Oath Of No Harming Registration And Medical Mentor's Program


The Black Wolf-Bear
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
Mithrilian Kingdom


Countess Dianne Black has made a goal of hers to be able to ensure that each and every medic in the city of Regalia has a fair and equal opportunity for a future in the medical field, understanding that most of the medics in the city may not have had the same opportunities for studies but are well taught in their own rights. Anyone that would meet the requirements below is welcomed to partake in the first Ceremony for medics to take their Oath of No Harm. Please review the information below:

Rules for Oath of No Harming Qualification:
  • Anyone that has less than 10 years of medical experience will be unable to take the oath but will be allowed to be mentored by a medic with 15+ years of experience in medicinal practices.
  • Anyone that has more than 10 years experience and has been approved by the Doctor hosting the event (Dianne Black) will be allowed to take the Oath of No Harm at the ceremony.
  • Anyone may apply to take part in the ceremony but not all will be approved based upon a lack of experience in the medical field.

A registration of all the mentor-capable characters will be kept including who they may be mentoring.

A registration of all the oath takers will be kept for future reference.

Please send in you applications to be reviewed for qualification by Wednesday, July 17 by 12 Midnight CST to @darkarely for approval.

The first Oath of No Harming Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, July 17h at 5 PM CST.

Any details regarding dress code will be put in this thread and will notify any participants.
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All that qualify and take part in the ceremony will be added to the new registry of known Oath Takers and Medical Mentors. The Medical Mentors will be added upon the request of the medics that qualify for the owner to take other younger medic under their wings and teach them. A registry of Medical Mentors will also include the list of the spot available that they are willing to mentor at any given time.


Medical Mentors and their pupils

Countess Dianne Black @darkarely

Oath Taker Registry

Countess Dianne Black