Noticed Something About The New Guard Book..

Should Orcs be able to exchange punishment for military service in the case of murder?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 62.5%
  • No

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • You are misunderstanding the rule (Please clarify if you choose this response!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The one, the only, hiddenmonkey!
Mar 19, 2013
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In the new Regalian Law Book, it says that Orcs can exchange their jail sentences for military service. This being said, that means, to me, an Orc can kill any elf and idealistically get away with murder, since Orcs are war-loving people so military service will not be a punishment to them, but instead a reward. This being said, would/should/could there be an exception to that rule stating that if an Orc commits murder, that they are unable to exchange their punishment for military service?
The sentence of military service is not entirely as a punishment to orcs, but as a benefit to Regalia. Orcs are indeed excellent warriors, and enjoy it, which is why this condition exists. Of course the orc will take military service if given the choice. What is the result? Regalia has a small detachment of orcish beserkers ready to smash some heads. They will enjoy it, no worries about desertion. They will do their job well. And they will be at the front, no doubt about it, spearheading any attack or defense, so they will die first, at a much lower cost then humans. A human is less effective under normal circumstances then an orc, so the orcs are the ideal front line shock troops. There is no punishment here, it is however practical from a military perspective.
The next question might be, why do this with orcs only? Why not elves too, I mean, they are the superior archers. The answer: elves and other species are less willing to fight. They don't want to be there. They will fight if they must, but at reduced effectiveness until their life is in direct danger, if then, and they will desert at first opportunity, which is more often then in a prison. So orcs can do this.
Yes, I understand this, however, this still seems slightly unfair to other humanoid races, such as elves, humans, and dwarfs. Perhaps allow criminals for these races a different sort of alternative to jail time? I'm not saying having Orcs is a TERRIBLE idea and should be done away with, but I'm saying if you do it for one race, it ought to be possible for other races to have a choice as well. Humans could farm and chop wood for the empire. What could elves do? Well, not only are they expert archers, but many are magically inclined as well, therefore, they could idealistically heal others or possibly do other magic-related tasks for the empire, as for the non-magic users, treat them similarly to humans. Dwarves could spend their sentence in mines. This is what I'm getting at, make there be alternative punishments, also seen as services, to all races instead of "favoring" orcs.
If only human's can cause a prizon out break... Because they are known for building the most and yet causing the most chaos!
By the way, if there was a way to change my question, I would do it, however, I'm not sure that there is. A more fitting question would be "Should other races be allowed to exchange jail time for services for Regalia?"
Yes, I understand this, however, this still seems slightly unfair to other humanoid races, such as elves, humans, and dwarfs. Perhaps allow criminals for these races a different sort of alternative to jail time? I'm not saying having Orcs is a TERRIBLE idea and should be done away with, but I'm saying if you do it for one race, it ought to be possible for other races to have a choice as well. Humans could farm and chop wood for the empire. What could elves do? Well, not only are they expert archers, but many are magically inclined as well, therefore, they could idealistically heal others or possibly do other magic-related tasks for the empire, as for the non-magic users, treat them similarly to humans. Dwarves could spend their sentence in mines. This is what I'm getting at, make there be alternative punishments, also seen as services, to all races instead of "favoring" orcs.
meh, it's medieval times...I don't think that Regalian officials really care about "fairness" :P
meh, it's medieval times...I don't think that Regalian officials really care about "fairness" :P

While this may be true, they could just as easily implement the civil services that I have suggested, or even ones of their own, to other races as well... Likewise, wouldn't Regalia think of a way to exchange jail sentences for humans before Orcs? Considering a vast majority of the Regalian public is human, and it has been said in lore that Regalia looks more highly upon humans than other races?
MonMarty I was told that you were the person that specialized in Regalian Politics, could you please clarify the last two questions I have about this subject? I understand the first one was probably about community service, however, I don't understand why other races haven't an option for community service. If there's a good reason for it, please let me know and lock the thread?
Orcs tend to be rather simple. If anyone were killed by one, they were probably an idiot and or deserved it.
The answer is simple, a human power such as regalia has enough human soldiers that they don't need to recruit every rag tag criminal they get. Orcs are the best front lines men and shock toopers. Something that a human city lacks. In other words, there are more needed orcs than humans in the army. Same goes for other races. There are few combat competant races that are desired in the army as much as the Orcs.
The answer is simple, a human power such as regalia has enough human soldiers that they don't need to recruit every rag tag criminal they get. Orcs are the best front lines men and shock toopers. Something that a human city lacks. In other words, there are more needed orcs than humans in the army. Same goes for other races. There are few combat competant races that are desired in the army as much as the Orcs.
I'm not talking about military for the other races, rather, other types of service to Regalia.
... They are still classed as a type of person, and they're definitely not human. I'm not saying they're a race, I understand they're diseased.

Well, I was speaking purely racial. If you haven't already, please pick up a copy of the Regalian Guard Rule Book, it would clarify a ton of what I am talking about.
Silver, I gave you a PM so we can further discuss the book and quill topic.
Yes, I understand this, however, this still seems slightly unfair to other humanoid races, such as elves, humans, and dwarfs. Perhaps allow criminals for these races a different sort of alternative to jail time? I'm not saying having Orcs is a TERRIBLE idea and should be done away with, but I'm saying if you do it for one race, it ought to be possible for other races to have a choice as well. Humans could farm and chop wood for the empire. What could elves do? Well, not only are they expert archers, but many are magically inclined as well, therefore, they could idealistically heal others or possibly do other magic-related tasks for the empire, as for the non-magic users, treat them similarly to humans. Dwarves could spend their sentence in mines. This is what I'm getting at, make there be alternative punishments, also seen as services, to all races instead of "favoring" orcs.

You obviously didn't read MonMarty's Post. This RP is based in the Feudal age of Medieval times, therefore 'equality', was not even looked at, and unfairness was present in every day life. The Rich got nearly everything, the poor got little.
In this case, Orcs are known to have great skills in war due to their culture and brutality, therefore they can serve their punishment as so - It is not intended to be fair.
If only human's can cause a prizon out break... Because they are known for building the most and yet causing the most chaos!

This doesn't even make sense.
Are you saying, if I was thrown in jail, I should be able to get myself out. That's unrealistic,
They are bolted sealed iron bars, with a key locked door, and stone walls.
Unless I was god and sent a thunder strike at the wall, that can hold me.
You obviously didn't read MonMarty's Post. This RP is based in the Feudal age of Medieval times, therefore 'equality', was not even looked at, and unfairness was present in every day life. The Rich got nearly everything, the poor got little.
In this case, Orcs are known to have great skills in war due to their culture and brutality, therefore they can serve their punishment as so - It is not intended to be fair.

I have indeed read the post, and I realize that "fair" wasn't perhaps the best choice of words. That being said, I've already said countless times that after giving further thought, orcs should be allowed to carry out their sentence through serving the military. But the main issue I have now, is why don't they do similar things for humans, elves, and dwarfs? I'm not saying work in the military, as that's not something they would be good at, but instead have the guards send them to work in other types of camps. It wouldn't be fair, because they would not have the choice of what they wanted to do, they would have to do what the guard asked of them. That's the issue at hand now, I realize it's strayed far from the original topic, and I've debated making a separate topic about it, though I ultimately felt it unnecessary. That being said, if you, or anyone else DOES feel it necessary, then please tell me so. Or if you would rather just keep a very closed mind about it and feel that it would be best to leave it all as is, then let me know with that too. I'm just thinking of possible ways to make this WORK instead of having it fall flat again and make the RP staff start from square one again.
I have indeed read the post, and I realize that "fair" wasn't perhaps the best choice of words. That being said, I've already said countless times that after giving further thought, orcs should be allowed to carry out their sentence through serving the military. But the main issue I have now, is why don't they do similar things for humans, elves, and dwarfs? I'm not saying work in the military, as that's not something they would be good at, but instead have the guards send them to work in other types of camps. It wouldn't be fair, because they would not have the choice of what they wanted to do, they would have to do what the guard asked of them. That's the issue at hand now, I realize it's strayed far from the original topic, and I've debated making a separate topic about it, though I ultimately felt it unnecessary. That being said, if you, or anyone else DOES feel it necessary, then please tell me so. Or if you would rather just keep a very closed mind about it and feel that it would be best to leave it all as is, then let me know with that too. I'm just thinking of possible ways to make this WORK instead of having it fall flat again and make the RP staff start from square one again.

The Orcs are allowed to be used as 'Military' through their service because the Regalia Authority needs them. The Regalia authority does not need other races in camps or anything. That was be a use-less unnecessary waste of time, effort, and money to build the camps. They would probably much prefer having the races sit in cells, forgotten about.
The Orcs are allowed to be used as 'Military' through their service because the Regalia Authority needs them. The Regalia authority does not need other races in camps or anything. That was be a use-less unnecessary waste of time, effort, and money to build the camps. They would probably much prefer having the races sit in cells, forgotten about.

Fair point, thank you for clarifying.
Not for every race. What would Naga, or Maiar, or Dakkar, or even vampires do?

Are you kidding me? A beefed up argon bigger than an orc with a few splash potion of poisons will do a lot. Dakkar are living lava monsters, if you can't imagine a place for that in combat I'd encourage you to spend as much time as you need to think on it.

A well trained maiar is like a seal team 6 member times 10. In the water anyway. They can easily flank enemy ships under water, opening holes and sinking them.

Vampires would be burnt and thus would never be able to serve in the army.

However as much as ever races specialty is they don't need more good warriors. They only need warriors willing to give up their lives in the front line fighting as hard as they can. Only two races that will do this. The orcs, and two subspecies of the undead. However the undead would be trying to kill every living being on the battlefield, thus it isn't a good idea to make a group of them and put them in your army.
Are you kidding me? A beefed up argon bigger than an orc with a few splash potion of poisons will do a lot. Dakkar are living lava monsters, if you can't imagine a place for that in combat I'd encourage you to spend as much time as you need to think on it.

A well trained maiar is like a seal team 6 member times 10. In the water anyway. They can easily flank enemy ships under water, opening holes and sinking them.

Vampires would be burnt and thus would never be able to serve in the army.

However as much as ever races specialty is they don't need more good warriors. They only need warriors willing to give up their lives in the front line fighting as hard as they can. Only two races that will do this. The orcs, and two subspecies of the undead. However the undead would be trying to kill every living being on the battlefield, thus it isn't a good idea to make a group of them and put them in your army.

I imagine Dakkar are unruly and wouldnt take orders well, as for Naga, after the great war between them, I doubt regalian officials would want to put their country in their hands.
I know I was just pointing out that they had uses. Also in the lore agni were allies with humans, so I doubt would act unruly.

Then again the dakkar might change with future lore changes.
I imagine Dakkar are unruly and wouldnt take orders well, as for Naga, after the great war between them, I doubt regalian officials would want to put their country in their hands.

Let alone, (Sorry Naga brothers)
It's a wonder why exactly they are even permitted to walk in Regalia? Would they not be considered Spies, and at least be investigated once discovered? Sure, Dr.Fong's carnival magician really couldn't do much in the first place, constantly being on the bout, but after WWII, a lot of Germans were still somewhat considered a frightful crowd, simply because they came from a country which started a vile war.
Let alone, (Sorry Naga brothers)
It's a wonder why exactly they are even permitted to walk in Regalia? Would they not be considered Spies, and at least be investigated once discovered? Sure, Dr.Fong's carnival magician really couldn't do much in the first place, constantly being on the bout, but after WWII, a lot of Germans were still somewhat considered a frightful crowd, simply because they came from a country which started a vile war.

The Germans lost that war though, the Regalians didn't. Regalia was the aggressor, Regalia comitted genocides. Not the other way around. If anything what little remains of the Naga population on Aloria is a lasting reminder of what happens when another race defies Regalian Hegemony.
If other races wanted to serve the army would they do crimes? I wouldn't think so but that is my thoughts.