Preserved Sheet Nyx Klara Richter

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elf appreciator
Jun 6, 2016
Reaction score
under your bed
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Basic Information
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[Theme] [Art]
▸ Full Name: Nyx Klara Richter.
➥ Also known as Nyx of Calemberg.
Age: Thirty-four.
▸ Gender: Female.
▸ Race: Ailor
▻ New Regalian.
▻ Drahl Lineage.
▻ Archblood.
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Skill Information
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Proficiencies: 50 points + 10 hobby points.
▻ Core Proficiencies
▸ +20 Glaive Combat | +20 points
▸ +10 Perception Training | +5 points, +5 Drahl
▸ +10 Medical Knowledge
▸ +12 Arcanology | +12 points
▹ Affliction Knowledge
▹ Arken Knowledge
▹ Essence Knowledge
▹ Ward Knowledge
▸ + 3 Roguery | +3 points
▹ Wall Climbing 3
Hobby Proficiencies:
▸ +10 Pathfinder Art | +10 Hobby points
Body Shape:
▻ 20 Glaive + 10 Pathfinder (x 0.5) = 25
▻ Muscular body build.
▻ Low body fat.

▻ Calem [Native]
▻ Common [Learned]

Aberrancy and Abilities:
▻ Archblood.
Abilities | Dragon Loyal
▸ Mutations:

▹ A long, purple scaled draconic tail.
▹ Purple scales in patches all across the body, on her face, the backs of her hands, her neck, back, upper arms, hips/thighs, calves and feet. [Think Au Ra from FFXIV]
▻ Drahl Lineage:
▸ Battle Sense 1
▸ Spirit Familiar 1

▹ Nyx's familiar is that of a Crow Eagle.
▻ Medical Sciences:
▸ Light Mend 1
▸ Light Mend 2
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Visual Information
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Eye Color: Glowing violet.
Hair Color: Dark brown.
Hair Style: A long simple braid.
Skin Color: A healthy peachy color.
Clothing: Simple garments in the tones of green and brown, including a simple but elegantly trimmed forest green blouse, with paler striped sleeves and pants of the same shade and pattern, and a light green sash tied around the waist, accompanied with a brown coat, brown leather bracers and knee high worn leather boots.
Height: Five foot nine inches.

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▻ Lawful Neutral
▸ After years of being close to Lawful good, Nyx has softened to a Lawful neutral after becoming Archblood, being allowed a new lens to see the world through. While still holding law in high regard, she finds that not all laws should be taken to the letter, and prefers to follow her own code of what she believes to be right. Despite this, she will rarely if ever outright do the opposite of what is written law, and will more likely bend it.
Personality Type
The Logistician | ISTJ-A
▸ If you had to choose one word to describe Nyx, it would be intense. Always having her eye on the prize, she will fight tooth and nail until she reaches it. She does not mesh well with individuals such as empaths who are guided by their feelings, or those who tend to be aloof.
Unionism (7/10)
▸ While having gone through a sort of mid life crisis after becoming Archblood, Nyx's faith has been steadily returning to levels it had been prior.

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Life Story
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Born in Calemberg in the year 270 AC to her mother, Ilyse Falk and Alaric Hoffman, from a brief affair nine months prior. Nyx was promptly sent to an orphanage out of fear by her mother, who had kept her pregnancy and fling secret up to that point, and was by no means ready to take care of a child, let alone a bastard.

Nyx was named "Nyx of Calemberg" by those at the orphanage for her troublesome behavior as a toddler (Prompting the name Nyx, meaning "sprite") and her bastard origins. She was made well aware of what she was and why she was there, treated less than desirable. The treatment spawned a severe insecurity in the girl, leading for her to develop a shy demeanor.

Around the age of eight, Nyx was adopted by Adeline and Josef Richter, an older couple who had been struggling to conceive. While still shy, she eased into the situation, as instead of scrutiny, she received love. It was her first time having a genuine family. While still ashamed, she was able to crawl out of her shell and form bonds, no longer being reclusive. Nyx was properly named Nyx Klara Richter at this point.

Nyx had been exposed to unionism at this point, latching onto it like a safety blanket. She took the religion and its teachings to heart, which lead to her taking part in many church activities, helping whenever she could.

Nyx continued to grow, and at the youthful age of ten after quite a bit of begging, Nyx went on to attend the School of Lancyon for ten grueling years. It was this training that Nyx felt she found her purpose, her calling- To serve the empire and its people, and to uphold the values of the church. After graduating, she remained for ten more years, stoically serving as a Helerian guard. After that period, Nyx uprooted herself from Calemberg to move to the capital of the realm, Regalia.

Regalia was a curious new chapter in the New-Regalian's life, being exposed to things that seemed almost non existent back home. From Silven to magic, there was an unknown, and in that, a fear of the unknown. Furthering that sensation was in Nyx's early weeks, a mugging that she would never forget - An encounter with a mage. One minute, he was five yards away, the next, he was right there, holding the dagger that was embedded in her side. It was a jarring experience, this first encounter with magic, and it inspired a fire. Nyx went on to gather what knowledge was available on knowledge, wanting to no longer fear what she didn't understand.

Nyx was recruited into what was called the Witch Hunter Order by Xavier Kade, and it was then that the woman finally found the means to further both her service to the Empire and her people. She could finally channel the fire within her for the betterment of the Empire she so loyally followed. It lasted a brief stint, before Xavier abruptly departed from Regalia and the Order disbanded.

▶ Nyx later joined the Azure order to continue the fight against mages. All did not end well, and during her stint, the woman was killed in an ambush after chasing a target too far. This would not be the end for her, however. Nyx awoke in the Azure clinic to find herself changed, now an aberrant, an Archblood. This change left her rattled, in both mind and faith, and when the Azure order fell apart, she traveled home to Calemberg where she would stay around three years, coming to terms with the affliction and her faith once again. She became dragon loyal in this period.

Now confident in herself once again, she returned to Regalia, in the tail end of what appeared to be a great conflict between the arcane, the mundane, and the unnatural. In this chaos does she seek to lend her aid, and rejoin the city once more.
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Hi @Suzzie
  • So due to the Pure Body 1 ability, Archan Ailor are unable to become Archblood. Since Nyx was basically the OG Archblood, you'll want to swap to a different lineage. If you want the sword buff, I'd swap to Drahl.

Yeah that's basically it. Tag me when you've change lineages.
Hi @Suzzie
  • So due to the Pure Body 1 ability, Archan Ailor are unable to become Archblood. Since Nyx was basically the OG Archblood, you'll want to swap to a different lineage. If you want the sword buff, I'd swap to Drahl.

Yeah that's basically it. Tag me when you've change lineages.

I'm gonna admit I'm stupid and only saw lineages on the prof page and didn't know they had abilities. Lmao.

Lineage changed. Now she's got a bird ally too. I'll... name it later.
Changes marked in purple.
Corrected the language listing. Nyx speaks Calem, not just 'New Regalian' whoops.
I reshuffled my proficiencies.

Instead of +16 sword, I reshuffled 5 into perception training and added the +5 bonus from racial, put +3 more into arcanology, +3 into wall climbing, and put +10 into medical sciences.

Trying to make the character less solely combat and more of a flex because I didn't realize how obscenely combat leaned that was.
Claimed for review!
good soup