Noobiest Rp Moment


Desert Creatures go brrr
Jun 3, 2015
Reaction score
Not here thats for damn sure
what was your noobiest rp moment(s) playing massivecraft, whether if you were new, didn't understand some of the lore, didn't know regalian laws ect:
ill go first, when i first started role playing, my first character was like an invincible warrior and my first rp fight was with one of the staff in the sewers, and i didn't know anything about roleplay and tried to fight like agent tex, (see video below), it was really embarrassing not knowing all the rules and stuff but he showed me how to do it properly or i would have continued to do it and make a further fool of my self.

https: // watch?v= Ke9wtbzGjCI

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My entire first 6 months on the server was utter garbage. Then I kinda started improving.
Literally the first month that I joined was all bad. For more than a month I didn't know the server even had lore.
I was roleplaying back when "roleplay" meant "do whatever, just with words!" So basically my first character was "Mecharic" and was an immortal spellcaster who specialized in illusions and sucked at pretty much anything besides being indestructible and casting illusions. My 2nd character was a half-decent vampire (when Lore started to exist) who was like a thousand years old or some bullsh*t. After that I got my act together and popped out Duval Paloin, to run Mechbank, and he was actually pretty well designed - later lore rewrites and raising the bar to ludicrous levels for character approval got him deleted.
Probably my first several months... By the time I got to Massive I was better, but still probably my first few months xD

god I was such a noob back then
My very first character was horrible because I didn't understand lore, at least he couldn't speak to people because he had a tramautic experience with the people on the streets being a begger and all. The worst part about it was the skin. A generic dog skin. I still shudder the moments of my noob days.... Good thing I had role-play experience beforehand, but even if you are good at role-playing, when you cannot comprehend the lore you are ignorant towards the world around you, and most likely cannot keep up.
I think the majority of my nooby moments were the skins I've used in the past. I've had countless characters and I can only think of one that had a halfway decent medieval skin.
Role playing as a misunderstood demon, and many of my first month of role playing.~
Mine was when I was still pretty new to the server, I teleported to regalia with all my armor on not knowing about the rule.
A werewolf/vampire warrior possessed princess thing c:, I also rebelled against vampires being evil ;) For like, my first month or so, then continued on with lore-incompliant hybrid beast races/human races characters: =) Looveed all those moments.
Haven't we all have had a couple of rough beginning months?

I had a terrible beginning, trying to get to know the staff but embarrassing myself in the process. It didn't matter in the end however, my friends still loved me and it was a load of fun just goofing about. Sometimes I miss those days, but it was probably for the best.

We all learn don't we? For me it was probably the fire werewolf vs. the werewolf in the burning tavern. Fun, but incredibly corny.
I've been on for almost three years, and I still can't get the hang of it..
For me, it wasn't as much nooby moments, but nooby characters... Ah, I cringe.

Probably my biggest mistake was my old character, Phoebe McNally. She seemed great at the time: a mysterious freakily scarred introvert sundae with a demon brother cherry-on-top. It was nearly impossible to talk to anyone, and if I did, I was almost immediately shunned due to my demon brother... No surprise there.

My first rendition of my most played character, Ryu Nanso, he was still a Tigran... But such a drunkard that he was convinced that he came from a different planet and that he had to go back to his home world of Mandolore. (Props to you Star Wars nerds that get the planetary referencing)
It was in that phase where he slapped a noble and got his tail torn off for it. As much as a noob move it was I honestly don't regret it: It was hilarious and taught me not to slap nobles, as well as the fact that noble had it coming... This was just a small taste however, I'm pretty sure me and @Oursaxmax can fill an entire 'Epic' style tale of the noob shenanigans we did.

Especially the Great Vodka Incident.
Oh god the Great Vodka Incident.
My first rendition of my most played character, Ryu Nanso, he was still a Tigran... But such a drunkard that he was convinced that he came from a different planet and that he had to go back to his home world of Mandolore. (Props to you Star Wars nerds that get the planetary referencing)
It was in that phase where he slapped a noble and got his tail torn off for it. As much as a noob move it was I honestly don't regret it: It was hilarious and taught me not to slap nobles, as well as the fact that noble had it coming... This was just a small taste however, I'm pretty sure me and @Oursaxmax can fill an entire 'Epic' style tale of the noob shenanigans we did.

Especially the Great Vodka Incident.
Oh god the Great Vodka Incident.
I repent for every noob sin except the Great Vodka Incident.
When i walked out of the rp community to join the pvp community. - grabs popcorn
So... I really wasn't much of a noob for long because I found the wiki first, then the server. The one big thing I regret is having a magic battle with a friend IN THE CHURCH. Laser-leaf-things vs. waterbending, but with lava. A while later, I actually read the magic pages.
Oh dear, this is going to be good.
So, my first character, Andorn Valarix, was originally some undead guy that somehow turned back into a human because noob logic.
Then, I decided Andorn belonged to a "l0ng f0rg0tten n0ble family". Thankfully, once I made an application for him the staff were just like "No." After fiddling in PvP for a bit, I made a dwarven character that was a Lightning mage and got caught by the Regalian law for killing a bunch of bandits (in his application). Then the staff, again, was like "You would be executed by Regalian law for that.", and I believe he ended up getting rejected. So, after that, I settled down in Shaolin. Then I actually read the wiki, and I stopped noob Rping.
My noob days have not stopped yet they will keep coming as it only my third month oh but I still remember my first day and how I was a vampire by accedent and got captured by two guards and killed oh those days well yeah.....
My first character was a vampire whose parents were killed by the Crimson Inquisition. He then lived with his uncle, who was also killed by the Crimson Inquisition. He was really broody and teenager-y. I threw up in my mouth several times while typing that. Noob days are the best.
First time I ever played = I though light mages were masters of posion and ailors could jump 3 meters high. I also made my character give a rat to a vampire. -.-
When I first joined I came across two guys standing in from of a building and thought they were NPCs. After a while they piped up and asked why I was punching them, and I responded using basic chat as OOC. (It's been about a month and I still don't fully know how OOC chat works. XP)

I also once made an Allar character with HarmWater. That was fun.
Oooh boy...
I have never really been unreasonably bad, to the extent of somthing from something else or wrong period or etc. But I was not exactly lore compliant with my first character. So he once met this girl who sympathized the abused poor and whatnot and gave her a *whisper stone*, which when she whispered into it it would contact me by making mine heat up or something. :P That character died fighting a couple guards, some other guy, BillyTheScroofy(I think?) and Triatan Lampero(Now Tristan Kade) Played by SupremeCripple). And since then maybe I have had a few sorta nooby moments, but that being the worst.