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A wretched little thing
Jun 23, 2024
Reaction score
Nepheli is a Half-Suval Half-Kathar Mage that was raised within the Suvial Lands, desperately trying to seek the approval of his peers and running from his Kathar Bloodline. Through this endless quest to fit in and goal to prove himself as a skilled mage, his half-bloodline showed his lack of control of the Spiritual, leading him to become corrupted and adorned with a new host within his body, the Void Spirit Saasizima. Yet, that bloodline that he rejects so thoroughly is the only reason he was not truly taken full control of. A symbiotic nature took place, and now both wax and wane in control, Nepheli battling to deny the spirit any sort of control, while the Voidling toys and plays as they please.

This fledgling mage has now reached Regalia in the hopes of a new start, in hopes of proving himself to other of his people and hide his hidden other half.

While the other half seeks out a streak of Magical improvement and corruption, showing a enjoyment of breaking the rules of the world and tampering with the world view of the mage it has infested within.

Nepheli Iltazya, The Suvial-KatharSaasizima, The Void Spirit

Heritage: Half Suvial Half Kathar, raised Suvial

Age: Twenty years of age

Gender: Male, He/They

Religion: Estelley

Occult: Exist Magic, unwilling Void connection, Spirit Invaded

Character Occupation: Fledgling Mage, which is to say, jobless
Spirit Type: Invaded Mystech Void Spirit

Age: Two years of existence

Gender: Pure magical essence

Religion: N/A

Occult: Void, Spirit that has invaded Nepheli

Character Occupation: Professional Lawbreaker
Appearance of the Suvial-Kathar The in-betweenAppearance of the Void Born Spirit
A youthful, short, and androgynous Suvial. Nepheli is physically unimpressive and short for a Suvial, though holds most the other traditional features that his kind has. A aquiline nose, darker hued skin, and brownish-black hair. The only hints to his Kathar side show in his ears, eyes, and nails. His eyes are of a pure gold hued color, bright and flashy. Longer elfish ears that extend past the norm for Suvial, and black sharp nails, dangerously sharp. Generally though, he could easily pass for any Suvial youth.
He dresses in some of the traditional clothing of the Suvial, though it has varied as he has traveled away from the homeland. Most notably, he wears a traditional Wizard's hat often. He has a clear love jewelry, often dressed up head to toe in 'cheap' gold.
When both sides clash for control, the pair's eyes shift to ones of pitch-black or pure gold, their voice wavering between both the Suvial's and the Spirit's. This uneven control is a dangerous ordeal, and prone to a chance of limit-breaking if one side does not take control quickly enough, or someone else intervenes.The Spirit has taken the form of a massive Kathar with pitch-black, as if light could consume any that reflected upon it. A set of four red eyes surrounded by firey sclera are rested upon their visage. Their claws are extended and darkened, sharp enough to cut flesh if wished for. When they speak, it comes out as a echo, raspy and tempting.
This form takes place when the Spirit wills it, growing tired of the Suvial's more meek form. It is considered a Monstrous Transformation.
  • Suvial gain +1 Main Combat Stat when attacking a Character with Theurgy Point Buy Abilities, which can break Cap up to 11.
  • Suvial can gain additional Event insight into past Battles or Wars or Conflicts, related to Progressions or History related Events.
  • Suvial are never punished by their Gods or their society for the use of Sinistral Magic variants, even in the use of God Magic.
  • Kathar can change the alignment of any Spirit to that of Void, so long as the possess/own/control the Spirit. Void Spirits are always symbiotic for them also.
  • Kathar are able to look at a person and intuit their Corruption Desire, with OOC Consent. Then, the Kathar can act towards this goal.
  • Invaded Mechanic I: Invaded Spirits are the exception to the norm, as they do have Heritage Traits. They inherit the Heritage Traits from the host they are possessing, but never the Free Packs.
  • Invaded Mechanic II: Invaded Spirits can choose one Magic Point Buy Pack for free. This specific Pack is always cast as the Sinistral Variant, but Magic Point Buy Rules apply for other Packs.
  • Invaded Mechanic III: Invaded Spirits gain the Wardrobe Pack Magical Variant Pack for free. Additionally they can sense residual Magic Alignment in an area during Events.
  • Invaded Mechanic IV: Invaded Spirits are immune to anything that would read/alter their emotions or conscience, and if killed, can always respawn in a different place 1 hour later, but must find a new host body.

  • Altalar
  • Agasi
  • Sign (Partial)
  • Common
  • Magical Talent
CRP Mechanics:
  • Dexterity: 1
    • [Disguise Pack]
  • Magic: 13
    • [Monster Invocation]
    • [Magic Bolts]
    • [Magic Snare]
    • [Magic Resist]
    • [Magic Cleanse]
    • [Magic Shove]
    • [Magic Warp]
    • [Magic Revive]
    • [Magic Bolster]
    • [Magic Revenge]
    • [Magic Distort]
    • [Magic Isolate]
    • [Magic Barrier]
    • [Magic Summon]
    • [Magic Disengage] [SIN] [Free]
    • [Wardrobe Pack] [Free]
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