Preserved Sheet Nyx Richter ☫ The Witch Hunter

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elf appreciator
Jun 6, 2016
Reaction score
under your bed

Basic Information ☫

◈ Full Name: Nyx Klara Richter
◈ Age: Thirty-four.
◈ Gender: Female.
◈ Race: Alt-Regalian Ailor.
◈ Unionist Aspect: Aspect of Divinity, Order of Submission.

◈ Main Ambition: Success and safety for the Empire, through the control and monitoring of mages.
  • Nyx came to Regalia out of her desire to be close to the Emperor in contrast to Calemberg, where she had grown to have a tainted image due to her origins. Traveling to Regalia, she sought a fresh start and the opportunity to create a name for herself, which she believes is all possible through the Witch Hunter Order and Guard. Nyx currently resides in a home in the city's park district, well off when compared to others
  • Nyx was born between a fling between her mother, Ilyse Falk and Alaric Hoffman in the province of Calemberg. Nyx has no siblings that she is aware of, and a limited knowledge of extended family on her mother's side.
  • Nyx wants to achieve notoriety within her lifetime, and have her name down in the history books. How she will achieve this is unclear, but preferably she wants to be known as one of the most successful Witch Hunters, whatever that entails.
Skill Information ☫

◈ 34 Points Total
◈ 34 Points Spent, One School:

  • +34 Halberd Usage (+10 From School of Lancyon, +24 from Points)
  • +10 Drixon Spear (+10 From School of Lancyons)
  • +10 Unionist Seminary (From School of Lancyon)
  • +5 General Command (From Alt(new)-Regalian bonus)
◈ 34 Culture Points:
  • +20 Drawing
  • +14 Vocal Music
◈ 2 Languages Learned:
  • Alt-Regalian
  • Common

Visual Information ☫

Eye Color:
A dull blue-grey.
Hair Color: Light Ash brown.
Hair Style: Long, loose braid.
Skin Color: Peach.
Clothing: Simple garments in the tones of green and brown, including a simple but elegantly trimmed forest green blouse, with paler striped sleeves and pants of the same shade and pattern, and a light green sash tied around the waist, accompanied with a brown coat, brown leather bracers and knee high worn leather boots.
Height: 5'8 ft.
Body Build: Ripped.
Weapon of Choice: Halberd.

  • Describe the Character's facial features, like the shapes of their eyes, mouth, ears, the size of their forehead, what kind of expression they usually carry, any freckles, scars etc, hair color, hair style and more. This description is purely for the head (and by extension neck) alone.
  • Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, body shape, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body.
  • Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories. Talk about what kind of clothes they usually wear, preferred colors, what jewelry they have, weapons they carry on them or any item of note that they may always have on them.
  • Describe the character's voice. How do they speak? What is their typical tone and speed? Do they have an accent or a tendency to stutter? Any quirks about their voice listed here. Maybe also add a list of the languages they can speak.


Personality and Abilities ☫

Perception | Unforgiving Tempest-
Nyx can be viewed by many to be a strict, stubborn individual to most- An unrelenting individual that will only adhere to a certain point of view. Nyx can be perceived to be without compassion a worn individual, almost void of remorse to some after they witness her actions within the guard. She's very brash, and aggressive, leaving little room for jokes and jabs at her person - Not the person you'd want to have a laugh with over a drink, judging from a quick glance. Some go as far to call her cruel, for she's gone as far as to carve an elf's ears to make them look humanum out of irony.

Internally | Brewing Storm -
Nyx is constantly faced with inner demons, primarily her bastard heritage, leading to overwhelming insecurity. She is constantly afraid that she will be singled out and shamed for what she is, and what her parents had done. As a result, Nyx is very self-critical and has very poor self confidence, which results in frustration taken out through her work towards mages and at other 'lesser' races. Nyx has, or has attempted to develop a white-knight image of herself to cope with her insecurities, which has helped her to a point. She /does/ hold a faint sense of remorse for her actions though very dulled down, with no help thanks to her previous Witch Hunter employment.

Trusted | Steady Winds -
While having a poor relationship with her blood family, Nyx treats her friends as her true family, demonstrating strong loyalty to those she opens up to. Her bonds with friends are kept strong to try and fill the void where her familiar bonds would have been. Nyx is always more relaxed and open around her inner circle. She, while still to a degree displays a disconnection, will try and defend her allies to the best of her ability.

Morality | Murky Haze
Nyx is by no means a perfect individual, no matter how much she tries. She seeks the best for the Empire and its people, though her efforts may be considered harmful to some, especially the mages she ruthlessly hunts down and keeps watch over. However, her self-confidence deficit can warp her sense of what is right and wrong when she seeks to make herself to feel higher, such as putting down others like animals. In terms of morality, Nyx is a hard one to define. She is lawful, but she can also be considered chaotic to some degree. She's a middle ground, but certainly not neutral.
  • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.

  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character loves to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character happy and in a good mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they love these things and then also explain how it makes them feel.

  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character hates to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character annoyed or angry and in a general bad mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they hate these things and explain also how it makes them feel.
Add Relationships to NPC and player characters. Write this list of relationships with a bullet point. Describe what their current relation to one another is, and how they originally met. If you want to, you can add flavor by @tagging the player behind the character next to the character name. Relationships are a great way to socialize with other players! Speculate on relations, ship characters and create lasting friendships and nemeses! This section, while optional, is especially recommended if you want to create a social feel to your Sheet.


Life Story ☫

Born in Calemberg in the year 270 AC to her mother, Ilyse Falk and Alaric Hoffman, from a brief affair nine months prior. Nyx was promptly sent to an orphanage out of fear by her mother, who had kept her pregnancy and fling secret up to that point, and was by no means ready to take care of a child, let alone a bastard.

Nyx was named "Nyx of Calemberg" by those at the orphanage for her troublesome behaviour as a toddler(Prompting the name Nyx, meaning "sprite") and her bastard origins. She was made well aware of what she was and why she was there, treated less than desirable. The treatment spawned a severe insecurity in the girl, leading for her to develop a shy demeanor.

Around the age of eight, Nyx was adopted by Adeline and Josef Richter, an older couple who had been struggling to conceive. While still shy, she eased into the situation, as instead of scrutiny, she received love. It was her first time having a genuine family. While still ashamed, she was able to crawl out of her shell and form bonds, no longer being reclusive. Nyx was properly named Nyx Klara Richter at this point.

Nyx had been exposed to unionism at this point, latching onto it like a safety blanket. She took the religion and its teachings to heart, which lead to her taking part in many church activities, helping whenever she could.

Nyx continued to grow, and at the youthful age of ten after quite a bit of begging, Nyx went on to attend the School of Lancyon for ten grueling years. It was this training that Nyx felt she found her purpose, her calling- To serve the empire and its people, and to uphold the values of the church. After graduating, she remained for ten more years, stoically serving as a Helerian guard. After that period, Nyx uprooted herself from Calemberg to move to the capital of the realm, Regalia.

Regalia was a curious new chapter in the Alt-Regalian's life, being exposed to things that seemed almost non existent back home. From Silverts to magic, there was an unknown, and in that, a fear of the unknown. Furthering that sensation was in Nyx's early weeks, a mugging that she would never forget - An encounter with a Demonic mage. One minute, he was five yards away, the next, he was right there, holding the dagger that handed in her side. It was a jarring experience, this first encounter with magic, and it inspired a fire. Nyx went on to gather what knowledge was available on knowledge, wanting to no longer fear what she didn't understand.

Nyx was recruited into what was called the Witch Hunter Order by Xavier Kade, and it was then that the woman finally found the means to further both her service to the Empire and her people. She could finally channel the fire within her for the betterment of the Empire she so loyally followed. It lasted a brief stint, before Xavier abruptly departed from Regalia and the Order disbanded.

Nyx later joined the Azure order to continue the fight against mages. However, it was not meant to be as the order quickly collapsed from corruption and infighting. Nyx decides to quit this particular line of work and return back to her roots, working as a Helerian. The Unionism revelation only strengthened her decision, seeing now as a more fitting time than ever. With the introduction of Aspects, Nyx went to undergo induction for the Aspect of Divinity, Order of Submission.
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Claiming your sheet for an Aspirant Review, expect a review in 48 hours time @Suzzie
So here is le review:

Personality and Abilities
  • In your first paragraph, while Nyx may be multifaceted I want to see the perspective a close friend may have as the others appear to be based on stranger interactions.
Typically I would ask about Nyx being in the Witch Hunter Order, but given your knowledge on Magic and the like I don't feel like it is necessary to do so.

Please make the singular change and tag me once completed @Suzzie
  • I'm still feeling this character out, but I did throw in a line of what she comes across. If it needs more, I'll add more.
  • I clarified about the Witch Hunter Order a tad, but I don't want to say too much, in fear of saying something I shouldn't. (It'll be announced soon, I believe)
  • Clarified what her knowledge of magic was limited to, really. It's not a "I know this exactly", more of a "They're this type and can kinda do something like this I think". This strength is something I'm looking to develop more IC, but I did want it to have a base to stand on.
Right, perfectly understandable. I was willing to let it pass for now, but you managed to provide the details I was hoping for. Excellent work.


I changed the body build to Ripped as I feel Athletic does not properly suit a Lancyon. Nyx is not an agility based character, which is what athletic essentially is.

I re-wrote Nyx into a Silven spellsword. Entire life story change, strength change and minor personality tweak.
Well, well, buckaroo, I'll hop to this about tomorrow
Just a few things on your proficiencies
  • It's a flat 10 proficiency for Lancyon, which you can only invest 10 into. Any remaining proficiencies can be devoted to skills in that school, or other skills.
  • Nyx is 34 so she has 24 proficiency points. You invest 10 into Lancyon so you have 14 left. From the Lancyon you gained 10 in Halberd, 10 in spear, and 10 in Seminary. You can divide the remaining 14 however you see fit with the existing proficiencies gained, or in different skills.
Just invest your extra proficiencies however you wish and tag me when completed @Witchblooded
Just a few things on your proficiencies
  • It's a flat 10 proficiency for Lancyon, which you can only invest 10 into. Any remaining proficiencies can be devoted to skills in that school, or other skills.
  • Nyx is 34 so she has 24 proficiency points. You invest 10 into Lancyon so you have 14 left. From the Lancyon you gained 10 in Halberd, 10 in spear, and 10 in Seminary. You can divide the remaining 14 however you see fit with the existing proficiencies gained, or in different skills.
Just invest your extra proficiencies however you wish and tag me when completed @Witchblooded
Shit I can't math. The transitional part of the page threw me off, whoops! Fixed.
Looks good, while it isn't necessary you do have four points in culture to use as well. I'll approve you now, but tag me based on if you opt to invest them or not so I can just nod my head and move on.
Need Re-review.
  • Removed Witchblood affliction.
  • Upped her prof. points to match her age (followed old system).
  • Added a Unionist Aspect.