- Full Name: Nylarr Valkodryl Mourdiirn
- Nicknames: None
- Aliases: None
- Heritage: Kathar
- Cult: Divine
- Age: Twenty-Four
- Birthday: June 30th
- Occult: Body Arkenborn, Born Mage
- Religion: Largely Agnostic
- Description: Nylarr is a Kathar with dark grey skin and black hair, which is usually tied back into a ponytail that reaches down to her waist. Her eyes have the golden hues that denote a Void Arkenborn, and a pair of antlers sprouts from her head. In addition, she has a long spaded tail with the same grey shade as her skin.
- Physical Traits
- Eye Color: Arkenborn Golden
- Hair Color: Black
- Hairstyle: Waist-Length Ponytail
- Height: 5'10" [178cm]
- Mutations: Tail, Antlers
- Hobbies and Talents
- Athletic Hobby, Alchemy Hobby
- Magical Talent
- Mechanics
- Kathar Heritage Traits
- Languages
- Common [Fluent]
- Pannarokh [Native]
- Dexterity: 7 [Attack Stat]
- Ranger Stance [Free]
- Ranger Tag
- Ranger Fan
- Ranger Entrapment
- Ranger Evade
- Ranger Shower
- Smokescreen
- Escape Artist
- Magic: 5 [Defense Stat]
- Arcane Warp
- Arcane Cleanse
- Arcane Snare
- Arcane Portent
- Arcane Shove
- Intelligence: 2
- Adapt Wardrobe [Magical]
- Adapt Shapeshift [Magical]
- Charisma: 1
- Undisclosed Presence
- Tba