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Played Character Noemi Amenta

This character is actively played.


Relearning, looking for rp ppl
Mar 18, 2021
Reaction score

—- Art Showcase —- Voice Claim —-
"I miss the way the wind felt on my face.."
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Character Information

  • Full Name: Noemi Amenta
    Nickname(s): Emi
  • Age: 27
  • Race: Ailor (Cantaluna Culture)
  • Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/her
  • Religion: Unionism
  • Occult: Unionist God Magic
  • Occupation: Viridian Knight, Lancyon Chapter

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Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Noemi has dark blue eyes.
  • Skin Color: Noemi has a darker complexion
  • Hair: Her hair is a red hue in dark curls which she normally keeps tied in a low puff near the bottom of her head.
  • Height: 5'8''
  • Body Build: Noemi is relatively slim with slight muscle definition on her arms and torso.
  • Additional Information: If Noemi is not walking around in her armor, she is usually walking around in a somewhat dated, old dress from a few years ago. She is also occasionally trailed by a small dog that will bark and yip occasionally.

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Skills Information
  • Hobbies: Acrobatics, Athletics
  • Talents: Dancing, Singing
  • All Ailor Mechanics
  • Common
  • Canta
  • D'Ithanie
  • Noemi grew up in a rather large town, raised by two well-off parents who told her about stories of knighthood. Her father, specifically, told her these stories alongside teaching her the ways of Unionism. This caused her to be a devout follower of the Unionist religion. They raised her with these same ideals so it surprised no one when she eventually travelled away from home to train into being a Viridian Knight.
  • She made several friends as a child during her training, many calling her kind and coolheaded which made her easy to get along with. These friends assisted her with hiding a dog they had found during a free day! This dog very quickly attached themselves to Noemi, preferring to not leave her side. During her training, she would also continue to pray to her Unionist god every night.
  • In her time learning, she would read about more than just knightly virtues and combat, having a slight interest in magic that she would practice secretly on the side. She swore to herself she would never use it without cause, and pledged her magic to be at the use of the Everwatcher, should they need her to wield such a power in combat to protect others.
  • When she was finally told she was free to be off as a knight on her own, she returned home. Her heart fell though, as she arrived, seeing her home practically in ruins. There was no return party, there was no remnant of her childhood home, and there was no visible person in sight. The buildings left were scorched and caving in on themselves, and any sign of life had been left devoid of the place she used to call her home.
  • Having no clear idea as to where her family was, or even if they were alive, she'd ship off to Regalia. Having seen her home in such a ruin made her vow to her code stronger, as well as the vow to herself.
  • Personal Pacts
    • Noemi will always put her vows to protect others and be kind above herself and her own safety, making some of her actions seem reckless or idiotic at times.
  • Chronically Compassionate
    • She is too compassionate and empathetic for her own good, usually outstretching (or trying to give) a hand to those who may not deserve it. This has backfired several times, yet she doesn't seem to learn.

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Combat proficiencies/Abilities
14/14 used. Free packs used
  • Attack Stat: 1d10+7 (Faith)
  • Defense Stat: 1d10 + 5 (Con)
  • Strength: 2
    • Technique Parry Pack
    • Steady Body Pack
  • Constitution: 5
    • Shield Slam Pack
    • Shield Deflect Pack
    • Shield Wall Pack
    • Shield Block Pack (Free)
    • Shield Snare Pack
    • Iron Will Pack (Free Training)
    • Breather Pack
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Intelligence: 0 (Hallowtech branch)
    • Tech Auto Pack (Free Any)
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith 7 (Unionist God Magic)
    • Sacred Healing Pack
    • Sacred Gear Pack
    • Sacred Siphon Pack
    • Sacred Bleed Pack
    • Divine Stance (Free)
    • Divine Savior Pack
    • Divine Aura Pack
    • Divine Revive Pack
  • Magic: 0

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@Volaie Had to fix an image, so the prefix that said it's under review got yoinked- Sorry abt that- :,)
You're all good. The only edit I would like you to make it on your Physical Stat, it being 28 instead of 30. Other than that, you seem good to go. You can make this edit without tagging me.
Hey there. I missed something in my original review, so I apologize for re-editing!
  • Viridian's only offer Shieldmaidens to women in their order. If you want your character to still be Viridian, you will have to accumulate points into shielding, or choose another order.
  • It is unusual for an armored knight to specialize in Rapier Combat. It does not correlate with the order, you will have to choose something else. Sword Combat is good for regular swords, falxes, longswords, scimitars, falchions, and more. You have more options, Rapier just does not fit this order.
  • Knights do not use engineering. Please swap those 3 points for something else.
Please make these changes in another color and tag me when finished. If you have any questions, feel free to tag me on this thread.

Changes made!

  • Switched Rapier to Sword, kept the 15.
  • Changed Preferred weapon to Broadsword/Basket Hilted Sword, being the military version of the rapier to keep pokey aesthetic with more heft.
  • Took 8 shielding, with 3 points from un-used and 5 from fist.
  • Subsequently, fist combat has dropped to 5.
  • Kept the 3 refunded points from engineering, putting unused total back to six.
Changes marked in GREEN, let me know how that works!
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@Volaie Sorry for all the pings lately! I'm switching some points around and fixed some of my math I had wrong. Added things to make her make a little more sense. Changes in GREEN :)