens up when around those he trusts, and many are often surprised by his amiable nature that only reveals itself around friends. Alexander's inclination for criticism is only furthered when in the proximity of family, and the adolescent will actively seek the counsel of others to better himself.
  • Morality
    • Given his young age, Alexander's moral code has remained rather flexible, and he tends to adhere to the values of those around him at a particular point in time. With a firm sense of respect for the Empire's laws and values, the young Rosendahl regards criminals and wrongdoers with an immense sense of distaste. He finds solace in the fact that there is an unwavering list of laws to abide by, a welcome change to the chaos of his childhood.
  • Agility
    • What Alexander lacks in size, he makes up in speed. Quicker than the average boy of his age, the adolescent was gifted with an ability for sudden movements, whether darting away from potential danger or irritating his siblings with a poke to the side. Although his dexterity came as a natural gift, Alexander's tutors capitalized on his aptitude for swift movements, and he finds joy in climbing trees or racing his companions around the grounds.
Fighting Styles
  • Ranged
    • While still just a trainee, Alexander can handle himself reasonably well with a bow in hand. While his skill has progressed enough to the point he can reliably hit stationary quarry, his drawbacks reside in moving targets. The boy won't hesitate to shoot a distant attacker, but his aim will be poor, the arrow likely to burrow in the ground.
  • Dagger
    • Besides learning the basics with a tutor, the young nobleman has not yet received formal schooling in melee combat. In the case of emergencies, Alexander has elected to carry a concealed dagger when he ventures into especially dangerous territories. There is no skill involved; if attacked, the boy will blindly swing and hope to the Spirit that he hits something.
Life Story

  • Alexander is born to Jamie Rosendahl and Marianne Vauclain in his mother's county on a warm afternoon. Soon thereafter, his parents bring him to Swynmont to become acquainted with the rest of the family.
  • Freya Lo usurps the throne, causing the infant noble to travel to Fort Kronau with his close family and escape the Dark Queen's cruel reign. Due to his young age and the frigid winter, Alexander almost perished on the journey, but the boy managed to reach Kronau.
  • After a few bleak and strenous months in the Howlester fort, the Vauclain and Rosendahl family deem Regalia safer for Alexander, resulting in the boy's return to the Holy City.
  • Alexander begins history and literacy instruction from his mother along with tutelage in Leutz-Vixe from his aunt and cousins, the boy's analytical skills making the subjects easy to grasp.
  • As per Vauclain tradition, the young nobleman begins instruction on utilizing a bow from his mother and aunt. Upon his eighth year, he was granted a combative tutor, learning the basics of combat with a blade.
  • Alexander remains in Regalia, spending most of his time in the Vauclain estate. The boy occasionally drifts to the Golden Willow tavern, trying to pick up any tidbits of information that might assist his father, who remained in the countryside to serve on the Kronau war council.
Present Day
  • After the Lo Usurpation's conclusion, Alexander was joyously reunited with his father. Soon after, however, his parents divorced, leaving Alexander more cynical and solemn than ever before.
  • Alexander continues to hone his combative skills, studying military theory alongside his melee training. His father often lets him observe political and military planning to increase Alexander's grasp of both subjects.
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This app looked great, Panda :D
(Also question because I'm dumb, so he's still an infant ic, right?)
Peer Review:
The app shows a very well rounded and written character. I must compliment the great compliancy and personality here and this will make for great detail. Overall, There aren't any major problems I could find (remember this is the guy who has an unofficially compliant character that he killed all of his other characters to get)(that just means I am el stupido). Remember I am not an expert with ithanian or ailorian lore but this is what I found:
- How could he have "grown up" in Lo's rule if she has only been here for a few months or so. This may not be a problem but it was an alarm that came up.

- The weakness Harsh feels like a little more of a personality trait. That might be just me. Leave it to staff in the long run but I feel as if it doesn't hold him back too much.

- Playful is dwindling in content.

- The life story lacks in detail.
  1. I placed a note at the top of the sheet for the reviewer. I have seen timeskips such as this done before, but I'm fine with shelving this character should this age up be impossible.
  2. Harsh replaced with exacting.
  3. Added more detail.
  4. Added more detail. Part of the reason it's so meager is because of his age.
ahh okie!
  1. I placed a note at the top of the sheet for the reviewer. I have seen timeskips such as this done before, but I'm fine with shelving this character should this age up be impossible.
  2. Harsh replaced with exacting.
  3. Added more detail.
  4. Added more detail. Part of the reason it's so meager is because of his age.
seems great! should get approved pretty easily...
I'd like to mention that this time-skip is allowed. @TheFurryPanda , here's the review on Alderic.
  • It's very good that you mention where each trait comes from.
  • Please add onto the end of each personality trait how this affects his roleplay with others. For example in "Taciturn" , does this make him less likely to approach strangers? Does he not speak up, and have a tendency to accept it when others degrade him? (Regalia's a tough world, young man) Please add a sentence or so onto every trait this is missing from.
  • Please make it a little clearer that "Taciturn" and "Critical" aren't the same, as I see they overlap in a lot of their description. As I've picked it up, Taciturn implies that he's quiet and fears speaking up in case it would bring public embarrassment or disapproval with it, while Critical implies that he judges himself very hard and has low self-esteem.
  • Please reword "Critical" to "Self-Critical" as that would be more accurate.
  • Please add a few more sentences, expanding on "Analytical" since it's very short. How has he gotten this analytical? He's very young.
  • GOOD JOB ON NOT PUTTING ANXIOUS AS A PERSONALITY TRAIT! (Like, that's a hard line to draw, and you did it well.)
  • Please mention how he became this observant. Does he have a hobby of people-watching? Did he do something when he was very young, like draw or pay attention to detail similarly?
  • Please mention what the lack of friends does to Alderic. Do some people see him as a loner? Is he unapproachable? Does he often feel lonely and therefore go back to paying attention to detail in people because of spare time? Things like that make a character fit together.
  • When the character grows up or if noticeable changes happen to his physique, you'll be forced to change a few weaknesses. If this happens, please edit and @tag me for another review.
Make the above changes and highlight them in a colour of your choice. When you're done, @tag me and I'll look through the edits. Happy writing!

Thanks for the review! I think I nailed them all. Edits made in purple. I'll be sure to tag you if his weaknesses change.
@TheFurryPanda I see no more problems with this sheet, and I'm happy to approve it. Alderic is APPROVED.
I have actually been ranked up, and I could change the tag on your application without a problem: but sadly my forum rank still hasn't been updated. In around 1-3 days I'll come around to put the approved tag on it.
This application now adheres to the new format. Requesting another review.
Poor Alderic lost his mama. :(
Got pushed down to the fourth page, so.

Second bump?