Preserved Sheet Nouveau Mae Tempete

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lol die
Apr 19, 2016
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Full Name: Nouveau Mae Tempete - Neu Ess'nelline Tempest'ia

Age: 33

Gender: Female

Race: Shendar

Main Ambition: Neu longs to find power, and prove that Shendar aren't always going to be completely malicious, and that they can in fact be of more importance than a toy to be publicly abused and laughed at.

Special Permission: None


School: School Of Atraves

Level: Fighter

Source: Trained both by watching others fight, being mentored by the gang members she grew up with, and asking around as she traveled to keep up with her training.


Eye Color: Left - Sky blue; Right - Mossy green (Heterochromiac)

Hair Color: Vibrant white

Hair Style: Extremely long, wavy, and untamed.

Skin Color: Grey - Freckled

Clothing: Usually something loose and colorful, or something festive for an event or holiday. Her clothes are ever changing.

Height: 5'8

Body Build: Athletic

Weapon of Choice: Polearm / Swordpole

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^ @skullpanda90 made dis one. Bless her.
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First Paragraph: Neu, at first, can be perceived as extremely closed off, shy, and confused, not to mention, as a broken woman. She remains quiet in the presence of new people, and frequently shows distrust and malicious tendencies to new people, depending on where she's at. However, this image will quickly fade once they work their way into her heart, as she'll quickly grow protective of the friend she's made. After they've befriended her, she'll consider them as a new bond, and grow quite clingy, playful, and perhaps even show them her darkest times when she needs someone the most. Of course, this takes time. However, once a bond has been formed with this woman, it's very difficult to break it off. Hints towards the struggles of disbanding bonds with this Shendar will be hinted at in the life story.

Second Paragraph: Neu is generally self aware. She knows her flaws, and despises them greatly. From numerous scars loitering her body, to her unsteady personality, she always knows when someone's looking. She often questions whether or not it's her skin itself, or the tainted marks on her skin that make her so self conscious, but it's one of the key reasons for her anxiety. Neu has remained on lock and hold over what happens to her body for years now, and chances are, it may never change. All in all, she could use some confidence to make up for all the self doubt and self pity she allows to hold her down, and she's convinced even her own mind is against her. There's not a day that goes by that she fears for her life for all these reasons, making her terrified to live in her own skin, despite how well she bottles this stress.

Third Paragraph: Neu must truly have a connection with someone to ensure she doesn't turn her back on them. It takes a true bond for her to show a loving nature to someone, and one could count the people she treats in such a way on a single— Or perhaps two hands. After a bonding experience or two, she's set to be a right hand. The bonds she's formed up until today are all a few of her main priorities, and she does as she can to protect them from life's disasters. Where she's mentally scarred herself in the process, she's ensured she can remain bold for as long as possible to keep these bonds afloat. Though, it's admittedly never been— And might never be— revealed as to if she only does this for the social ranking. If it's manipulation or not is difficult to tell, it's only clear that she's gone on for years doing it.

Fourth Paragraph: Neu's true morals lie with other outcasts of Regalia. She puts her attention mostly towards the fellow shunned and sinning races, as she can relate to them on levels she'll never truly relate to with an Ailor, or any accepted race, for that matter. Aside from that, she doesn't feel much for the snobbish brings of Aloria, and her trust issues result in her being capable of dancing around the trouble of befriending the accepted races. And so, her morality levels are cut in half. She shows little courtesy towards those who bring her harm, and plentiful bonds to those she can relate with. And that, factually, will never change.

Fifth Paragraph: Neu's view on the world is obscured. She can't see what others do. She doesn't understand the point in much of what happens, and frequently either puts the blame on herself or others when horrible things come naturally to Regalia. Every time disaster strikes, she'll put the blame on something she can bring harm to rather than the real cause. For example, she blames herself and other Shendar she happens to dislike for the reasoning the world sees their skin as a sin. She blames others when someone dies, unsure of how else to cope. So on and so forth, she simply needs someone to pin the blame on, or her mind will become a wreckage of confusion. And all due to her lack of belief in the world's causing things for a reason.


Atraves Warrior: Neu's main and overall greatest skill is her ability in combat. She's a warrior level polearm user, and where the level itself isn't very title worthy, it's the fact that she can pair speed with the weapon that counts. Nouveau, generally light on her feet, and frequently one to endure spars and combat, considers her low level of combat to still be noteworthy. Despite, She more frequently fights with a partner rather than inducing combat alone, as she'd prefer to have backup while at such a low level.

Forgecrafter: Neu, after meeting Yantho, found he worked very well in a forge. Due to her extreme enjoyment in the Solang, she found herself frequently around him when he was working on weapons and the like. And so, over time, she picked up on his skill. She's no master Smithy, no, but she still uses the skill to her advantage to keep her afloat.

Multitasker: Where Neu isn't the best at mentally handling multiple things at once when disaster occurs, she's good at keeping up with physical activities. After years of training, learning, and generally having to keep up with the groups she spends time with, she's learned to be quick on her feet and finish things quickly and efficiently. Be it a fight or a conversation while she's in a rush to be somewhere, she's always one to get straight to the point while still working on what she needs to do. All in all, she's the person to go to if anyone needed help planning or drafting ideas, as she'll have enough time to take care of that while still doing what she needs to get done. Admittedly, sometimes she might overload on things to do, or accidentally overlap events, but it's always something she seems to take care of without much struggle.

Jinuep - "You used me as a ragdoll weapon once, but you know what, that's fine, I'm sure every mother has done that to their child once." - Jinuep is Neu's mother figure, as well as a major role in her life. The woman is of great importance to her, and always will be. The mother/daughter bond has long since formed, and both can remain friendly and caring for one another through the hardest of times.

Endrai'll - "Not only are you abusive to Hugging Bags, but you call them rude names like Punching Bags!" - Endrai'll, as Jinuep's mother, is a fatherly figure to Neu. Even when she's done wrong, the Avanthar has tolerated Neu fairly well due to his care for the Shendar's adoptive mother. Due to this, Neu's fairly protective over him as he is her, believing the best way to gain his acceptance is through worthiness in combat, what with him being an Avanthar.

Xajo - "You're a deadbeat father with like, thirty wives, but I'll still tolerate you." - Xajo is Neu's blood father, and she far from agrees with what he's made of himself. Where, yes, Neu is aware he cares for her slightly, and she admittedly accepts him in return, she'll never truly agree with him. She's only recently reunited with him, and her emotions towards him will probably remain stale for a long while before any bonds truly form.

Helene - "I'm sorry I couldn't be the perfect daughter, but there's not much a Shendar can do to please a Noble." - Neu's relationship with Helene has been rocky for years. The woman took Neu in when she was young, and raised her for a few years until the Shendar reached her teen years, and began to rebel. This was when the mother/daughter relationship began to lose it's vibe, and Neu found herself at a loss of what to refer to the woman as.

Bruce - "When one of us goes, we both will, I promise." - Neu's personal feelings towards this Shendar half been changing constantly since she first met him. From a mild crush, to a person of deathly importance to Neu, the man will probably be the one person she holds dearest as life goes on. Not only will he be the only Nelfin she'll most possibly live a full life out with as friends, but he's one of the people who were there when her life began along wild turns. She remains unsure of her real feelings towards the Shendar to this day.

Ildan - "I am a pirate, you are a princess, we can sail the seven seas." - Neu and Ildan have a strong bond. After the Ombratore bit her on various occasions, and he ended up rather attached to her for this fact, the pair grew inseperateble whenever they were near eachother. Neu, being attached to the Ship Captain, would later become very clingy to him in return. All in all, their bond is very strong, and even more so difficult to break ever since he saved her life.

Yantho - "Mon amour." - The Solang, referred to as Yammy in Neu's book, was the one who was truly there from the start, and where he won't be there to the finish, she'll keep him dear to her heart even after it's all over. Neu, having had a constantly positive relationship with the monkey-man, feels inclined to show nothing but positivity to him. The relationship was solidified only as of recent, but even so, the Shendar had plans to form a life with him. However, this was recently torn to shreds, as Yantho was recently passed away. Neu is heartbroken due to it, and mourned him in the silence of her home. She's only recently returned to normal living.

Oeka - "Listen up darling, the world isn't all about you, and I can't wait until that fact cracks you in the face like a brick." - Neu's feelings towards this younger Shendar started off neutral. And as years went by, Neu formed a hatred for her, the dislike being solidified once the other woman was added to her job, and Neu ran the weary risk of being replaced. Neu, more focused on her children, lover, and life at the time, proceeded to force her way above Oeka, turning the relationship into a hatred and competition based ordeal only.

Vidarr - "You're a strange, strange man…" - Neu remains unsure of what to think of Vidarr. She hears a negative rumor one day, and the next he's speaking to her as if she were his kin. To the public eye, Neu carefully treads the role of a slave around him, however, behind the scenes, she commonly jokes around with the man. From teasing each other over 'Cookies of Friendship' to chasing each other like literal cats and dogs, the two have some sort of brotherly-sisterly/fatherly-daughterly relationship. Albeit, an unsteady one with minor trust issues.

Silver - "My thoughts on her are neutral. I don't know what to think, in honesty." - Neu's thoughts on Silver have changed frequently over time. The thoughts range between competition and a dear friend, and Neu's not sure what to think. With the Shendar, it's always been either she hates someone or cares deeply for someone, but Silver is a mixture of both. She always has been, from the time they met, and possibly down to the day they part. However, after a vow to the cause of this unsteady thought process, Bruce, that Neu'd tolerate the Ailor, she threw herself into trying to get along with her. And admittedly, it's been working just a bit, as Neu finds herself showing more care and concern than competition towards the woman.

Sehaeri - "Let's see, she's been abused, raped, and tortured by Shendar, not to mention her race is enslaved by Shendar, but she's still my best friend." - Sehaeri and Neu are truly a strange friendship to the public eye, for obvious reasons. Not only are they both elves that speak D'ithanie, but it's a Shendar and a Cielothar, who're practically partners in crime together. Albeit, despite the horrible exchanges between their races, the pair care deeply for one another, and will remain close friends for years to come.

Caoess'alloa - "I'd say she doesn't want to kill me, but that's probably a false statement." - Neu's thoughts on the woman are almost complete hatred. The way they met consisted of capturing and caging the woman in a gang base. To this day, there's frequent hints towards their dislikes and racism towards one another. However, Neu stands her ground as well as possible. By stands her ground, I mean she literally just silently insults her and tries her best to avoid attacking the woman and getting herself arrested.

Alfhild - "Yeah, no, she can take her harlotry off a cliff with her, that'd be nice." - Neu has seen Alf as a threat to her parents, Endrai'll and Jinuep, as a relationship. Wanting the pair to stay together, Alfhild became a problem from day one, trying to intervene and guide End into cheating constantly. Neu, oblivious to Avanthar culture, gained a hatred for the woman because of this, and therefore will treat the woman with absolutely no respect.

Null - "He doesn't like hugs, but he will once I'm done with him." - Null is an acquaintance of Neu's, however, Nouveau has plans to turn him into one of her best friends. The man who dislikes hugs is not only a Drow, but a very closed off one, therefore, Neu has made it her mission to befriend him. She's always seen a need to make a Drowdar Friend, and this specific Nelfin was considered a chance to get one, as he didn't immediately deck her when they met.

Neige - "Ma fille." - Neige is Neu's daughter by blood, and despite the girl's minor but growing case of bad vision, she cares deeply for the girl. Neu relies on Neige's twin brother, Nallin, to protect the small and fragile girl when she can't be around due to work.

Nallin - "Mon fils." - Nallin is Neu's son by blood, and she remains very proud of him due to his ability to learn quickly. Neu relies on him to protect his twin sister Neige, who is very weak and fragile, when Neu can't be around due to work, and he hasn't let her down.

Keagan - "You're loyal, compared to most." - Keagan is a friend of Neu's, and considered relatively trustworthy in her book. She relies on him in the aspect of food and the allowance to cling to the noble, and frequently follows him around due to the positive treatement she receives from him.

Sylmaer - "We're not business partners, we're friends!" - Neu trusts Syl greatly, more so than she should. He sees her as a business partner, whereas she sees him as a dear friend, and one of the few kin who don't disgrace her race, alongside Bruce. She refers to him as one of her dear friends.

Lommey - "Friend." - sugar Daddy (don't question this.)

More to be added at a later date...



-Born on December 27th of the year 270, to a discordant family in the crime ridden parts of Regalia. She was named Neu Ess'nelline Tempest'ia at birth.
-In the year 274 Neu's father and mother abandoned her at an orphanage.
-Neu stayed in the orphanage until the year 278 at age eight as she was not once adopted by anyone, and they refused to care for a overly cheerful and riled up Shendar any longer.
-In the end of the year 278, Neu was taken in by a gang leader. She'd live in the keep with the group of delinquents for the rest of her childhood and teen years.
-No important events occurred in her life aside form spending time with gang leaders until she was fourteen.
-Neu began working towards trainee level in the School of Atraves in the year 284.
-Neu began forming a reputation- good and bad- with the delinquents she was aging with, as well as a few outside of her group.
-Neu was attacked by another Shendar by the name of Phallin in the year 285, and nearly killed. This went on throughout the year, frequently stalked and tainted by her. Said shendar was stopped before much else could happen- Not many know how exactly they were stopped, however.
-In the year 286 Neu reached novice level in the school of Attraves, and celebrated this on her birthday, where she began to bond with her fellow gang members. This was the year she began forming an attachment to said gang.
-At the start of the year 287, Neu was taken in by Helene Du Polignac. She used the strength to her advantage, as the woman raised and mentored her, hiding her family like friends from the woman as she grew up.
-At the end of the year 289, Neu was collared after getting caught in the main part of Regalia.
-In the year of 290, Neu's life remained fairly unneventful, not much happening as she aged to age nineteen in Regalia, aside from a few occurances which would prove useful down the line.
-Neu met Jinuep, who at first, treated her rather foully. The pair had an insult filled friendship for the first few months they knew eachother.
-Neu began reading fluent Common- and speaking fluent d'Ithanie- thanks to Helene, to which she learned the strange discoloration from her eyes was simply an eye disorder, and began accepting that at some point in her life, her vision will in fact begin worsening if she didn't properly act on the subject.
-In the middle, near end of the year 290, Neu met Yantho, who'd later become not only her best friend, but her partner in crime. She also met another Shendar named Bruce towards the end of this year, and would soon gain a near unbreakable bondship with him.
-Around the end of the year 290, Neu began meeting more and more people, and forming more and more bonds, as well as enemies. From Silver to Oeka, this was the time of social interaction in her life.
-At the start of 291, Neu reached student level in the school of atraves, and began planning to enjoy the milestone with a party, beaming with pride as she finally began exiting her 'teen' years.
-Surely enough, in the midway of the year 292 on her birthday, Neu wandered to a party with a series of friends. At this randomized celebration, she got just a bit too introduced to drugs and alcohol, and had a one night stand with an Altalar halfbreed. She'd later nearly die having twins, Neige and Nallin.
-Neu began having relationship troubles with Helene due to being pregnant. The two stopped talking on a normal basis from then on.
-Jinuep was quick to take Neu under her wing, and Neu swiftly adjusted to calling the Avanthar as though she were her mother, despite being twenty- this fact let on to a more childish side of her.
-Directly after the twins were born, Neu found herself having trouble with the Half-Altalar. After being captured and tortured by him, she confirmed the Nelfin insane and fled Regalia for three years with the children.
-Neu traveled out of Regalia to Danedroq first, where she'd pick up a job at a forge, continue training, and remain for a year. Towards the middle-end of the year 292, she befriended a Sanguine. However, not even two weeks into the friendship, the new friend lashed out on Neu and turned her.
-Neu fled Daen, and went to Hadar next, as to try to better survive with her newly found Sanguine curse.
-Neu began going dirt poor again, struggling to support her children while maintaining her own life on the hunt for blood.
-Neu grew desperate for a meal one day towards the end of the year 293, and was captured due to a public attack she'd made on a young woman.
-Neu was forcefully treated, and turned back. Weak from the sudden removal of the Sanguine curse, she returned to her inn to find and care for her children. She remained there for a weak before fleeing Hadar to go to Ithania.
-Upon arriving in Ithania, Neu immediately began connecting with the life Helene had raised her under, spending her days working two jobs. One for a forge, and the other at a local bakery. The next year was spent with Neu learning how to be independent, learning to cook, clean, work, and care for her kids all at once.
-Neu, albeit a bit late due to the delays, reached fighter level in the school of atraves from yet another hired tutor.
-Neu returned in the year 294 at age thirty-three, keeping her identity briefly hidden behind the new name of Nouveau Mae Tempete. She occasionally still refers to herself as Neu to this day.
-Directly after returning to Regalia, Neu had a month or two fling with Yantho which ended rather quickly, as they both agreed they had things to take care of in their lives before they could think of relationships.
-In the year 295, Neu began growing a bit closed off and weary, as she was frequently beaten. This anxiety was written in stone when she was publicly tortured for something she hadn't done. She has a fear of whips and batons to this day.
-Towards the middle of this year, Neu began gaining trust issues, as a few of the people she thought she could trust started turning their backs on her. One of the main reasons for these trust issues was her encounter with the Altalar from years before. She ended up miscarrying the child conceived from a month or two back- which no one ever knew of- and proceeded to permanently remove the Altalar from her life. She hasn't told anyone of what she did to him to this day, and only one to two people are even slightly aware of what happened in those three months.
-Neu met Ildan, in the year 296, who'd take an instant attempt to befriend her, as she was so fragile and still quite small at the time, he was drawn in by curiosity.
-Neu got into an accident involving two carriages. One of the carts were going too fast due to the horses losing control, and lashing out, which lead to the two of them colliding rather unexpectedly. Ildan saved her that day, taking her to her home where he'd heal her and nurse her back to health.
-Neu took the leadership of the Gang she'd grown up in midway through the year.
-Towards the end of the year 297, Neu found herself staggering back upright in life. Where the minor anxiety, the dislike towards some races, and the trust issues would most probably become permanent, she still managed to stand high and healthy, for the most part.
-The Gang disbanded.
-At the start of the year 298, Neu's life began to settle, and she was hired into a noble family. Despite many warnings, she accepted the job, simply stating she'd "leave if things got too out of hand," to many who begged her otherwise.
-Neu finally brought up the fling from two years ago to Yantho, and they confessed once again. The story behind the confession is one that is quite humoring to tell, if one were to ask.
-Neu's hatred for Oeka formed towards the start of the year 299, yet, she continued to throw on the face of politeness for the sake of not bothering the young Shendar, or herself, with a fight or any unneeded problems.
-Neu gained a fear of Maiar after one attacked her, clawing at her ribs, and leaving her near the entrance way of the slums. Yantho ended up finding her and getting her healed.
-Yantho left to Rivellia to find his parents, leaving Neu to continue working, and caring for the children, getting paid under the table once Vidarr began to call her his slave in public.
-Neu began climbing the social ladder as the year 300 came around, meeting more and more people due to the benefit of working for a The family.
-Neu reached warrior level in the school of Atraves, and still studies to this day.
-Neu became sleep deprived as the year went on, gaining a bit of insomnia after Yantho left. Having relied heavily on the Solang being around to get any sleep, she began spending the nights at friends' houses to get the sleep she needed, if any. This carried on to the year 301.
-Neu picked up the studies once she managed to get back on her feet towards the end of the year, in order to keep up with her abilities.
-Neu otherwise carried on each day as usual, reading and writing a letter to and from Yantho every other month throughout the year 303. All was calm as she furthermore befriended The Ulfurtonn Family.
-In the year 304, things began rising a tad, growing less settling in the process. She didn't speak much of the occurances from that year, though, that's could easily be because she spent a year hiding away in her cabin at Eleng village throughout that time.
-In the year 305, Freya Lo came around, and Neu was left to deal with three individuals she'd killed in her lifetime, and more that she'd been related to in some way. She ended that year still somewhat scarred from the occurances, but continuing her work for Vidarr, nonetheless.
-Neu still works for Vidarr, and maintains a long distance relationship with Yantho, as he's left Regalia to find his family. Neu's plans are unsure, but she does know she'll be figuring it all out as it goes, maintaining her family, relationship, friendships, and work all at once. Neu continued to sell weapons as well, as to keep the name of the gang she grew up with alive, at the very least. All in all, her life for the time being is steady, and she's convinced this is what's to be considered the peace before the storm.


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Review time!
  • Why does she have two different colored eyes, is this heterochromia?
  • Her backstory is entirely romance, perhaps add some more of herself and her own life in there.
  • The mentions of 'deflowering' should maybe be changed, as it could be seen as a bit vulgar.
  • Freelance polearm is not a proper fighting school and should be removed from the skill section, there are plenty of fighting schools that work with polearms that she is able to be tutored in.
  • If she is to have any medical skill it is reccomended she is at least tutored in the school of medicine.
  • Remove the warrior level or equal to warrior level polearm talent, one cannot be as good as a warrior level while training freelance.
  • I'm going to ask you play her anxiety with respect, as many people misuse the disorder. I see that her struggle with anxiety is justified in her life story, so I trust you will roleplay it out correctly.
Make all edits in a different hour and tag me once finished!
Review time!
  • Why does she have two different colored eyes, is this heterochromia?
  • Her backstory is entirely romance, perhaps add some more of herself and her own life in there.
  • The mentions of 'deflowering' should maybe be changed, as it could be seen as a bit vulgar.
  • Freelance polearm is not a proper fighting school and should be removed from the skill section, there are plenty of fighting schools that work with polearms that she is able to be tutored in.
  • If she is to have any medical skill it is reccomended she is at least tutored in the school of medicine.
  • Remove the warrior level or equal to warrior level polearm talent, one cannot be as good as a warrior level while training freelance.
  • I'm going to ask you play her anxiety with respect, as many people misuse the disorder. I see that her struggle with anxiety is justified in her life story, so I trust you will roleplay it out correctly.
Make all edits in a different hour and tag me once finished!
Right, I'll be sure to make the changes. However, one thing crossed my mind. Not all characters would have access to schooling, be it from a tutor or a regular school, especially if they're a Shendar. And on top of that, I've noticed a few others get approved for freelance fighting, wouldn't it be just a little unfair to change that rule now? If it's really that big a deal, I'll gladly make the changes, I just wanted to bring it up with you! Thank you again <3 @Rochelle_
Right, I'll be sure to make the changes. However, one thing crossed my mind. Not all characters would have access to schooling, be it from a tutor or a regular school, especially if they're a Shendar. And on top of that, I've noticed a few others get approved for freelance fighting, wouldn't it be just a little unfair to change that rule now? If it's really that big a deal, I'll gladly make the changes, I just wanted to bring it up with you! Thank you again <3 @Rochelle_
Right, I'll be sure to make the changes. However, one thing crossed my mind. Not all characters would have access to schooling, be it from a tutor or a regular school, especially if they're a Shendar. And on top of that, I've noticed a few others get approved for freelance fighting, wouldn't it be just a little unfair to change that rule now? If it's really that big a deal, I'll gladly make the changes, I just wanted to bring it up with you! Thank you again <3 @Rochelle_
My only problem is listing it in the skill section and claiming to be a warrior, it would be easier to have her tutored so you know exactly what skills they have and dont have.
If she learned from someone in a gang I don't see a reason why you couldn't change that person to be able to tutor her.
My only problem is listing it in the skill section and claiming to be a warrior, it would be easier to have her tutored so you know exactly what skills they have and dont have.
If she learned from someone in a gang I don't see a reason why you couldn't change that person to be able to tutor her.
Righto! Thank you so much for giving me the suggestions, to summarize, I've;
-Added a couple small/large paragraphs to her life story.
-Gave her a school and mathematically calculated the years she needed for the skill level she's at.
-After examining past situations she's been in, I've replaced her skill of healing with a skill of multitasking.
-Confirmed that she has heterchromia and that her vision will begin to progressively worsen as she ages.
-Changed certain words in the life story to be more vanilla.
-Did a bit more research on different types of anxiety to ensure I don't mess up.
Sorry for the late reply! Seems tagging is wonky on the forums?
Please specify the ages she began and left training and at what level. It seems like she started at the age of six in her life story, while the minimum age she can start is 14. Her training overall would take a total of 16 years for reference.
Sorry for the late reply! Seems tagging is wonky on the forums?
Please specify the ages she began and left training and at what level. It seems like she started at the age of six in her life story, while the minimum age she can start is 14. Her training overall would take a total of 16 years for reference.
Right! Yeah. Oh well. I'll probably end up needing to make a change in her skill and school later anyways, assuming I get frustrated with any combat role players, so there you go. She had to be narrowed down to fighter level.
It still needs to be changed to her starting at age 14 in the life story, at the most it says she started at eight.
It still needs to be changed to her starting at age 14 in the life story, at the most it says she started at eight.
I redid the math to the best of my abilities, and aside from changing the date by one year up until the time of 296, I didn't have to make any changes. I couldn't find anything else wrong with it when I subtracted the year she started, to the current year, 305, to the year 293.
I redid the math to the best of my abilities, and aside from changing the date by one year up until the time of 296, I didn't have to make any changes. I couldn't find anything else wrong with it when I subtracted the year she started, to the current year, 305, to the year 293.
Perfect! Approved!
Hellooo! I recently updated this application to be further up to date, and adjusted to a few different people's flexibility with their characters. The following changes were made:
-Age Bump
-Fillers in the life store for the age bump
-Updated skill in Atraves
-Removed typos
-Cleaned the sheet