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Played Character Nureen Monterrosa

This character is actively played.


MassiveCraft's token ethnic
Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
somewhere in the Sicilian countryside
Southern Coalition
Character Information
  • Full Name:
    • Nureen Monterrosa née Kra'zzla.
  • Race:
    • Asha.
  • Culture:
    • Tierraveran.
  • Age:
    • Fourty-seven.
  • Sex:
    • Female.
  • Sexuality:
    • Bisexual.
  • Occult:
    • N/A.
  • Core Concept:
    • Nureen is a former high-ranking Akhiza naval officer who now serves Regalia in the Imperial Navy as a fervent supporter of the missing Emperor Alexander I, seeking his return to prove her newfound family's loyalty to the nation.
Appearance Information
  • Nureen has no mutations or abnormalities.
  • She wears deep, dark-colored attire that still comes off as colorful, preferring simple styles of physical clothing. Her fur is a deep midnight blue, with eyes colored a pastel teal. She best represents a type of jungle panther, sleek and powerful, with her height and wide musculature.
Proficiency Information
  • Total Spent: 14
    • Strength: 0
    • Constitution: 0
    • Intelligence: 7
      • Adapt
        • Oceanic Pack (Free with Heritage Traits)
      • Command
        • Stance (Free with Command Point Buy)
        • Degrading (Free with Heritage Traits)
        • Mobile
        • Attack
        • Defend
        • Champion
        • Overwhelm
        • Shield
        • Resist
    • Wisdom: 0
    • Dexterity: 0
    • Faith: 7
      • Prayer
        • Faithwall
        • Desperate
        • Kneeling
        • Guidance
        • Harming
        • Unseen
        • Safety
    • Magic: 0
Life Hooks:
  • Former Akhiza Naval Officer
    • Nureen was formerly a high-ranking member of the Akhiza local navy forces, having attained the rank of captain before moving on. Anyone from Akhiza involved in the military or even Corsairs might recognize Nureen from her stint there.
  • Diviner of Nehet
    • The pantheress picked up the mantle of Diviner once she departed the Nakhoor forces. She strongly believes in the principles her chosen deity preaches, and any other fellow Diviners or particularly fervent worshippers of Nehet might know her.
  • Imperial Navy Commodore
    • She enrolled in the Admiralty Academy initially to siphon naval secrets from the Regalian Empire but grew to like and appreciate the nation and settled down by marrying into a local Asha family. She continued her military career by serving in the Regalian Imperial Navy and eventually attained the rank of Commodore. Any fellow Academy graduates of similar age or rank would likely recognize her.