Preserved Sheet Nylre Hallawne

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I'm a Believer
Nov 19, 2016
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Nylre Hallawne

  • Basic Information (Required)
    • Full Name: Nylre River Hallawne. Nickname: Nyl (Ny-el).
    • Age: 29
    • Gender: N/A (Mostly seen as Female).
    • Race: Yanar
    • Main Ambition: Popularity.
    • Special Permission: N/A.

  • Visual Information (Required)
    • Eye Color: One sky blue, one purple.
    • Hair Color: Dyed Orange.
    • Hair Style: Mixture of Fishtail Braid, and Finger Wave hair.
    • Skin Color: Green, with a wooden hand.
    • Clothing: Vest jacket, over a shirt with boots and long pants.
    • Body Build: Toned.
    • Weapon of Choice: She would prefer to use a circular shield, if forced into combat.

  • Personality and Abilities (Required)
    • First Paragraph: Nylre is often seen as a kind yanar. As it goes around, it tends to be very kind, and rarely is seen upset. The way Nylre gets to know people is through flirting, and talking at the local tavern, as well at their job. They work at a medicine shop where they treat patients for a low cost, just enough to make a living for its family. Assuming how one's react to hearing of them, they would sound rather kind and gentle. If you met them for the first time, most likely you would either think something was odd about them, or they were just kind in general.

    • Second Paragraph: Nylre knows who they are, and isn't afraid to show it. Nyl (Ny-el) thinks lowly of themselves, and pitys others from hearing the stories of war as a child, and wants to help. Nylre is generally happy with themselves, and rarely doubts there choices. As being raised quiet, and studying medicine for most of their life they only admit the answer when they have it, and prefer to rather not say anything then be wrong. Yet as most, she gets upset if she gives an answer which ends up being wrong. Using instinct, she sometimes can't stop herself before giving the wrong answer.

    • Third Paragraph: Nylre tends to be liked by their family, as well as friends. Nylre is generally a kind person, but they open up more to family about things. More often than not, when meeting a stranger if the information wasn't asked to be kept a secret and they asked, they'd be happy to tell them. Nylre is single, and hasn't had a lover ever. But, if they did, the lover would be treated as if family, only spent more time with. Nylre spends a lot of time with strangers, as a lot of time with family.

    • Fourth Paragraph: Nylre is good. Growing up, in a pacifist village Nylre took that on. When they moved to Regalia with a handful of family, most took up another way of living, while Nylre kept the traditions and morality of home. When they see one corrupted, or a bad choice it pities them, thinking it's the work of the void that is corrupting the minds. She sadly knows the hard truth though, knowing some corrupted people cannot change or be saved. Of which, she tries to avoid them, but will never speak to them again if she hears they hurt a loved one. But, as Nylre always has hope, it tries to befriend the corrupted and change there ways to be rather good/neutral.


    • Medicine Making: Nylre is very skilled in making medicines to help small to large sickness. As being raised in a healer family within a pacifist village it tended to read about herbs and medicines more than play outdoors. Their parents taught them all they knew, but eventually payed and sent Nylre for 5 years to a School of Medicine. As learning in school, more than just local medicines were learned about which fascinated her, and because of which she is very skilled, but not the best.

    • Talkative: Nylre is great at talking with strangers, and actually engaging in conversation with them. As raised in a town of only family, everyone knew each other. Nylre kept the tradition and memories, and they think of everyone as family in Regalia. Because of this, they have no fear of talking to anyone right away.

  • Personality and Abilities (Expansion)


Like 1: (Animals) Nylre loves cats, growing up it was one of the most common animals around her. Seeing cats reminds her of home, and she feels safer. She has a cat at home, but doesn't like it to go outside with her, fearing it might be hurt.

Like 2: (Cakes) Nylre enjoys cake. Growing up with not many treats like this, cake is a whole new world. Tasting cake makes her feel good, and loves to share it with her family.

Like 3: (Getting to Know People) As most, Nylre loves spending time with strangers. Getting to know people makes her feel good, as growing up she knew everyone in her town, but in Regalia that feeling never left her. She sometimes forget about personal space, and loves to engage on conversation with others.


Dislike 1: (Death) Nylre dislikes a few things, such as death. When one dies, and she didn't help them, she feels guilty as if she could have saved them, even if she couldn't. With her information on Medicine she feels responcible to heal, as if she was back home.

Dislike 2: (Nature Abuse) Nylre dislikes trees being cut down, as a pacifist seeing trees or flowers picked pains her. She feels flowers and trees are like us, and should live and be free. She enjoys spending time at the park, and making sure no trees or flowers are harmed while doing so.

Dislike 3: (Greed) Another dislike of hers would be greed. Seeing people will greed, she cringes. Of course she would try to help them, but the thought of wanting everything for yourself confuses her. She has always been one of giving, not taking.

Life Story (Required)

Childhood: [1-12]

Nylre was raised in a poor family in a small town located in the reaches of Ithania, funded by the ever-increasing foundation of medicine held so highly in the Regalian archipelago. Nylre was raised to believe in Pacifist values, something that her parents tried to install into her mind as the wars grew thicker and more consistent across the years. Ithania was in no state to defend itself due to above standard lifestyles and a lack of discipline and tracking, why Regalia and their assets have to get involved.

Adolescence: [12-18]

When she turned twelve, Nylre was sent to a school that practiced in medical studies, funded after years of savings by her parents. She studied for six years, studying the complex bodily systems of humanoid creatures across Aloria. She was quick to realize the business potential in her area seeing an increase in bodily failures. She returned to her hometown on her sixteenth, to begin her action phase.

Young Adult: [18-20]

Returning to her hometown, Nylre was quick to establish a business under her families name. She began studying different currencies with the help of older generations, exchanging business ploys and experiences before she ultimately past her two years, working purely on establishing a business. At the end of those two years, she bought a horse which she named Jean. It was the start of a business.

Older Adult: [20-28]

For the next few years, Nylre got a loan and started her business. She traveled around Ithania selling medicine to farmers, in return for the price that covers her own needs and her horses. Slowly gaining money, and popularity among commoners in Ithania, she decides to return home after six years of work. On the way back, she was robbed by bandits, in the end most of her profit was stolen, and her horse. Along and scared, Nylre went to the nearest farm, where she was brought to the pacifist village she calls home. When she was there, a new dock as in, as well as a ship. Ailor men were loading the ship, and Yanar were getting on as well. Having curiosity taking the best of her, she asked why a ship was here, and was given a simple result answer of 'A cargo ship, where most traded supplies and food to these sailors in order to travel to Regalia. Nylre wanted to explore more, leaving her family was a hard choice. Nylre soon found out that she had the opportunity to stay in Ithania, or go to Regalia. Going to offer the sailors medicine she made with supplies in the village, they agreed for her to sail along if she cleaned as a maid there. Because of which, she went to Regalia, with a handful of her family.

Present Day: [29]

Today Nylre is mainly found helping people who are sick, or talking to people in the Tavern. Normally seen at these places, but sometimes she is at a friends house or at a relative's house.

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Here's my review.
  • Try formatting your application so it's easier to read. Right now, everything is bolded and hurts my eyes when I look at it.
  • Why is its hair dyed orange?
  • Does it use an Octagonal Shield? What sort of shield does it use, and why?
  • Having read through the personality, I can't help but think Nylre is a bit of a Mary-Sue. Try adding more flaws or negative aspects to its personality to give the character more depth and interest.
  • Rename talent one and talent two to the respective talents portrayed in the paragraph. For example, if a character is strong, name the talent "Strength."
  • You need to include the skill information paragraph if she spent seven years in the school of medicine.
  • Why would random Ailor sailors allow a Yanar to travel with them for free? She just lost all of her money and her horse, why would she make such a sudden decision in the first place?
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.

Hey! Sorry for the late edits, I was out of town.

All changes made in red.