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Played Character Nora Waters

This character is actively played.


May 28, 2023
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Nora Waters

  • Race / Culture: Alior / Fin'ullen

  • Age: 20

  • Gender / Pronouns: Female. She/her

  • Occult: Godborn | Marken
Core Concept

Nora has follwed her families foot steps into Regalia. As a Halfvel god born who is shy and nervous regarding markenism, even though she can control it.

Appearance Information

Nora is short in appearance with dark red hair and Blue eyes. she often wears a mix of skirts and pants along with light armor. She often hides the glowy eyes of god born as she often dosent like the attention that can possibly bring.

Character Prof are a WIP



Force Toss

Weapon throw (Free Pack)

Break Down

Bruising Strike

Knockback Sweep

Diving Tackle

Combat sighted

Technique Parry

Constitution: 5
Shield Cover

Shield Block (Free)

Shield Bunker

Shield Deflect

Shield slam

Iron Will (Free Fin'ullen)

Familiar Disrupt


Oceanic Pack (Free Fin'ullen Pack)Wisdom:

Flexible Maneuver
Sharp Reflexes


Magic: 1


  • Ailor gain the Familiar Disrupt Pack for free.
  • Fin'ullen gain the Magical or Mundane Oceanic Pack for free.

  • Ailor are masters of many languages. Even for languages they do not speak, if someone insults them in a their native tongue, they will know what was said.

  • Fin'ullen can Transform into Daphalar, turning part or whole parts of their body into Aquatic humanoids (think Merfolk), this is not a Disguise.

  • Fin'ullen can apply non-Magic aesthetics of deep-sea creatures and coral to their body without becoming Occult. This also includes clothes and weapons.

  • Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.

  • Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.

  • Halfvel Godborn Mechanics





Life Story / Plot Hooks

Nora is a young Halfvel god born spending most her life glued to her sibling bran/ Birdie Waters. Often following him around. She tends to hide that she is a Godborn, indulging the Markensim that it brings.
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